League of Legends General - /lolg/

Support with Nerfs edition



6.17 Patch Notes:

Latest PBE Update:

Lend me your strength lolg

Placed in B5 and aiming for plat

xTH for fuck off liss fag and lulu fucks

>play aurelion sol
>do no damage

how the fuck do I play this hero

also anyone got tips on how to keep a fucking yasuo away or does he just straight counter sol

>nerf Trundle's pillar
>nothing really change
>still spam it every 7 seconds when i have 40% cdr
nice 'nerfs' riot games

g-good night /lolg/! i love Trundle and I'll be sleeping with him tonight!

When does the free rotation happen? EUW

Anyone that can dash through his orbs counters aurelion sol

Also git gud. He's overpowered as fuck when he's played properly.

>Play Ahri
>No Satisfaction at all when i get a kill
>Play veigar
>R some poor idiot and yell "BOOM BITCH" to myself every time i erase somebody

I think something is wrong with me

i don't want to sleep alone anymore

What should I do lads

>get a namechange
>get Elderwood Hecarim


>Ask friend if Nidalee is hard to play
>Tells me she's a -5 on a scale of 1 to 10
>He says if you can land your spear you're good

How faggy is your current name?

>Get a skin you can only buy with RP
>Get a name change you can get for free by playing alot

Its not hard.

>spending RP for a namechange

Is league dying bros?

I took a break from it for about a year, give me the cold hard facts

Death Fire Touch fuck boi.

And like said.

Anything that can jump on his ass and burst him fucks his shit up.


just like elise, land her stun and she's easy :)


When is it appropriate to consider yourself an expert with a certain champion(s)? Is it a matter of rank more than anything else?

Why didn't you just kill the real one?

Have at least 100k champion points on that particular champion.

Ahri is fun.

Not for everyone though.

Veigar is fun with that ult though.

He's also adorable.

>2 feet tall
>acts like he's a little bad ass

Xth for Katarina
best girl

>free 25g

S C A N S F U C K I N G W H E R E?

I love Lissandra!

50 to 70 games on the champion before you can say whether you can play it or not.

You'll definitely know.


Item: Muramasa
+15 armor penetration
+15 magic penetration

Passive: any damage that deals a fatal blow leaves you with one HP instead.

Active: EVIL BLADE - Swipes an area in front of you (30 degrees, 400 units long). Deals 1% of the enemy's maximum HP in physical damage. Increases by 1% for every 1% of your missing HP, up to a maximum of 100% of the enemy's HP (thanks to this item's passive).

kledfags ww@
why is he so perfect and best yordle

Yes it's a matter of rank

Any pro player with 1-2 games on a champion could beat nearly any diamond 1 trick

Change that shit

opgg? And I'd say it's when you know how any matchup will play out

>Passive: any damage that deals a fatal blow leaves you with one HP instead.
you'd always have 1 hp then, retard

fucking kill yourself bitch faggot

Just FYI when a skill in league says 'increases by 1% for every' it's multiplicative, not additive. So if you were on 0% HP that active would deal 2% max HP.

>buy glp
>someone dashes in range
>glp active
>move away
>orb them to death

>enemy got lulu+kog

i love it


I might change it to: Ferrari F12, Ferrari FF, RWB 993, RWB 964, or Lamborghini LP 610-4

I liked the name from that dota 2 player, Ferrari_430.

ok whats the best support for kog'maw between:

lulu really seems to be the greatest with kog, especially when upping W first or second, but its not like her peel is as good as janna, soraka and taric.

anyone wanna play a normal game?



are u a cute girl

1 penta kill, 2-3 triple kills, and a shitload of doubles off bot lane. Also just obtained my first disciple. Slow & steady climb back to plat deux

jetenginerobot, NA


I didn't think I could survive with both of them on me

And I had about a half second to decide so I just went with whatever

is that the real doublelift

Oops! I forgot to add a cooldown. Silly me.

120 second cooldown.

I haven't heard of this. Are you Challenger? If you're not Challenger then you don't know what you're talking about and as such, I don't care about your opinion unless you can provide solid proof that what you're saying is true.

im down
IGN: One Zilean Lives

>no clauses in passive to stop any form of abues
>literally 1hp all game and executing anyone that attacks you


I'm on BR server

>Gets low
>Doesn't back
>Decides to 1v1 the velkoz while she has 3HP

I love it.

>people in bronze keep banning Malzahar


don't have an account there, sorry

>1 man down
>bad lane matchup
>still win

Inb4 normals

He's cancer in bronze m8.

They can't cope with something that AFK shoves a lane and won't 1v1 them.


>inb4 normals

m8 I experience more try hards in normies than in ranked.

Don't worry about it lmao.

No, but that's the real CLG DoubleLLft

yes it's the real DoubIeIlft

>playing renekton
>get to late game
>gangplank 3 chains me
>no counterplay
>slowed for 80% and lose 1000 health

wow this is great!

bonus from earlier in the game including me missing things

>tfw your lane opponent picks aatrox

literally FREE points

>standing within 1000 units of gangplank or his barrels
Found the problem

fucking kek

>playing renekton
>get to late game
found the problem

I don't play top but I keep seeing people say he's bad.

What do you do to beat him?

Why didn't he ult himself...?

Sure he had a lot of HP but he was jumping in 1v4 lmao

I believe it was down because his team had just lost a teamfight

fedora tip man is my favorite character.
everytime i outplay someone with my cross map teleport, i tip my fedora and say "m'lady"

Very important question: for champions that wear stockings/pantyhose (such as Popstar Ahri, Battle Bunny Riven, French Maid Nidalee, Snowstorm Sivir, etc) do they wear the kind that covers just the foot, or do they wear the kind that covers each individual toe like in pic related.

This is very important, serious responses only please.

>only braum has a kill
>jax got executed once

only if u post more

his skillshots are easy to dodge and he should constantly be at 50% which makes it easy to burst him down. If you're playing a tank or bad early game champion you can still hope your jungler will camp him or just ignore the gaytrox because he's still garbage in teamfights. If you have a counterpick then pick something like Renekton and enjoy your flame horizon.

don't you get a premium chest at lvl 5

where the fuck is my F R E E skin

Stop posting this every thread

what if their was a champion whose whole concept was to be hyper mobile? something with a low cooldown blink that could be spammed like old kass' ult, some form of tenacity built in, maybe a shield.

they'd probably have low damage to compensate.

*chk chk chk chk*
>this badass mother fucker is now in your lane
wat do?

flash and pray he didnt get the auto off

stop posting your shitty webms then

What the fuck, league has manga now?

>malphite makes a plat V level play
>you're in plat V


What build order do you go on akali jungle? I normally just rush gunblade and then go cinderhulk. I figure that I'd never buy ludens on akali so I don't want bad ludens


i like to think of twisted fate as the edgies hero in league.

everytime he uses his ult to teleport away from enemies i like to think he looks at them and gives them a "nothing personnel, kid" before disappearing.

and of course, tips his fedora whenever he kills someone.

>being a gay pirate

suck his dick because tf is the best hero

Who would be the main character(s) in a league of legends anime?

Post em


Wouldn't that be what you would expect?

On AP assassin junglers I go hunter's thingy -> revolver -> some combination of smite item, sorcs, sheen, and finishing runic echoes

what am i suppose to build on this clank?

thats a tranny isnt it


Well since he is ulting to his mid lane he is probably getting absolutely buttfucked so I just burst him down again.

Garen, lux, jarvan, shyvana, and quinn team up to fight the evil noxians, with swain as the main villian

I see. I've only played against him like twice.

I was playing poopoo and it was not fun

I could block his knockup with my W but if I managed to proc his passive it would be off cooldown and he'd just run away.

He was obnoxious as fuck but he was useless later.

i really just play ashe, veig, and tali in ranked but i always play kat in norms

pretty good taste

>mid main one trick
>trying to git gud at jungling as secondary
>decide to play a game as mid
>literally cant cs it's like I fucking took lessons from meriipu on how not to do it

Shut the fuck up snaketits