/lolg/ - League of Legends General

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6.17 Patch Notes:

Latest PBE Update:

You can milk those edition

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First for Vayne at worlds

Anyone feel like playing latenight Normals with a G5 NA shitter?

>Anyone feel like playing latenight Normals with a G5 NA shitter?

add me ign merry fishmas

wtf I hate league now

>wake up

Why is Poppy the best?

Is that Veigar with the backwards cap? My fucking sides.

>this fucking video from the last thread



fuckig please riot, worse cancer has existed and for longer.

>Xin Zhao


pretty old pic too


Just finished watching that show too, was alright

>Kayle top

pshh nice virus, like I'm clicking that link.

>Quinn top

>quinn top

>Graves bot


do you guys like pepsi youtube.com/watch?v=awmFbsaoEN4

>tfw you shit on a 4-man tryhard premade in normals with a team of randoms

Ive been playing cinder/warrior tiger udyr and its pree good

>Have Meme Guard Udyr
>Everything is better than default Udyr
>Everything but the Tiger Stance onhit Sound effect

Kayle is waifu tier
post waifu pics

>Not playing with Definitely not Udyr for the silly costumes and superhero pose on recall.
Thanks Riot for offering me an actual alternative to Spirit Guard.

RIP Shen

what does waifu even mean now

Ayy you guys, almost at ten gemstones. do i get soulstealer vayne or wait for the next gemstone skin?

someone gave me a code for Diana, Diana tips?

Just post Kayle making a cute face

I wanna go for a nice relaxing swim with Lulu.


>adc almost loses us the game by giving up baron
>nearly lose until a clutch thresh hook saves the day

Supports always go unnoticed. But I see them. I see them.

No you faggot, explain it to me.
Waifufags killed their own word.

I don't think Soulstealer Vayne looks that good. But still quite cool to play.

I swap out SGU for Black Belt every so often, people just don't expect compotent non-SG Udyr's. DefNot Udyr is actually the only skin I don't own for him.


next skin
it's commando Jhin
t. dad works at riot

Break all of them for free shit

Soulstealer vayne isn't even that good

>Enemy jungler is ganking you constantly, literally only ganking you
>Your jungler is power farming and hasnt ganked you or even anyone else
>Lose game after getting camped for the entire time and not being able to play while other lanes naturally lose
Is there a worse feel? I think this is the worse feel in league

dicks out for shen's already low damage being even lower now.

Wait what are they doing to my boy?

Who's the better mid first pick? Veigar or Vel'koz?

If Gunblade increased the Q's +% per 100 threshold I would buy it.

1% less damage on his Q per hit enhanced and not, total 3% less max HP magic damage. They're also making his shield weaker.
I honestly don't know why they're nerfing shen since his only purpose in competitive is to act as a counter to champs like Quinn, Trundle and GP.

>sexual frustration general
>League of sexually repressed
including myslef

I just came back to league after summer break

how do I know Im ready for ranked again

>teleport finally opens up the top lane pool of champs
>Riot is initially fine with this, but Shen becomes literally useless
>Riot buffs Shen a little bit to be relevant again
>toplane babs cry for what is arguably their old "rock-paper-scissors" level of duel top lane
>Riot trashes teleport
>then trashes Shen


>all lanes shove hard, don't ward, die a bunch before their jungler even comes, then get ganked once while they're still overextended
>"wtf noob jungler doesn't gank"
nah, this is worse

Jokes on you, I don't even feel it anymore.


He's an ult bot in competitive.

>Play with random girl gamer on friends list because bored
>Forced to play adc, a role that Im subpar at and she supports me with Kat
>I afk at the start of the match because I already know whats going to happen
>She gets mad and unadds me

Fucking e-girls, man

>Play darius
>Push lane
>Wait for their jungler to gank
The longer I spend near their tower the harder my dick gets

>unadds me

the enhanced Q is 2% per 100 with non-enhanced being 1% per 100. But it rounds up alot so getting 60-70 AP gives you back that 1% per hit.


is Syndra still a good pick mid?

Yes. She's starting to become cancer.

>miss all your shit
>R the carry
>kill him anyway
Yes, she is really strong.

Can someone answer something to me, new player here.
Looking at a build (mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/tell-me-a-secret-super-in-depth-ahri-guide-409690) Do I want to buy items in the order shown? the first item under core build is very expensive, is the reason I ask. or do I just sorta buy them in whatever order I want

So its not a case of getting 100 ap then unlocking the extra damage but a scaling thing huh? learnt me my lesson for today

Yep. I've literally begged players to stop pushing so I can gank them and get them ahead. I've come to realize that players blame the junglers first when the team is doing bad, because the jungler can't do shit if the team is retarded

Good? Yes. Cancer? Not even close.

>Miss everything
>R target
>Die before it even shoots once
>Everything fires, unblockable I was hitting the button to block! the block didn't work! this game is unresponsive and laggy!

basically. it's a super low scaling that works out like that but it gets rounded up alot so you'll oftne grab those benefits earlier/easier.
It also means that the enhanced Q's bonus scaling rarely plays a role because of how it rounds up.

Support zyra is so fucking busted. That free harass is like a ranged heimer.

Ah, so all I have to do is build AP on Shen?

>people thinking these Yasuo nerfs do anything

it's like everybody forgets PD is still an item that exists and gives Yasuo an extremely easy way to itemize 60% crit while still becoming tankier

on top of the fact the targets Yasuo is going to be attacking usually do not have any bonus armor if they have anything and the attack speed change is a net buff

Should I still build CDR on Poppy if I'm behind?

Disgusting idiot junglers are the worst!

>Ludens is situational
>Rylais is core


Morello has components you buy.

Ahri wants to get morello early.


If you're getting dicked on by an AP mid buy a negatron cloak before you finish morello.

If you're against an AD mid rush seekers armguard then complete your morello.

Luden's echo is usually your second big item.

Rylais isn't a common purchase on her but doable.

She wants luden's for the extra move speed and echoes proc gives her some wave clear.

>mfw putting an Ekko picker into the ground

I don't even feel enjoyment from it anymore, it's like I'm shooting a retarded paraplegic in the head.

won't be picked even once

most contested ADs at worlds will be Ashe and Ezreal
Jinx will probably come back slightly, then Lucian naturally because this is League of Legends and Lucian can't be allowed to be short of top tier for any given patch and Jhin will probably still see play. yurops might pick Tristana to meme one or two games

Well AP is kinda pointless on shen since you'll usually just be better off with grabbing TItanic and bulking up with HP, but if you do for some reason feel the need to up your percentage damage instead of getting flat damage Abyssals is decent because of the CDR, MR and MR shred in addition to AP.

soraka is cute

>laner goes 0/3 with no jungle pressure
>down like 30 farm
>pls gank my lane
you're one of those players aren't you?

>tfw you put value on normals
dude pls

go with FH instead of iceborn

holy shit

Fucking love you, man

sounds like you guys still Need to git gud


>laning as darius
>chrononigger lane opponent
>tries to go in with aoe stun
>of course he places it behind me
>go for him instead of backing off, i aint scared
>stun misses by a whole fuckin mile
>ekko loses the trade, almost dies

happens about 80% of the time.

>Little ghost thing pops up showing he has casted W
>Half second later he tumbles with E
>I've already walked away from the easy to predict W bubble location

i don't get posts like these, it's like bragging that you're low elo so you get bad opponents.

>finally get an S
>get my loot box for the week
>it's fucking xin zhao

Why is her mouth open? Is she saying something?

>friend: hurr derp herp you cant carry, ist just luck and playing op champs
>me: nope, i carry your account to Platin with shaco easy
>friend: haha k Show me
>me: atm from silver 5 to Gold 3, got 70% and 4+ kda on shaco
>me: look, almost plat. give me some more time and ill get it done
>friend: you are just lucky. gosh i wish i had your luck. you arent even good
when will people realise that you just need to git gud?

>Letting your friend bait you into boosting his account
you really are retarded

i think its funny that they remember those moments specifically to post them in lolg and get replies, like most of the people in the thread are going to read greentext stories about games

I don't get posts like this, it's like you're bitching about shit for no reason.

>No xD
I don't believe you

Bear with me for a minute, like I said I'm new and I don't know my head from my ass. I'm open to learn, and I figure at worst following a build will give me at least some understanding of how to play Ahri (can always tweak later). Can you direct me to a better build?

what if i told you that people can still fuck up ekko w in high elo

oh boi i didnt see that. but its k i guess. im having fun nonetheless

which part?

Go to lolking for champion guids.

If you're especially interested in Ahri look up Vertigal on youtube.


what if i told you that faker flashes into walls too?

Exactly. Would you assume that faker is in low elo if he (or his opponents) make a mistake?

>Reckful playing LoL
>Now Reynad playing LoL

I'm glad good and fun streamers are playing the game now so I have something to watch

>Play morde
>Enemy top laner tries to trade with me in my shield
>Half the enemy's health is gone
>Proceed to freeze lane and shit out damage if they get to close to the wave

God morde is fun as fuck

>tfw lost all day
>even when I dominate lane I end up losing

reckful i get but ppl actually enjoy watching reynad wtf