How do we save africa?
How do we save africa?
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To remove the scum that infests their societies (gangs, drugs, terrorists), there must be balls to the walls violent behavior on the behalf of their governments under the guise of a Julius Caesarian-esqe leader.
We don't. They can save themselves.
The Congo at least is basically shit from western backed coups and modern conflict mineral exploitation.
The Congo could easily be saved if there was heavy UN intervention to shut down militias that run mines and to reprimand companies that buy conflict minerals.
It would prob drive up the price of electronics, I don't know much about coltan but it would give west Africa a huge boom unless tech industries somehow find cheaper coltan in a place that isn't Africa. Iirc cacao slavery is big there too and nestle is a contributor to that.
I couldn't speak for the rest of Africa, but the Congo has the most potential imo.
> decrease the population growth rate
> build/help using utopian ideals, start with one place if you can't safe the whole continent at once
> provide education
Unless you can find a way to radically enhance the intelligence of the indigenous population, you can't do much to help them.
It's a shame that there are so many valuable resources just waiting to be exploited in Africa - but the natives are just not smart enough to learn how to do it, and they hate outsiders coming in to do it for them. Even when they get to share in the profits, despite doing basically nothing to create the value, they're very hostile to foreign investment and activities.
If you can find a way to make sure they're not malnourished during childhood, you'll see their IQs go up.
This isn't anywhere near enough. Iodine deficiency causes a ~10 point drop, so we're only talking about the difference between an IQ of 70 and an IQ of 80.
Either way, it's far too low.
Given the coming wave of automation, nobody with an IQ below ~130 is going to find a real role in the economy.
Remove the africans.
You mean exploit, right?
>How do we save africa?
Real answer?
Colonize them.
Niggers are savages. Leave them up to their own devices and they will starve or murder each other.
Let the Chinese take over.
>Colonize them.
What do you think China has been doing for the last 20 years?
Fun Fact: China now owns more land and oil resources in Africa than ANY European power at any point in history.
>Let the Chinese take over.
Fun Fact: According to UNICEF, the vast majority of money which ENABLES the Rwandan Genocide to continue on today is from warlords selling contraband oil to China.
Oooo fuck, I've been looking for the video that fits this pic related, what is it called?
create a government that has integrity and instill induvidual rights and instills free market capitalism
There is a difference though.
Chinese only want the resources, land for agriculture, and jobs for the people they bring over. They couldn't give a rat's ass about the locals, developing a better society, contributing to infrastructure beyond the minimum they need to do business (unless they're being paid to build it), etc.
Europeans were on a humanizing mission. They weren't "nice", but they cared.
This is also literally what the former president of Zambia said:
>denounced China’s role in Africa and promised to stop his country from being a “dumping ground for their human beings”.
>While Beijing called this a “win-win” partnership, ordinary Zambians could not help noticing that one side tended to win much more than the other. The minerals that China extracted were vastly more valuable than the infrastructure it built in return; Chinese factories put local competitors out of business; and a series of accidents claimed scores of lives in Chinese-run mines.
> “We want the Chinese to leave and the old colonial rulers to return. They exploited our natural resources too, but at least they took good care of us. They built schools, taught us their language and brought us the British civilisation. At least Western capitalism has a human face; the Chinese are only out to exploit us.”
Eugenics/Genocide is the only non-meme answers
We can't.
Empire of dust
>Fun Fact: According to UNICEF, the vast majority of money which ENABLES the Rwandan Genocide to continue on today is from warlords selling contraband oil to China.
Not just Rawanda.
Several African warlord/nations who are on the UN sanction list get all of their weapons and $$$ form the Chinese.
The Chinese have basically made friends with & supporting everyone the west is sanctioning.
Most of them are genocidal sociopaths.
Pro-tip: Africans don't care about houses and cars and 401ks.
We think we are so great and they are so stupid. But who's the stupid one when our world is filled with fucked stress, stupid shit that doesn't even matter, oh and we're killing our planet.
>Leave them up to their own devices and they will starve or murder each other.
If you westerners only knew the extent of the black on black mass violence over there.
Wall it off and stop the brain drain from western immigration.