All the Giten info is wrong, you should've updated the link.
Matthew Evans
Shin Megami Tensei If... when?
Leo Kelly
>MTII update
Thanks for the Shill op.
Luis Myers
Could you post the link so the next user that does the thread can include it?
I can't tell if that's an insult or not
Kayden Stewart
Who /spoilingP5on/v/and/pg/firstday/ here?
John Baker
Wasn't an insult, lel. I was rushing to get home on time before the new OP was created so I could ask for the link to be updated, so I truly do appreciate the change.
That's why this OP is about glorious celtic god instead.
Elijah Price
Have you pre ordered your copy of apocalypse yet? you don't want to lose those cool bonus do you? I mean is not as cool of what japan got but hey!
Camden Barnes
First we need to come up with a way to stop the Fatlus tax.
Cooper Bell
physical 3DS games prices are going insane in my country, maybe i will go digital this time.
Christopher Reed
That makes sense. I decided what stat I would focus on by rolling though, to mix things up a bit. At least every fucking demon I kill seems to drop a item, so that's kinda cool.
Brandon Gray
Had it as part of the 20% off e3 deal but cancelled it.
I'll swipe it off Kijiji for poverty cash after a while. I still have to beat Journey and Nocturne/SMT4.
Caleb Nguyen
>shilling your garbage expansion by bringing up literally useless badges Lol day 0 pirating undub lad. Feels good not supporting this piece of shit company.
Jayden Reed
>this company is a piece of shit >but I'm still going to play their games anyway
Luis Sullivan
chaosfags everyone
Jayden Davis
This, but mine isn't cancelled. Yet.
Connor Jones
SMT x Narco novelas when
Luke Reed
So which pins are you going to wear out, smtg?
Daniel Edwards
all of them because i am edgy
Aaron Wright
Christopher Gonzalez
Samuel Brooks
>3 pins D E E P N E U T RA L
David Lewis
There's a big sale on PS2 classics on the PSN store right now. I'm thinking of buying both Digital Devil Sagas because I had trouble running Nocturne on my PC with PCSX2. Is there any problem with these games? Nocturne on EU PSN has an awful bug that freezes the game on the cutscene right after you defeat kagutsuchi and forces a restart. I had to convert the save file and play it on PCXS2 to beat the game. Thankfully it was at the very end of the game and I only had to play the kagutsuchi and Lucifer boss fights, they looked like complete shit because I had to get it running smoothly. If no one knows, is there a database of PSN games, listing any known bugs?
Cooper Bennett
Is Apocalypse going to be good or a flop? As much as I like SMT, 4 is rather weak and only good for the meme.
Anthony Hughes
There aren't any in the EU versions, it's the NA versions with problems. Buy them.
Jack Turner
I did some research and apparently the games run like shit, they run at 80% speed, is this what you meant by problems exclusive to NA?
Elijah Cook
I hope you spoil it here too. It's only right to get the dumb faggots who will come here from /pg/ or /v/ thinking it's "safe".
I'm not buying it. Stop overpricing your games and you might have avoided this fate.
Daniel Moore
The save transfer feature doesn't work in the EU psn version of dds2. There were also a couple bugs during some the cutscenes but I don't remember the details.
Adam Hill
I'll pick them up I guess. they are on sale for quite cheap.
Christopher Adams
I remember reading that there was a way to get the system transfer working but I its been awhile so I can't really remember.
Camden Edwards
Luis Robinson
>not Samarecarm
Low level pleb.
Brayden Cooper
>wasting MP this early in the day Thread will just die again, maybe wait till later?
David Kelly
I've got three different mana recovery sources, I can go for days.
Jaxson Ward
So, what does Mastema do in Final?
Jaxon Scott
I'm getting it on the eshop so no. Physical copies of Atlus games on the 3DS are hard to get in Europe, and they're overpriced last time I checked.
Colton Wilson
I can play Nocturne without the candelabrum in the first playtrough but do it in the second without losing anything?
Lucas Morris
If you really think you can handle two full runs of nocturne like that.
Elijah Foster
Brody Gutierrez
Liam Campbell
Ethan Martin
Jack Rivera
Carson Morgan
Ethan White
Only thing that carries over is the compendium. Any demons you recorded in it will be able to be summoned at any level, so if you have the money, you can summon a level 70 demon early on to easily flatten boss battles.
Word of advice, create a low level quad elemental demon and log it in the compendium as a custom demon before finishing your first playthrough. (Agidyne, Bufudyne, Zandyne, Ziodyne) along with Elemental boosts (Fire, Ice, Force, Elec).
You can use the Ma-dyne spells, but they eat up 25 MP vs the 10 MP cost.
Do not make that quad elemental demon a Pixie, because Pixie in general gets a huge boost in the Labyrinth of Amala once you reach a certain point.
Nathan Thompson
Are these lv75 bosses in Shinjuku worth beating at level 20 in SMT4? They look sorta easy despite the level.
James Morgan
>have friend with Persona Q >he bought it for the bonus content >now he can't get it to boot past the "an error has occurred" message How can that shit get fixed? He asked me, I didn't know, and when I googled it nothing came up. And he's not a piratefag.
Carter Edwards
Physical or digital? Because I got physical and the same thing happened to me, only I just got a second copy.
Jose Bennett
physical Well at least he has the goodies from his special edition, I guess. I would have just pirated it if I thought it was good.
Ian Walker
So are minibosses and bosses just straight up immune to status effects?
Playing SMT4 with a luck/agility only build, focused on support looking to make the game as hard as possible, but if random encounter demons are the only thing that get afflicted with status I'm gonna lose my shit at all the hours I've wasted so far.
Julian Russell
Devil Survivor 3 on 09/01 direct screencap bitches.
Julian Evans
You're better off waiting for the Apocalypse.
Luke Long
>megaten >rely on ailment skills ever
Cooper Murphy
I'm going to enjoy watching you be wrong.
Asher King
You'll enjoy it even more if I'll be right
Ryan Lopez
It's gonna be fucking nothing as usual.
Jason Taylor
I hope not it'd probably be more DeSu2 Bullshit I can only stomach so much shitty plot, even if it is paired with great gameplay
Kevin James
Usuka is worst girl.
Robert Martinez
>tfw forced to wait for european release so I can support the market and remind fatlus that we exist
Andrew Bell
but DeSu 2 is better than DeSu 1
Matthew Reed
About to play through Nocturne for the first time in years. I'd like to play through on Hard, and take it to the TDE, and then NG+. What are the optimum builds/skills again? I know I should be dumping stats into Phys.
Adrian Long
Just play Overclocked Not even good b8
Nathaniel Foster
>Just play Overclocked I did, I played both
Luis Wilson
I wish it was user.
Samuel Rivera
Then play it again.
Evan Walker
>5 days if nothing >huurr demon king contest >become a demon lord and go kill God for your gay cousin because he's evil Why this general pretends the first DeSu isn't just a garbage as the second one again?
Caleb Lewis
Persona 4> Persona 4 arena>> Persona 4 ultimax>>>> Persona Q>>>>>>>>> My Shit>>>Persona 3>>>>The SMT series. Prove me wrong faggots.
Josiah Lopez
>5 days of nothing >huurr demon king contest Oh yeah, that's why you fight both Beldr and Belial before day 5!
>become a demon lord and go kill God for your gay cousin because he's evil No, he's Cain and he has a right to be mad at God for what happened to him. Whether it justifies what he does is up to your interpretation because you have a fucking choice to support him or not.
Gavin Howard
Demon king contest in the middle of the apocalypse is a pretty cool concept though.
Ryder James
So you'd rather an eva clone but with more fujoshit?
Mason Torres
The same reason this general pretends that IV is bad or SJ music is good. This place reeks of teenagers retardation.
Jacob Ramirez
Fuck meant just Beldr. The contest is also mentioned several times before Day 5.
Christian Edwards
>Not the first post from this IP
You could just bump the thread with a fancy image, you know?
Justin Wilson
Calling everyone teenagers doesn't magically make you older user.
Charles Butler
But 4 is clearly the end of SMT
Wyatt Fisher
I can't now you can fuck off.
Gavin Thomas
But I wanna shitpost before I go to bed
Gabriel Morales
I fucking wish
Gabriel Gutierrez
Not yet, they will make 5 for PS4 recycling the demon models from persona 5.
Ryder Hughes
>implying V won't be NX exclusive
Chase Evans
DeSu2 is way better than DeSu1, how anyone can think otherwise is beyond me. The only, and literally only thing DeSu1 has over DeSu2 is the plot, and even then it's paced poorly.
In DeSu1, you're stuck with Atsuro and Yuzu for like 30 fuckin' hours. Furthermore, nothing really happens for the first 3 days, there's no need to spend 3 days to show us that Tokyo is becoming more and more of a mess.
The only 3 other party members you get before the route split is Keita, who is sullen and kind of boring after his arc is over, Midori who's a total retard and who has an awful voice, and the teacher who was never really that interesting because her arc was just "muh revenge ok I have nothing else to do now lemme join you guys".
The fact that Naoya is Cain and MC is Abel is a legitimately cool plot point but Naoya's route doesn't even go anywhere. HURRR I WANNA' KILL GOD 'CAUSE HE TORMENTS ME and you don't even fight God in his route, what the fuck? Gin is cool but the motivations to pick his path are pointless. The Shomonkai are nice and the twist with their worship is pretty good.
The King of Bel suff was so trash though, absolute pure shonenshit with the Bels having little to no personalities, I might as well be fighting cardboard boxes.
DeSu2's story isn't as strong but overall it's better paced, each day you fight a big bad. Each day you get new party members, you get more of a diverse cast of characters to pick from, there are more builds involved, the gameplay has been refined, the OST is leagues better than DeSu1, and the fact that you fight your comrades in the route split is pretty sweet. Io and Daichi are far better and more entertaining than Atsuro and Yuzu. You actually fight God in DeSu2, and Record Breaker's story expansion is better than the 8th day stuff in Overclocked. And there's no one in DeSu1 who is as amazing as Yamato is in DeSu2, Naoya doesn't even come close. WAY more demons too in DeSu2.
DeSu2 > DeSu1
Blake Morgan
>the OST is leagues better than DeSu1
Bullfucking shit.
Robert Murphy
> The King of Bel suff was so trash though, absolute pure shonenshit with the Bels having little to no personalities, I might as well be fighting cardboard boxes.
And DeSu2 restarting the world with the power of friendship isn't?
Asher Bennett
>No, he's Cain and he has a right to be mad at God for what happened to him Literally what the fuck.
Andrew Morales
I agree with that point.
The OST of DeSu1 is of very poor quality, I think only SJ is bellow it.
Jacob Perry
They're both shonenshit but I prefer DeSu2's shonenshit over DeSu1's
Adrian Price
This, i dont even remember most of the OST of DeSu2 while i can tell by name the DeSu1 OST
Easton Martinez
This is the second fucking thread that I fucked up a greentext.
Michael Hernandez
my opinion>yours
Ian Gutierrez
Wow you sure are retarded lad.
Brayden Evans
I won't lie, I kind of am.
Carson Jenkins
Hi, I'm just getting into smt and I've been playing nocturne for a couple hours, I love it so far, but the thing is I cannot into turn based strategy, I always drop jrpgs two thirds of the way in because I'm incapable of anything other than spamming debuffs and attacks, so I was wondering if you guys had any tips for late game smt?
Ian Gonzalez
Apocalypse will be much better than Iv. Unlike IV which has no plot, apocalypse's plot starts right away. And there's more going on.