Planetside 2 General - /ps2g/

Inactivity Edition

>What is this game?
>How do I play?
>How do I play? (advanced)
>Tweaks and optimizations
>Weapon stats and vehicle weapons
>Weapons chart some user made

Many top minds have struggled to find the answer to some of life's deepest questions;

What doth life?
Who was phone?
How is babby formed?

Well today we add one more to the philosophical swamp:

Why vanu?

Other urls found in this thread:

What happens when I finally aurax my last carbine
does the game get good finally

>Does the game get good


Yes it gets good because carbines are shit and you now can aurax assault rifles.

If you already did the assault rifles I'm sorry, time to uninstall at 90%.

using anything else is sub-optimal

I'm going to sleep pls keep the thread alive through the night




bump ,,,, plz dont die PS2

I love the changes to the damaged helmet now!

>Emits sparks far more often
>Sparks can be seen by the wearer
>Emits a constant wheeze of smoke from the crack
>Power on highlights flickers intermittently

It's got the most character of any helmet, I wear it on all my planetmans now. Wish there was a MAX sized variant.

It used to be so shit that most people didn't even know it did anything special.

Did you guys see wrel doing pull-ups?

It was hot and I was aroused

eyy bby meet me at crown i'll do some pull-ups for you

Why vanu?


Its just you and me, isn't it?

I'm here too.

And a platoon of memeing vanu fucks in fagriders like usual.

guys, what do with 8 other phones?

Set them to vibrate, stick them in your arse, then post the numbers on /b/


I get your joke.




>ShiTRs feeling bad
>Crabs feeling balls
>Burgers are never down because they have honk


If that's not an NS revolver he'll need a reload.

Lads, I miss him bad

We all do

this game sucks lol

everything about this game is bad, i don't know why those of you still playing it haven't bought overwatch yet




that was what, three years ago?

6th may 2014

When was the last update to the game? Please don't tell me the google results are accurate

praise werl

I made the last five fucking threads, if this one dies I won't be making another for at least a week.

One of you cunts better learn how to copy-paste the fucking OP.

Everyone here just stops by to unload a few memeposts. Literally a garbage dump for stale memes.

Let it die no one cares about this game anymore.

1) When will they start punishing people for the AMS in biolab exploit? Today I saw five in the same fucking biolab fight, one on each platform and two in random places inside the dome.

2) When will they start punishing hackers? On cobalt today I saw one guy with a name like IlIlllIlliillIlil!ilillII summoning vehicles at will near the crown, just spamming AMSes all over the fucking place, they were just popping into existence around him

I stopped playing this game when they got rid of fun and introduced the waypoint system. Is it still shit?

oh god gene wilder died what the fuck

>When will they
Never. Planetside 2 is a finished game.

AT when?
Rocklet when?
Scorpion when?
MA when?
LLC when?
Hacking when?
Lodestar when?
Caves when?
Blops when?
Rabbitball when?
Meteors when?
Battle isles when?
Doors when?

oh god no an octogenarian died what is the world coming to

an end, probably


know that feel


>generally play on laptop at 40-60 fps
>okay with it for the most part

>go to a friends and actually manage to play on a proper desktop at 100+fps
>kd, acc, kpm/kph all go up substantially, game is ezmode

>return to my laptop
>can't even fucking stand to play anymore

I've tasted glory and as a result ruined the game for myself. Being a poorfag is suffering.

Planetside2 is pay to win as fuck, a high refresh monitor and the machine to drive it are all the cheats you need.

>page 10

I made two thirds of the OPs in the past two years.
I've lost the will.

>Planetside2 is pay to win as fuck
You shitters need to stop parroting this meme. In all FPS, to be proficient, you need a decent framerate. Its just that, compared to the average FPS, PS2 performs worse. That doesn't mean it's p2w.

so what you're saying is planetside 2 is pay to win?

51 days with no patch, players leaving in mass, and nothing to sustain it but memes, the lonely /ps2g/ goes on to die in silence

not only that, but the only thing they've shown they're working on is shitty ion cannons. I suppose anything else would be too much work for the 1 or 2 people still assigned to ps2

200 damage smg for NC when
I need something to use besides the Cyclone



Page 10 alert

>1 or 2 people still assigned to ps2

But dbg literally has no other games right now except for H1Z1

reviving with memes

I think that just for one day nobody should play any faction but Vanu. Just everyone be Vanu.
So then hopefully Sony or Daybreak or whatever fuck they're called understands how much of a fucking awful decision it was to add a faction that prides itself on being better and then never nerf them under any fucking circumstances. Fucking HORSESHIT.
I'm done with this, I'm fucking done with this game.
I'm tired, every night, EVERY FUCKING NIGHT, EVERY FUCKING DAY the same bullshit. I'm done.
It's ridiculous. And you know what? Vanu will always say "oh it's because you are bad".
BULL FUCKING SHIT. When I play Vanu I do substantially better, SUBSTANTIALLY! It does no comparison.
I think all heavy assaults should be given the same fucking guns, equalized - all stats everything.
Make them carbon fucking copies .
That way I will never have to say "oh Vanu heavy assault is better".

Because only 2 factions would be boring as fuck, see how Warhammer online was shit with only Order versus Chaos while DAOC was great with Albion/Hibernia/Midguard.

And in a supposed sci fi shooter, what's so special about having a faction that is more advanced scientifically? Well in the lore anyway, because the only faction flavour left in the game is pretty much the MBTS and ES AI noseguns...

Fuck I miss PS1.

My favorite meme

is it worth getting a decimator? i know they arent as powerful as in planetside 1 but i am not good at leading, and im thinking i should stick with the default launcher and grounder as TR HA and not waste 1000 certs

If you aren't good at leading stick with the default launcher. Decimeme was really broken, you could just shoot it in general direction of enemies and get 3 kills, but they nerfed it long time ago.

>i think i shouldn't use a weapon that will force me to aim better
do you want to stay a shitter forever.?

>do you want to stay a shitter forever.?

*pulls Banshee *





War Photographer class when?

Getting better at picking out the cheaters when they post their webms

This guy actually bitched about other people cheating even though he's using an aimbot.


not sure what this webm is supposed to show but a cheater wouldn't be playing on medium or high graphics quality

>War Photographer class when?

Stalker inf

This webm isn't suspicious at all

That's all they're working on.

>TR can hipfire bodyshot
>VS could hipfire headshot while bunny hopping
>NC would have to aim headshot and burst fire



No option for "I defend bases made by other people"?

are you fucking retarded
if you said lalunia or smuggatron or evans or whatever decent player is cheating, then maybe, some of their webms might look a little suspicious, ok whatever
but there is literally nothing in the webm you posted that looks like the guy cheating
what the fuck are you on about kiddo

It was literally a "no one asked for this" thing, but most people thought it might be cool.

But not, it's not really all that cool.

They need to introduce a new continent with few/no bases and even then I doubt it'll be all that engaging or interesting.

The new continent would work only if there were control nodes that could be built around. So player made bases were the bases to capture.

>But not, it's not really all that cool.
And, of course, they spent 8 months working near-exclusively on construction.

i wish this game looked shittier and ran better

but it already looks really shit so fuck me

lalunia doesn't cheat as far as I've seen, smuggatron I haven't looked at enough, evans definitely does.

As for the webm - the guy toggles his aimbot just before he kills the guy. Lazy aim to begin with, and just let the aimbot do all the work for him.

Also, here's his dasanfall stats

>lalunia doesn't cheat as far as I've seen, smuggatron I haven't looked at enough, evans definitely does.
Lalunia and Smuggatron don't cheat, but to a shitter it will look like they do. Why do you say Evans cheats? I've never seen him do anything remotely suspicious.
>As for the webm - the guy toggles his aimbot just before he kills the guy. Lazy aim to begin with, and just let the aimbot do all the work for him.
I seriously doubt someone would snap when halfway through a burst, on a guy that's not shooting back at close range, and then upload a webm of it on plebbit. But let's not be too sure about this, shitters gonna shit.
A few years ago, when I was playing counterstrike on a toaster with a $5 mouse, snaps like that were very common. Maybe that's it?
>Also, here's his dasanfall stats
I suppose you're referring to the Lynx HSR.
Do notice that Lynx KDR and KPH aren't that much different from his other guns, which would suggest he really was just in the "fuck anything else, just shot mans in face" mindset while auraxing it, or maybe someone else (who goes for headshots but is still a shitter) was playing on his account.
Also, he's got exactly 5 carbines (bar the TRAC-shit) auraxed, ~1.5k Lynx kills, and ~5k TRAC-shit kills, which would mean he first got the majority of those Lynx kills, and then got all those TRAC-shit kills. If he was toggling all along, why does he have shit stats on the TRAC-shit, comparable with the other carbines?


I just noticed his TRAC-5 stats, completely missed that before
>5.5 LPK (on a fucking 143 damage carbine lmao) with 6% HSR
Yeah, he definitely had downloaded some skill that would click the head in and then pull down so it wouldn't be too suspicious
But my above point still stands, the snap in that webm probably isn't hax.

Make it say losing the only tech plant. NC can't into planetside without push2win mbt.


For every webm Lulu posts here there is at least 30 "Fucking subhumans / Fuck RO / Fuck Russians" in the squad chat.

It absolutely is hacks. I really don't care whether you want to believe it or not though.

Telltale sign is someone's aim snapping to target. It'll be either the mid-chest or the head. Aim always snaps to the same place, which is what makes it easy to spot once you know what you're looking for.

Most of the players I've seen using it just toggle the aimbot to recenter their aim when they start to go off a little bit.

When you watch legit players, their aim is imperfect - they overcorrect, they don't recenter perfectly, they shoot and drag onto their target for corrections. Once you know what the aim-snapping looks like, you start to notice it far more easily in other videos.

The cheating in this game is more prevalent than I actually thought it was.

And I suspect a lot of them are using this program or a derivative of it.

Wouldn't mind finding a copy so I could look at the code and see what it was doing.
