Fighting Games General /fgg/
toppest blazsluts
Daily reminder that sfv is shit.
Knew it was gonna be a lewd BB OP.
why is the slut in red crying?
delete this
th-thanks steam
If I had it my way, it would have been something DOA related.
Something about friendship. I wish I was lying.
>that arm
horrible art
Remove Smash
shitty bad art op
If only it could have been.
I made another Rashid video, help me get better by identifying my problems.
Smash (Melee) will remove itself
I think all this drama with Smash comes from one simple fact: The amount of Smash fans compared to Smash competitors at majors has become too big for Smash to keep running tournaments in an open tournament. A fan is someone who either only plays "for fun" with no or little interest in improving or winning, or doesn't even play the game, while a competitor is someone who is more interested in learning about the game, improving themselves and hopefully winning tournaments (Regardless of level; even a guy going 0-2 may be a competitor, he's just still bad at the game). The majority of problems people have with the Smash community (Top players asking for privileges, Smash community not caring about any game but Smash, dickriding, etc.) all comes from the amount of fans.
VIP rooms or autograph sessions aren't unheard of. It exists in every major sports, a bunch of eSports, and probably a bunch of other types of competitions too. Those other games may not float players through pool, but a lot of them just don't have pools to begin with, they use a league system or qualifiers instead which produces the same results. The point of all these things isn't to seperate the top competitors from the bottom competitors. It's to seperate the competitors from the fans. An open tournament is a format that accomodates competitors. It's not meant to handle fans. When you start having a bunch of fans in an open tournament, it ruins everybody's experience. The high level competitors are swarmed by fans, the low level competitors can't talk to them on a competitor-to-competitor basis and the fans have to deal with the whole tournament setting and watching pools before getting what they actually came from, watching the best players fight each other.
You can't have Smash at FGC events because the rest of the FGC is too competitor-heavy. The FGC runs open tournaments because that's what accomodates their situations. That's not the situation of Smash games.
Hey man that is a good game with mediocre netcode.
Better than stillgetting sfxt recommened. I don't even know why that scam but not a single blazblue.
can you post those webms again
have the whole thing
Nigga who cares play the games.
mfw $1 cne spaghetti is still a thing
>tfw started playing millia
I have no idea why this character is considered difficult
Her normals are crazy good and mixups really safe and braindead. Haircar absolutely shits on Slayer movement and hairpin on anyone with bad air to airs.
Europe PC fighting games? uniel / kof 13 / sniffhime / bbcpe / xrd / some fightcade shit?
t. shitty slayer
redbull online tournament thing starting soon
Hey friend avatarfagging is against the rules
Im breaking no such rule u rulefag
>no KoF UMs
I should probably get those the next time they are on sale
>sfv online
fuck off
>t. shitty slayer
No KI?
anyone any kof (pc), 3d fighter (ps3), or revelator na?
whats the best combo do to after mikas irish whip in the corner
get at least 2k2um. I can't stand og2k2 but um is too good to pass.
>i play guilty gear
why what's the difference
>Saving the thumbnail
which coast
Anyone play this? Anyone reason why i cant put anything in for user name?
>I am an ant
east canada
numerous system changes that makes many chars and supers useful. Huge roster.
can the netcode compare to ggpo though
can you get good matches ec eu
I don't have a ps4, how good is iori in kof14?
It's not a real KOF if he isn't top tier
He has spoken. We're all just jelly.
Yeah no KI, would like to try it but w10 lmaoo
yes. I'm yurop and got good matches with some ECers.
Did you try chinese symbols instead of gajin shrek letters?
Charactewrs also got changed. Seth got 2 more divekick variants to play around with that miss a lot in vanilla.
HA snk netocde comparing to ggpo? HA
It's ass but not uniel ass.
why are they so eager to antagonize people
bunch of autistic kids
whats with the .@name people do on twitter
Why not copy the likes and retweet numbers?
Oh sorry here's the direct link I'll remember to get the likes and retweets next time I guess
didn't pure smash only manage to get 50k viewers?
evo 2012 (when smash wasn't added) managed to hit 100k views during sf4.
That's how you replay to a tweet.
but why the dot
Why is Leffen such a dumbass? Aren't those northern europeans supposed to be smart? He's the cringiest smash player and that's saying a fucking hell of a lot, because at least the others don't take themselves this seriously.
It makes it so it shows up in your 'main' feed rather than going to replies I believe
>Seth got 2 more divekick variants
crossup B divekick on wakeup for days
>Aren't those northern europeans supposed to be smart?
Lol, Europeans are ridiculously stupid though. Like surprisingly so, since they always link those "average I.Q." studies but the people themselves seem to prove otherwise.
He's Eurasian. They're all fucked up in some way.
They learned from the bets with the very hateful capcom community that always looks to use another community as stepping stone for their success.
>all these fgcucks getting mad about smash supplanting traditional fighting games
Smash only events can get up to 130k
stop whiffin those cr hps. walk forward more often instead of rolling and jumping like a silver rashid. stop always ending your strings in the lk projectile
This is pretty cool, thanks for whoever pointed this out.
No need to learn how every characters linkers look. Just watch yourself.
>smashfags being this delusional as always
Can't wait to see what you babbies will say when FGC events drop smash and they do just fine without your shitty games.
Leffen plays heel on purpose. Not that he isn't a jerkoff by nature anyway, but his public persona is partially a deliberate act to stir up shit. Like fchamp but more extreme.
>Please leave, you're annoying
>You're just jealous we're bigger than you... so we're going to stay!
Reminder that goobers enabled smug smash comments like this by constantly crying about SFIV/SFV and destroying the FGC. If you think SF was bad enjoy your smash overlords now.
He was banned from Smash for a year for being such an asshole. The only "persona" is that he's pretending to be nicer than he actually is.
hes right. almost every time someone who dislike smash so much gets triggered and goes on an incoherent ragefest. autism this, babies that, party game, etc.
maybe its because of twitter being so intertwined in this generation but there are too many adults with severe brain damage that they can not simply ignore/not acknowledge/generally not fall for the 'only redditors first day on Veeky Forums' baits
>lol who cares about smash
its (you)
This game not only has an inbuild hitbox viewer for all single player modes it also shows them off and explains what each color box does.
Why would anyone set for less than the standards set by western devs in fighting games?
I think its the duty of all sf/ki/mk players to clarify to smashers its not them thats mad at smash's success but goobers and snkucks desperately trying to remove smash so their trash games arent relagated to smalltime side tourneys
Anime virgins are holding back the community from gaining true esports status by trying to divide the community and the ppl with money invested will eventually tell this cancer to fuck back off to playing on laptops behind dennys
>platform exclusive
>shit gameplay
you can have the best technical game you want if the gameplay is shit it ruins everything
>Why would anyone set for less than the standards set by western devs in fighting games?
when the standard is to cut yourself from 90% of the player base
because its too new for the obnoxious japanese developers.
They need a few years to steal everything
smash gg is so much better than challonge
Stop avatarfagging
You mean settle? What's the other option? Settling for western fgs? No thanks desu
>goobers crying about SFIV
Never happened. They were crying about BB in that era.
You're a piece of shit but you're right on this.
SFV sucks lmaoooo
Was anyone talking about gameplay? Gameplay is the non standard stuff that will be different in games. But the minimal technical and userfriendly stuff of UI is something that japan really needs to catch up on or they will be gone from the market in a few years with their poorly executed combo executions.
What's different about it
There's plenty of ways to figure out what strength is being used
>attack animations
>damage animation
>attack sound
>intensity of character shouts
>size of hit sparks
>f2p on pc
Biggest market right after mobile gacha. Not like that was the point at all.
nice RedBlade post
dood, f2p are big because they work on all nearly windows.
And that IS part of the point. You can't pretend setting stadards if you catter to 20% of playerbase
When's Japan Evo
I want erza and lucy to lez out while I jack off on top of them
So now we agree that goobers and snkucks are the cancers of the FGC?
lmaoooooo try playing anyone who isnt a braindead monkey at the game and try using pin as an air to air or haircar in neutral.
Microsoft is once again trying have their cake and eat it too.
It doesn't help that the Windows Store is a mess.
two phoneposts