I'm 25 and have 65,000 USD in the bank, what should I do with it?
I'm 25 and have 65,000 USD in the bank, what should I do with it?
Buy golden kneepads and bacon taste lip balm.
Want to be my financial adviser?
You can't do anything with it. It's a gift and a curse. You could spend it on something luxurious but outside of the brief dopamine release, all that will do is remind you truly just how little you have.
You could be like every other idiot and "invest in the stock market". Go open up a vanguard, join /r/investing, and find some good xD funds to track
Just keep your wealth as cash and become a miserable fuck instead as it loses 2%-3% in value year over year.
buy ethereum
retirment, mutual funds, buy real state
Finance an artist on patreon... more like hire one yourself and start producing trash indie video games for lucky cash.
Get the attention of youtubers to give you advertising for free.
Place about 3000 in cryptos. 1 of them is sure to fire up at least 100x times like Nautilus.
Buy a truffle farm, those are cheap. In 5 years you'll have truffles worth 5-250k each depending on the truffle's size, smell, quality.
Give it to a poor sap with a high level of morality and a lot of intelligence and imagination to put it to good use. His morality will eventually force him to give back half of all his earnings to you.
Dam how to get rich for dummies
Convert it to Australian dollars, then it will be $84760 and it will look like you have more money
wait what if you kept doing this? could you get unlimited money from this? or is there a limit on how much you can convert?
I don't believe there's a limit
Just keep converting it and you can continuously impress your friends with how much money they think you have
Get robinhood
invest all your money into $TGD
Put all $65,000 in Trumpcoin.
Wait until the crash, then divide it and put like 5K in each share. Also reserve 10% in physical gold coins. Go for security in case you accidentaly invest in a company like DB and bust a nut.
If one breaks, the other ones can still save your losses.
Literally divide et impera, user.
We're basically in the same shoes OP. I have about $45k invested in AAP (advance auto parts) $5.5k in corporate and government bonds, and the rest is cash. I'm going to look into buying a $300k house in the next couple years.
convert it to gook pesos.
3,136,347.50 is a lot user
Put 50k into a seed company that you believe in in exchange for a 20-30% equity.
It will still be worth as much as it is in american dollars you retard
Cover it in cheese chicken onion black bean and nuke it for about 80 seconds.
Tell us how money nachos taste.
Do it pussy!
>It takes money to make money
Real estate. Gold. Only two real assets.
It's more than enough to have in a bank in terms of living expenses. You are likely losing money even with interest because inflation is about 2% every year. Banks rarely pay above that. What you ought to do is keep enough to live (minimum, no luxury) if you are unemployed for 6 months. 20k maybe. Then build up a portfolio out of physical metals, crypto and forex, commodities, stocks, and bonds. Then leverage according to the covariance in order to reduce risk and increase the gain. Wait for a good investment opportunity to start spending your built up cash. If you don't find one, re-invest. The S&P 500 isn't as secure as some of the dipshits will tell you, and it's not always 8%. Try and keep a good amount of your stocks in small stocks but always diversify. Small stocks are the most profitable. You're welcome. I just set you for the future instead of telling you to buy kneepads or invest in a section 8 housing nightmare like others on this thread.
BTC : 1CrWnjNCS7ohKuEhFmnzTeFpE5jjRr8h6i
PS. This btc address is good for 24 hours only.
100% VOO, anything less is a meme answer.
VTSAX or a competing fund from other brokerages
etf's are annoying
Buy all the CHK you can, then sell covered calls on it. Congrats, you now make 100k a year.