>tfw you are going to lose $1000's in only 8 hours when the stock you bought crashed in after hours earlier.
how do you cope?
>tfw you are going to lose $1000's in only 8 hours when the stock you bought crashed in after hours earlier.
how do you cope?
I would've sold it then.
Pic related... just kidding $1000 is nothing.
A stock price going down means nothing. You didn't lose anything.
Can the goyim stop coming here? Holy shit.
Yes it did. The value of my RH account will be objectively lower.
>my RH account
Oh, I get it.
You couldn't sell during after hours.
That blows.
I have to ask.
Are free commissions really worth not being able to access your positions when it really matters?
Bro, it's only 1k, which is nothing over the course of your life
I've lost far more in stupid tax on a lot less meaningful ways
Ditch that retarded app and either learn how to properly trade or find something better to put your money towards.
theres a reason why real traders dont use Robinshit. Not to mention the robinhood threads on Veeky Forums are just pump and dumps.
Lemme guess they got you with the:
>Theres NO commissions ! :) they just reinvest what you dont use :)
I know that feel senpai.
I feel like ending it.
Just curious, what toxic stock did you buy?
i cope by hedging
You should just literally always keep your stock. Why the fuck are you gambling on the world's stability when we can all have prosperity?
Gambling on penny biotech stocks is exactly that, gambling. You bet on black and it came up red. Consider it a lesson learned and move on FFS.
You should
>You should just literally always keep your stock
found the bagholder
whats so funny
1k isn't that bad to be honest, worst total loss I had was a company going into admin and I lost £2k
If you bought a stock that crashes 8 hours later, you must be picking the wrong stocks. Pick something that is under book value and make a profit.