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widowmaker farts

Best soldiers

If you're reading this, I love you.

Tank-top skin for Mei when




FUCKING HATE THIS FEELING. And always on Dorado. Hate that map

zen bros ww@

>that face
I'm laffin

Hurr durr! F R A P S

Cutest and best pairing

download OBS my man

This happens to us often in King's fucking Row

How in the hell we are not winning if there is no enemies for like generations and at least half of our team is camping on top of the train

>5 of us on the payload blowing all our ults during overtime
>get at least 8 kills without losing anyone
>the fucking payload refuses to move and eventually we can't hold on any longer

what is this meme, why is this game so retarded, is it unbalanced or am I just a shitter

spaghetti bots

I like how McCree's gun feels but being a generic Clint Eastwood ripoff is meh. I also like Reaper's design but shotguns are either meh or frustrating.

Why couldn't they give Reapy a Desert Eagle or something? Would suit his edgelord style just fine.

I recommend to use Shadowplay.
It's just perfect for POTGs


Why does it feel like WIdowmaker always dies in the same position?

suh dude

Best girl coming through

Can we post some smug, I lost a lot of my good ones.

Finally people see the truth

> mfw was shipping them ever since beta

I started using plays.tv It's pretty good.

Is discord orb a miniature black hole?

He was originally gonna use grenades in some way or a grenade launcher but they changed it

>two of us are jumping on the payload
>the meter still goes short
>just when the rest of our team comes, we lose
>even though two of us were literally glued to the payload while enemy team is trying to catch us

I wonder if it's about the connection or something why those matches fuck up badly like this sometimes


>What is Mirilis Action!

I think that 1 and 2 should switch between ammo types. 1 should be buckshot and 2 either slugs or grenades.


I've been pushing this shit for like a week now
Where were you?

How do I stop myself from going full CYKA BLYAT RUSH B when I get maximum charge as Zarya?

>playing defense on route 66
>stop the payload a few meters from the end
>time runs to 0 as it's contested
>no overtime and it just gives the offense 3 points

The museum cinematic has them funnily enough

>I also like Reaper's design
>calls mccree generic

edgelord detected

Should I be getting gold kills as Zen or is my team just shit?

Sombra is on the enemy team, cloaked on the payload

How can someone be lv 800+ and have skill level rating of 44 ????




if you get 5 golds your team is doing it wrong.

It's a girl

I wouldn't call your team shit, just less good. Considering you have a Mercy, and Zen's pretty fucking strong, it's not hard to believe that he's performing better than even some offence heroes.


No Correlation

>Favorite hero: Symmetra

Kind of answers itself


DAILY REMINDER: 2 (TWO!) MONTH until Halloween!

Considering, that they will probably go with the 3 week cycle (and "summerchests") again, you better make sure, that you are close to next 100 until then.

they're shit, reaper or genji or a really good/lucky junkrat should be rocking gold/silver/bronze kills.

Post some QTmaker.

At that point they are playing solely for xp. Lucioball and fast quickplay games which leads you to have a bunch of shit habbits at 1k hours you're not breaking those shitty habbits so you're back on the level grind.

If I'm close to my next 100 I'll just stop playing until the event.

>Considering, that they will probably go with the 3 week cycle (and "summerchests") again, you better make sure, that you are close to next 100 until then.
Why? I only played roughly half a week to a week, and got like 50 full levels, wasn't even grouped up most of the time. I think it's pretty easy to get a full cycle in 3 weeks, probably even more.

Tazzerk is a StreetSwine main.

Zen's damage is fucking insane considering his fire rate and ammo count. He absolutely tears shit apart if you can land headshots. Getting gold kills as him is perfectly acceptable, especially in QP.

Why are Koreans rated so high? Is it lack of competition in Korean servers so easy wins? Also, does anyone know who tape is? Is it a pro's alt account?


What are the chances that Blizzard hasn't even got proper concept art for Sombra yet and are just grasping for time?

>Volskaya Industries Attack
>Pick D.Va/Genji/Reaper since they can cross the gap on the left and I can force the enemies off the chokepoint
>Get on the point
>Sure enough, the entire enemy team comes to get me off their point
>Use my abilities to try and stall for time until my team gets here
>Usually die
>My team still isn't on the point
>Toggle around the kill cam to see what my team is doing
>They're still peeking around the chokepoint trying to destroy a turret or being held up by 1 guy
Every fucking game on this map. Happens on Hanamura too.

Widowmaker fags and Junkrat literal fags are the worst posters in this general, filling it up with pointless image spam of their ugly waifu/husbando.

>currently level 90
Not happening, I plan on playing a lot of ranked, hopefully I'll get a full time job so I can just buy some boxes instead of slaving away for them.

Thanks guys, I'm still pretty new as Zen.
Decided to try and get good as him for Rank S2, I'm hugely impressed by how amazing he is.

Does anyone here have a good sensitivity setting for Widowmaker? I wanna git gud but I can't seem to get my sensitivity right. Its either too low or way too high.


PC bangs were a mistake

>tfw laptop is too shit for recording software
FPS drops to like 10 when I try to record my highlights

Why did you do it to me?! I'm a Mercy!!!!

>Genji's deflect either resets or increases damage from bullets

holy shit can someone that can record create a video of this

I knew there was no way as bastion I could do 300 damage that fast when it does nowhere near that dps

>Dash in
>Try to do damage
>Get focused down and killed because nobody followed

Reminder esports will take over!

What was the name of that korean Zarya girl?


because you're a retard who was jumping about in front of Ana. Better make a play.

people have been denying it since the beta aswell
I just got to the point where I ignore you now

I like how Widowmaker just says "Heal me!" rather than requesting it.

Mako Rutledge!

>Get boosted as Roadhog with no ult
>Die immediately as soon as I get boosted

I don't which is worse

I always thought Reinhardt says "Here I go" instead of "Hammer down".

>calls mccree generic
Cmon, it's like making a character who looks exactly like Rambo or Luke Skywalker and then calling them something else.

>weebs making anime intros for this game


I use 5 sens. on 1200 dpi. Relative sens. set to 0

I thought Torb yelled out "MOLTEN TOOOOORB" instead of Molten Core

pretty homosexual tbqh fampai

I thought he yelled out "MARINEEEE COOOOOOOORE"

no way a funny post on waifuspam

I used to think Torb yelled "remain calm" instead of molten core. I was confused.

When I see a nano boosted Mercy, I just laugh.

5 sens 780 dpi on a logitec g303

>780 dpi

>1200 dpi




I was in tears the first time I saw a nano boosted Mercy

>Die, die, die

buddy i aint even fucking started yet just you wait


>ebin csgo low sensitivity

sucks to be a rank 73 mcmeme

It's fun as long as everyone else ignores her.

