Drawbox Edition
>where do i find platoons
try Veeky Forums chat if youre that desperate for tanking buddies, or join our ts: thedigit.net
Drawbox Edition
>where do i find platoons
try Veeky Forums chat if youre that desperate for tanking buddies, or join our ts: thedigit.net
>this is the state of the map
You are one salty person
time to lube up
Yup, those T-10s were in a platoon and all went that side, that retarded T29 was camping.
1st for free gold
post what your listening to tenkers
A friend want to convince me that the IS 7 is stronger than 110 e5.
what are the actual pros and con ?
Tho not tanking, just checkin the shit posting.
ich pls
what do you think of this music
unless you're a complete idiot, you'll do better in the e5 right now
The is7 gets occasional side bounces, it's turret can't be penned reliably with gold, it has better alpha, but less health, a weak lower plate, bad gun handling, bad dpm
E5 has a troll low plate, very strong frontal armor, good depression, good gun handling and dpm, more health, but weak sides and a cupola that is weak to gold spam.
The is7 falling behind and needs a buff
>IS-7 needs a buff
that's not how you spell "E5 needs a nerf"
>be yellow shitter
>out of nowhere, this close to greatness
the e5 is fine. The is7 needs either a slight bump in health or a slight boost to reload. It currently feels lackluster compared to the many alternatives at t10.
>E5 was more than fine
>gets buffed
>"E5 is fine"
t. E5 shitter
I don't have an e5. It doesn't make the is7 any less mediocre.
Probably my best run with the Fat Prince (I was top tier). Still 30k XP to go.
makes your opinion even less relevant
>drive an e5
>opinion invalidated
>don't drive an e5
>opinion invalidated
>mfw recent wn8 is higher than my past 24 hours, past 7 days, and past 30 days stats
it's all downhill from here, lads
>only 936 base experience
I literally got more than that on every single game I've played in this piece of shit tank so far.
>finally think I broke 60% wr average
>suddenly loss after loss and tanks to 45% for the day
>recent go back to 58%
easy mission desu
936*1.5 = 1404
I had a 60% win rate recently, and then the next day I sank to an embarrassing 37%
relax, it's his first tier 7
Alright thanks for your benevolence !
Also, i finaly achieved to have fully upgraped my recently acquired amx 50 120.
i still don't really know how to make the most of it.
And i really didn't like the amx 50 100, its 100 gun being more innacurate than the stats says and with a lack of presence ingame with its long reload. I prefered to use the 90 one as it felt more reliable and you're here for your team mates more often.
Am I doing it wrong ? i know it's yes but detail please
i tried a lot of guides and tutorials but i see contradictory things for both of these tanks
please help a pleb player
>get an crave for tonks
>log into the game
>remember MM and arty
>look at some tanks in the garage and log out
fucking hell its been over 3 months since my last game.
My ultimate medium tank, only hull for now. Can anyone give it a turret?
Who even needs a turret! Slap on a bunch of spaced armour and the most powerful engine available and just ram the shit out of the fuckers.
Game is bearable when platooning and shit talking.
do it
Just play with your mates. That's what I do and when the nogging gets to much switch to a different game for a bit.
>Obj 416.jpg
Couldnt get any of my friends to play this game, ive tried for years now.
My tank is better than that Slavshit.
Thanks, good idea.
Compare to the Chieftain.
Even better protection!
Upgrade your friends. I got my brother playing who go his mates playing (one unfortunately couldn't run it). Also got a uni friend playing.
There is gonna be someone you know who will be interested. Your not a basement dweller that has no friends right?
The 50 120 is a bad tank, but the gun is nice. Overall I found it easier to play the 120 over the 100 precisely because the reload is shorter, and you can practically peek-a-boom with ok alpha compared to the 50 100.
The most important thing you have to keep in mind is that you shouldn't get shot period unless you know for sure that you'll deal 3 shots for every shot you receive.
>pussy Easy 8 at full health expects my medium to spot for him when I've just captured the small eastern town on Winterberg by myself and I'm at 1/4th health
He has better armour than me too, what a fucking pussy. No surprise that he fired ONE shot and did 167 damage.
Guys I've discovered why the AT2 is so bad
It's actually a submarine
Good to know it's been you posting the ts, tioga. Degenerate shit
>35mm at 82 degrees
enjoy getting overmemed by anything with a 105mm gun
F2P fag here, best non-premium tanks to grind silver with?
There's nothing good about the 50 120, a gun isn't good if you aren't able to get said gun on target
muslims need not apply haha
check your stats, the tier 5 with the highest average damage is most likely going to be your best money maker
kinda hard to get non 3rd world f2p players to play this game when the low tiers are so awful
this game is only good from t8 and up, unless you love tanks in general or are a 3rd worlder with no other options you wont stick with it
only reason i got into this game was because at the time there was no other online tank game
thanks for the highlights, i'll try my best !
You should have wait for Swedish heavy.
are they going to have the historical armor and oscillating turrets that actualy do what they were created for ??? gun chronic depression
Well they were mainly created for gun stabilisation, but yeah gun depression would have been a bonus
>amx 50 rough polygon . jpg
reminder to put your credits in the bank
>i one shot a t67 point blank with shermans derp
>he tells me that only noobs play the M4 over chat
>I shoot APCR at a T-54 cause lol tier 7 heavy
>cries in chat about using skill rounds
in every french oscilating model, it drives me crazy to see i can't depress it more even though it is clear it was supposed to go downer. I mean you alost can fit both arms of the gunner in the gap
>average habbening every 4-5 games
top kek, people get too mad about this game
I have seen some shiit.
>KV 13
>is it weird I like the derp over the long gun?
so you've been there too
disregard the quote, wasn't meant for anyone
i have never played kv13 but t43 has the same gun options
the 85mm is better, even tho you have to shot lots of gold (and you will still bounce often)
the derp isnt adequate at that tier anymore if you want to do damage
Why the fuck do the Nuffield-Liberty assault tanks have massive weak spots?
I mean they're slow, they have crap guns, frontal armour is literally all they have except they don't even have that
>inb4 WG hates Bong lines
are you sure its the same gun, the HE on the kv 13 derp rolls 100s on heavy armor and solid 400s on light armor and when I flank
even if the rolls are low, I always break 2-3 modules and crew on postgame stats for tanks I only hit once
What weak spots?
Good meme
I guess WG had to give them weak spots, the cupolas don't seem like something which would have been on the real assault tanks
do you really want tanks to be frontally impenetrable in tier in this game
Yeh but why did they have to? Nearly every other tank can just get behind them
if you use a "more normal xp" reserve does that also boost crew xp gains?
But it's already shit in nearly every other way also see
Oh, so you mean the commander copula. In real life no one deliberately aimed at copulas so theey're not really weak spots.
of course, the crew gets as much exp as the tank (distributed over all crew members)
so you can double dip with normal and crew reserves for even more xp?
lmao autism go back to warthunder
>in war thunder t95
>people shoot my cupola
>fragments into my ammo rack every time
Which T4 light should I be going for.
I'm new, I literally don't know anything beyond the memes I've seen here
>tfw finally free
welcome to the best t8 light, have fun and enjoy your stay
Luchs, but don't expect anything beyond it.
>new t-44-100 has every single stat better than an elite tech tree lb1 t-44
>except for power/ton ratio but thanks to OP terrain resistance, it actually comes out higher than the tech tree version
>premium being better in every regard over the tech tree version
Is this what wot has become? Selling premiums to stay afloat?
Might do the mission anyways, I enjoyed my t-44.
The guns are almost exactly the same. If you look up the T-44 on Tanks.gg it shows you it with the 122 gun that you should never use. You have to switch it to the 100 LB-1
That's what I meant.
The new t-44-100 has better stats than the tech tree t-44 with the LB1. Yea most of them are the same but few stats are slightly better.
It used to be that premium tanks were sopposed to be better than stock tech tree tanks but worse than elited tech tree tanks.
The only stat that's actually worse than the tech tree version is engine hp.
>It used to be that premium tanks were sopposed to be better than stock tech tree tanks but worse than elited tech tree tanks.
They got pref. If wg doesn't want to give them pref, why would anyone buy a shitty premium tank? Look at the sta-2. Significantly worse than the sta-1 and they kept buffing it because no one bought the things because it was trash.
Because WG has stated premiums aren't sopposed to be better than elited tanks of the same tier, whether they got preferential MM or not. But obviously that design decision has changed.
>why would anyone buy a shitty premium tank
Also the whole point of premiums were for you to grind credits in, that's why they're sopposed to be worse than elited tech tree tanks. That's why you buy them. Not so you can buy an elited tank but so you can grind credits.
>Because WG has stated premiums aren't sopposed to be better than elited tanks of the same tier
find me the most recent example of them saying this
>Also the whole point of premiums were for you to grind credits in, that's why they're sopposed to be worse than elited tech tree tanks.
Their goal is to sell a new tank every month to their whales who already have plenty of credit grinders. And a fair number of their whales are either good players or listen to good players opinions on what tanks to buy. And if the consensus is the tank is a piece of shit it wont sell well.
>find me the most recent example of them saying this
That was the design decision when they first introduced premiums. There obviously isn't going to be a recent example. Like I said, they must'ved changed their minds halfway through.
>Their goal is to sell a new tank every month to their whales who already have plenty of credit grinders. And a fair number of their whales are either good players or listen to good players opinions on what tanks to buy. And if the consensus is the tank is a piece of shit it wont sell well.
That's why I was asking if this is what they're doing with premium tanks now.
>That's why I was asking if this is what they're doing with premium tanks now.
then yes, the current strategy seems to be a mix of slightly tweaked and reskinned premium versions of tanks like the m46 kr, berlin trio, t-44-100, etc and random misc tanks like the mutz, skorp, etc.
Nigger the Spic was great
>WN8 going from 200 to 1100 in two weeks after I picked this game up again (tried it a few years ago and left)
A-am I gitting gud?
>implying it's not always been this way
>T34 was a down tiered IX T30 TD
>jt88 was downtiered IX jagdtiger TD
>Lowe is a grind free Tiger II
>T26 super pershing has troll armor
t34 was acually a regular tank before they remodeled the usa heavy line
they even gave the premium away for free to people that had it, which is why there are always rumors/demands for free premiums when a tank gets removed
You've gone from braindead to doing damage most matches. Keep going and you'll make it!
>probably going to need a 150k and 150 kills per nation to get a shitty t-44 clone
>i'm still gonna do it
just fuck my shit up