/gsg/ - Grand Strategy General

We don't have an official steam or discord group. If anyone posts in the thread about any "official" or not steam or discord groups, promising MP or not, be sure it's a shitposter group known for organizing raids and shitposting in the thread. They are known for false-flagging.
Report and ignore it.

How fares your empire, /gsg/?

This day in history, August 30th:
1363 – Beginning date of the Battle of Lake Poyang; the forces of two Chinese rebel leaders — Chen Youliang and Zhu Yuanzhang — are pitted against each other in what is one of the largest naval battles in history, during the last decade of the ailing, Mongol-led Yuan dynasty
1590 – Tokugawa Ieyasu enters Edo Castle.
1873 – Austrian explorers Julius von Payer and Karl Weyprecht discover the archipelago of Franz Josef Land in the Arctic Sea
1914 – World War I: Germans defeat the Russians in the Battle of Tannenberg

EU4 Rights of Man DLC announced

EU4 DD18/08

>Random Country Picker

# Archive (mods only)

#Where to get these games

# Mods

>>[HoI4] - More Music Mod

>>[HoI4]Après Moi, Le Déluge

>>[CK2] - user Music Mod

>>[EU4] - Expensive Warfare Mod 1.0

>>[CK2] - After The End

>>[V2] - Historical Project Mod - 29/07/2016

>>[V2] - Napoleon's Legacy v0.3.1.7

>>[V2] Alternative Flag Pack V8

>>[V2] Many Houses Divided - v

Old Thread

Other urls found in this thread:


Reminder to report and ignore shitposting.



Reapers due hotfix when

How to never leave page 10 in one easy step.

nth for tomatoBB forums

Is it buggy?

dev diary out now go check forums it tells you

>everyone dies if cancer or become a lunatic thanks to syphilis


Is it inevitable that /gsg/ autism will eventually get HPM kicked out, pretty much coming full circle just like the time vickymod got ousted?

>- Horse doctors got a little better
Ah yes, the fix we all have been waiting for

>- Further reduced odds of under 16s getting cancer
That's the only relevant fix. It should be applied to gout too and syphilis should probably no be in game.
I bet people will die all the time and you will have your dick cut off to cure the flue still.

Did they ever actually explain this?


>/gsg/ still not playing ageod games and stuck on baby lliquor meme

>playing games
You haven't been on much lately?

this is board fully designated to factional mod drama no gameplay here


I don't even get it why HPM specifically chose to mod for fucking /gsg/ of all the fucking places.

fuck off back to your discord victoria

this, he needs to fuck off back to /r/paradoxplaza, we're too good for him


gib anime recommendation

Jimmy Neutron

I've already watched the german dub when I was a kid.

Cory in the House

new to EU4, can somebody explain "estates"

places where chavs congregate


I don't mind the mod but the autism of its fanboys is painful. Not to mention that HPM seems pretty dismissive and arrogant lately.

He has every right to be arrogant, he owns you bitches and this thread.

he certainly likes to think so

who the fuck do i encourage after getting 2-4% clergy in every province

man this sandbox stuff is hard


Everyone knows the so called "R&I" , the guy controlling these threads is actually multiple people all working under the employment of turkslayer, tasked to cause drama and shitposting so that he can finally get revenge on /gsg/ for shunning his steamgroup.

in what game?

We should bring simsulla here desu


*tips mitre*

Half of these people are HPM


t. rob

What nation should I play first in HoI3 Black ICE?

not an argument

>wake up
>HPM still doesn't have dejima as a province
>tibetan slavery still doesn't exist
>south america still only has a couple of iron or coal provinces
>steel is still unprofitable because it's apparently too hard to make it a maintenance good for factories along with machine parts

why live

>Historical Project Mod

they are jewish clans. there is a zionist clan, a merchant clan and a rabbi clan (default setting).

doing favors for a clan increases their loyalty, but also their influence. if their influence goes over 80 they assasinate your leader and place another jew in his place.

doing bad things to them or asking for favors reduces their loyalty. zionists can give you sword mana, jewish conscripts and a major jewish general. merchants give you shekels and paper mana. rabbis give you bird mana and some rabbi agents.

Mod your game yourself
Didn't hpm make a tutorial on how to do that?


Bureaucrats until you have at least 90.0%+ admin efficiency in all of your states.
Soldiers with over 50% military spending (the bottom slider, not the stockpile) if you need more soldiers.
party loyalty if you want your pops to stop being libshits/conservacucks
Craftsman in your factory states because you can always use more.

Why doesn't /gsg/ have some kind of group where you could organize multiplayer games? Why hasn't anyone thought of that before!?

Create one then

make sure that every stake has 100% admin efficiency by promoting bureucrats.

then promote soldiers to 3-4%. then promote liquor factories.

South America didn't start any real manufacturing of coal or iron until after WWII. It took more modern tech to get through those jungles you know

Or maybe, MAYBE, you're just being racist, huh? How about that?

What should it be called?

Oh yeah, encourage soldiers to about 3%-4%. After 5% of a states pops are soldiers you won't be able to encourage anymore soldiers in that states.

>MEIOU keeps the stupid fucking faction system for Chinese nations


MP for /gsg/ers

Moderate Yugoslavia


HPM's Sex Dungeon

This to be desu

Dumb frogposter, go back to /r9k/ddit.


in HOI4, is SP art units completely independent of towed art line?

if so, is it possible to just focus on SP-Art and ignore the regular ones?

/sp/ is fucking shit

t. Wiz

Not an argument.



/sp/ is the best board

Bet you losers are furious you'll never again enjoy the magic of your first V2 session huh?

Me? Don't worry, having lots of fun.

Yes they are totally different lines.

Towed rocket research contributes to motorised rocket artillery though

in my first V2 game I could barely run it

>GOAT tier
Legend of Galactic Heroes
The Cockpit

>Very good tier
Jin-Roh the Wolf Brigade
Royal Space Force (The Wings of Honneamise)
Hyouge Mono

>Interesting tier
Kumo no You ni, Kaze no You ni
Night Raid 1931
The Rose of Versailles
Miss Hokusai
Muv-Luv Alternative: Total Eclipse
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood

>PTSD tier
Grave of the Fireflies
Barefoot Gen

>Comfy SoL tier
Sora No Woto
Pumpkin Scissors

>Ok tier
Mobile Suit Gundam 00
Mobile Suit Gundam 08
Mobile Suit Gundam I
Turn A Gundam
Code Geass
Arslan Senki

You're welcome.

Do you mean, does unlocking one "upgrade" improve the stats of the other one?

I don't think they affect each other.

How do I get out of this PU?



declare independence
or can you not do that in that shit game?

Nah we were just useless really, most of our coal and iron are in hills or areas we deforested during the late XIX century.

sir could you please stop urinating on my floor

Wiz is south American?

I remember you. Serves you right for trying to get out of your duties on the continent.


France is too strong.

Not when you ally Austria + Aragon and turn off lucky nations

Can't, I'm playing on Iron Mode for maximum fuck my shit up experience.
I had allied austria, they got squashed in 15th century. France revoked our alliance.

thanks for the info

>iron meme
You reap what you sow, faggot.

Will EU4 ever have a mod as good as HIP for CK2?

Hold on, France is getting rekt by Scandinavia and Spain. I might get free.

Declare war and trash their navies. You get ticking warscore as long as your capital isn't occupied. You could probably get even more with some blockades.
Just keep the French armies off your shores. If you can't rule the waves, you deserve the PU.

Can't. Don't have 50 liberty desire to start a war.

Nah it's lost. France pulled 100K stack out of ass and smashed them.

>The "desires a matrilineal marriage" AI modifier no longer happens when matrilineal marriages are disabled
>Horse doctors got a little better

if you get inherited, is it game over or do you continue as france?

I need help, does the Victoria 2 Hearts of Darkness torrent on Pirate Bay (3DM one) have all the DLCs? I mean like the units and house divided as well?

Probably game over.
Austria agreed to support independence. I need Ottomans on my side.