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Friendly reminder that you're never going to get a raid spot as a fire mage
>He uses druid flying form
>Not using normal mount as a fat chicken
Guys please help I moved to Europe do I throw away my years of progress in America region just to play with my buddies?
i'm gonna be sleeping for the launch so i made this meme for yall niggas to giggle at while in login queue
is enchanting still a goldmine?
Actual sims, I can confirm these are real
xth for literally LAUGHING at yuropoos who get to beta test legion's buggy shit launch FOR FREE
>play mage since the beginning
>people will think you picked it cause its powerful in legion
Belfs should be busty!
>tfw no Khadgar bf
mages have literally never not been great you fucking retard
Yes. There's no point in playing without your buddies.
EU here, can I get from 86 to 100 in the time before launch? I have 45% heirlooms and would consider buying an Elixir of Rapid Mind if I needed to.
no chance
You can get from 90-100 using the bonus area quest trick and treasures, google
>people thinking mage is the OP class in legion
>People thinking Mage has ever been bad
>People thinking you are fotm for picking the flavor of all time
Some madman did 1-100 in 2 hours. Hes got 3 to get from 86. Its possible. But not likely.
No. But does it really matter if you're a few hours late lol?
Characters should look correct for their kind.
Would it kill the Belves to look a little bigger? I'm not sure of femBelves can hold anything bigger than a pen, their arms are like fucking twigs man.
>mentally ill swedish cuckold talking about how superior he is
>bipolar and couldn't pay his own bills
Why do people watch Kungen?
>he doesnt have the collector's edition
forget it
>Always play fire mage in pvp because I like the mobility
>That one patch in Cata/WoD where fire became OP hotness and everyone began to reroll it
>Get accused of being FOTM reroller on a daily basis
Succulent dwarf ass
picked it for the class fantasy
its magic: the class
thats what I wanted and thats what I got
At least he got to fuck a used up porn star.
I wanna fuck a panda why???
>not watching towelie taking a nap
Who did he fuck? Puma Swede or something?
Tbh the arcane one does belong somewhere in the stars with the proper legendary and rotation.
Can someone Post the artifact daily progress please?
THICC or Petite?
Nigger I've had spots in heroics as much worse than fire mages have ever hoped to be, like less than a percent of people here are gonna be doing some bleeding edge mythic shit, play what you want and don't be a spergoid bandwagoner.
They've got their magical strength though, they are less limited in proportions than humans
how the fuck did he manage that? Any proof?
Lok'tar ogar!
THICC ofcourse
what are you talking about?
Rev up those vocaroos, I sure am hungry for some new shitposts.
swifty is still alive?
>Turn off tutorials
>Level 8
>The game is still telling me to right click bodies to loot them every few minutes
Both, oh god what am I?
why isnt arcane on the chart to begin with?
is the dps bad? is it measured on aoe? how do they simulate this shit
>people talking about rushing to 110 etc
For fucks sakes guys, enjoy the leveling process.
I might be leveling a Rogue to 110 first thing in Legion
Am I fucked?
My alternatives are Hunter and Mage, but I dunno feels like rogue right now
>being a pedo
Let me guess, you got triggered by this trump comments.
I'm not even american so I don't really care, I just hate when people think they're above others.
I love dwarves and pandas, the most.
someone link the /wowg/ discord
Outlaw is the best spec according to some dude with a spreadsheet on Reddit
it looks pretty good dps wise, and i know I personally enjoy it
Is that really why?
I mean the main reason I stay the fuck away from Belves and stick with my femUndead warrior is because it doesn't look like they should be able to do a damn thing.
I'm low test
0-5 Buy Legion
6-9 Wait for Crowfall
What's the power ranking of tanks and healers in PVE? I wanted to try monk because I haven't played since Cataclysm and wanted to try something new, but my friends are telling me monk tank/healer in Legion is shit.
good, faction conflict is tired cliche
homodicks time is NOW
I cant stand his wife talking.
Gonna watch asmongold at work all day long tomorrow
He makes me comfy
Mai husbando~
God toothy smiles are actually the worst fucking thing
wait time
>get treasures until lvl 92
>start gorgrond questline until you get structure/shredder
>Kill all 8 Gorgon bosses that drop a quest item
>Complete 99% of all bonus objective areas leaving only 1 thing to do to finish them
>Use rapid mind pot, fly over and complete all objectives
>return all 8 boss quests
>Gather treasures from spires/nagrand after that
90-100 in 1-2 hours easily
Link should be up on /r/warcraft
Does it not work on sap
Idk i used it on some rogue stun
easily one of the best classes
>Each class bands together
>Warrior order quests literally say that you are the only mortal warrior allowed to the order
Way to drop the ball Blizz ;^)
>mfw i gank every alliance i see while leveling my frost mage
If roll the memes doesn't bother you it's great
Problem is, I don't really enjoy Outlaw's Roll the Bones, way too RNG for me. Aw shit, forgot that I need professions too. Any suggestions?
She looks really nice, I think I'll make a dwarf girl too
Why does alliance get all the best boys?
Makes me want to go dwarf or draenei shaman.
Regular arcane without legos sim around 250k atm
Aids arcane with rhonin lego sims at 350+ or something absurd like that
>tfw no legion
im more comfy user, if im gonna be honest
i got netflix to play on my other monitor while i no doubt get stuck in queues all night
good food to snack on
some good friends on a voice server to chat with
it's gonna be dope
I don't have Draenor Flying, I didn't play wod :(
I've been waiting to die since the day I was born
>he wants to get cucked by Khadgar
>subtle racism
>afking in Orgrimmar
Why do people watch Kungen again?
3 hours!
Just reroll for two buffs whenever it only gives you one. Bad rng streaks can still happen since it's "only" a 40% chance to get two buffs though.
Idk I don't dislike it that much.
Then do invasions all day till launch and kill every boss at stage 3, be in group for bonus.
Though there are people who did it without flying, it just takes more effort and time, invasions should be faster.
On dead server
Where should I transfer for potentially an alright raiding guild but mostly just looking for friends and a nice guild community
all my friends quit wow and my guild is dead. .
So ronery. .
I just mad a shaman for shigs and gigs because of invasion leveling and now I'm considering maining it.
Dwarf girls are nice, plus they don't have the gnome problem where their legs fly around like a gmod youtube poop. They actually have maybe the nicest running animation in the game
At least I have like 5 friends playing. Not enough for a full guild but it's something.
Please respond
What's the required profession levels for Legion?