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xth for arms
New sims
Jaina is a cute! A CUTE!
Friendly reminder that Genn gets his shit fucked up.
I genuinely don't think she needs any, but im sure nathanos will be there, given he has a shiny new model now.
Friendly goat reminder
im crying guys
i cant decide what to play in legion
do i play ez tank warrior and gear quickly
or play something fun
Best girl desu
Nothing to do until Legion so post and rate transmogs.
What do I play in Legion?
I'll probably start out with DH to see if it gets more fun with talents. But then what?
>Not maining a class you enjoy playing
>caring about numbers
>not having a backstory to fit your self insert
>people falling for the fake sims meme
Fuck off and level whatever. Not like it'll be hard to level a second class to 110 in like a day anyways.
tfw you wont ever have a qt panda gf to fuck after a long day of raiding
Post your face when your Class Hall doesn't have any fat furrey fucks followers in it.
5-10 minute queues are nothing user.
Plus demon hunters will be tanking a lot more since the DPS spec isn't as fun.
I don't understand how arms is topping the sims when it literally has rage problems, whereas fury has FREE abilities and a guaranteed constant enrage.
I love pandas
The most
Of all
@ Argent Dawn EU, Alliance
Looking for a tank or two, dps (healers depending on sign-ups) for HC raiding in Legion. Promising attendance during the Hellfire drought, will probably raid 2-3 nights a week. Contact anyone online.
They're big, fat, and heavy. What's not to like?
I want one to belly flop on top of me.
because Arm's artifact ability gives them FREE rage
Tyrande AND Azshara in legion? Best expansion ever
Coming back to WoW after several years, what mods would you guys recommend? Any new ui mods that are good?
>tfw maining brewmaster in Legion
May the Light bless this thread
Belfs should be busty!
>tfw not sure if I want to go fire or arcane
>tanking on DH is actually fun
>no reason to tank anything today
>will be busy for the rest of the week
>Priest Order Hall is goat-themed
It feels really nice to feel acknowledged!
But I do. Even if it's not a self-insert.
yeah be sure to pick up cosmos and ct raid assist, all brand new
fuck off redditor
>tfw no Khadgar bf
>not caring about numbers
enjoy the bench rofl
I use google a lot
>momentum havoc
>not fun
Just get bartender
I'm a man child who can't make a decision for myself, could someone tell me which class to play in Legion?
>Tfw tyrande's been more useless than gallywix in the past 4 years
it's gonna be shit judging by Cataclysm, MOP, WOD
Why did they make your Main Artifact talents such shit?
ret pally. they're looking strong and really fun
>Tfw playing lock
>Tfw not sure if I want to play destro demono or affli
Reminder that all the races females are sexy
Except tauren
>tfw sudden urge to roll a gnome rogue
>already have a goblin rogue
Genn is the coolest character in legion, can't wait to do his questing.
Oh neat. In truth I haven't looked at any legion priest stuff. Beyond the shadow talky dagger
Yo guys how do we get to the new Dalaran that's getting fucked by demons?
paladin for suffering
fem panda shaman
make a female gnome hunter
>subliminal hypno Sylvanas
I must serve Dark Lady
Maybe if he falls slowly over you, cuz I am pretty sure the weight with high speed can be a little crushing.
Though I would love to hug and cuddle with one, they are so fluffy
i'd go with affliction, it's for sure going to be the strongest endgame spec
good question
BM is by far my favorite spec in the game so i'm sticking with it but the state it's in right now makes me want to die every day
Whats a good server to play on in EU?
Don't want to boost a char into a fucking ghost server
sylvanas ruins that webm
""""""tragic"""""" """"""hero""""""
Defias Brotherhood Alliance
Remember to log out on a flying mount in case shit messes up with phasing
Post you're prepared for legion character, /wowg/
Argent Dawn nerd
Tfw no wow gf
>tfw enjoy playing outlaw rogue
Draenor for PvE (horde)
Silvermoon for PvE (alliance)
Outland for PvP (alliance)
If you want to RP you're gay
Argent Dawn
@ Silvermoon (Alliance)
Post feet.
if this ends with an even number, warlock.
If this ends odd, Mage.
If it is 0, death knight
If it is even dubs, shaman
If it is odd dubs, then God help me
Argent Dawn for sure
why would anybody wanna join a RP guild they'd wipe on the first boss and /cry emote for over an hour before calling it
best horde na realm these days? preferably with a Veeky Forums guild
So when is that stormwind overhaul coming up? These 2004 textures/models aren't cutting it anymore
>pve realms
>unbalanced faction realms
Ignore this retard.
>tfw Khadgarfag will never record a personalized vocaroo for you
who is this meme demon.
>play BM
>practically falling asleep while I go through my """""""""""""""rotation""""""""""""""""
>try MM because people say it's better and more fun
>it's literally just as boring and slow as BM
Did I get tricked by picking Huntard this xpac?
i have around 40k gold, is it worth it to pick up the traveler's tundra mammoth? I like to do old dungeons so I fill up on junk pretty quick
Why the fuck would you want a balanced realm you fucking mongoloid
>not recognizing pizzacat's voice
get the fuck off my board you fucking normies. contain your loneliness and have some self-respect. if you're so fucking desperate for female contact go out and get it you simpering, puerile little fucks.
I buy the boxes for £2-4 a couple years later lol
legion is almost here and I haven't decided what to main yet.
likely mage or dk
Lol, are you stupid or some shit?
The opposing faction means NOTHING. The only thing that matters is being able to find a group on your faction.
If you join a 50/50 server you're TRASH
>+Level 100 character boost included
do I have to use this right now? Or can I just let it be until after legion release
because I'm not a trash nigger
what's this from
>tfw maining a class you don't enjoy playing
Good times soon, fellow Protfags.
DK you stupid cuckold
You can let it sit there as long as you want
.My..my sword needs a blessing
Nah man pizzacat isn't the Khadgarfag.