League of Legends general - /lolg/

Only champ worthy of worship edition



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1st for ribbon mains

1st for consensual mating

>Katarina Pentakill
Zed player: "omg kat takes no skill"

xth for Imaqtpie and Dom just ran it down mid Tyler1 style. Hopefully Riot doesn't ignore this since Imaqtpie does this in front of 20k viewers and sets a horrible example. This meme of intentionally running it down mid needs to stop.

>look up lolg in catalog
>doesn't show up
Nice job

>implying I duo'd

I was completely by myself. It matched me up that way regardless.

His legacy lives on. LET'S GO!

I want to bully Trundle!

xth for comebacks

When will this meme become a bannable offense

Where can I find that doujin of all the yordles and voidlings?

voidlings are not for lewd

xth for another minion champ that can't fucking control his minion spawns

if this goes on shaco will be the real minion master

>janna rushing rabadons
>veigar only starts building zhonyas when he's already 0/6 times
>nobody giving a damn about warding up or controlling objectives

>6/8/6 vi

i was 5/0 at start and then had zed cho and trundle on me every fight while kennen aced the rest

it shows up just fine you're just blinded by vlad's beauty you massive homosexual

Such a muthafuggin' cutie patootie!

xth for another minion champ that can't control his minions and is at the mercy of AI

ou see, I am not a common spider. A common spider feasts on its' prey the second it gets caught on its' web. But I am different.

When my prey gets caught on my web, I never even let it know of its' predicament. I feed it. I caress it. I perfect it. I sacrifice parts of my self for my prey. I sacrifice my own comrades for it. The more parts of myself I give it, the prettier it becomes. The more treachery I commit for nurturing it, the healthier it looks.

And when this process is complete... When my prey has reached perfection... This is when I strike. This is when I FEAST on it.

And trust me, there is no better taste out there. The more I feed it, the easier it becomes to devour. The more I sacrifice for it, the tastier it is. The more ignorant it is of its' hopelessness, the greater the warmth inside my heart.

>vi build

>League of Legends general - /lolg/

How to show everyone you're retarded 101.

>sterakks in second slot

I hope you didn't build it that early. That's pretty poorly optimized user. You don't really have anything yet to take advantage of it.

>look mom, I posted it again!

Which one

I have 1040 essence so I have to dismantle one to get the other


Old Yorick didn't have control over his ghouls either.

xth for gimme scans you fucking chinks

where do you find this?

>level 22

>you went Strength of the Ages over Thunderlords

thanks for the (You) man. i really needed it. allow me to offer you another in return.

>when there is nobody to fug your butt so you have to do it yourself

is that a reference to that evil ninja in gintama?

old player from late S3 here

are my niggas jarvan, nocturne and xin zhao still good?

when they rework WW will the hyena skin do justice for the hyena's clit anatomy?

Is giving the enemy a Pentakill when your team is dead considered toxic?
I do this a lot, but recently I've notice my team cursing me out for doing it.

I'm just trying to help a bro :(

Yes getting buffed no

pastebin it son
I'll only mildly cyberbully for each thing that you get wrong

Just so you know, this score screen shows everyone you have no clue what you're doing.

Even if you intentionally fed, half-decent players can't help but get better farm than what you had.
Armor where?
And Udyr doesn't build mobo boots... just no.

Handoutpentas aren't real pentakills.

the weak should fear the strong

>rank 7, 200k mastery Urgot
>win in norms, but lose in ranked
>climb hella fast whenever i support

Someone disable Urgot on my account
so i dont fuck up my mmr any further.
Need to end this season on a high note

>unironically replying to that post

Maybe not, but I still like hearing "PENTAKILL"

>our team gets cleaned 4 for 1'd with their lucian getting a quadra
>they're in our base, on our nexus
>i sit in fountain as he desperately tries to reach me whilst their supers finish us off

Waero's new doujin that came out last Saturday at Fancy Frontier, supposedly it sold like hotcakes but there still hasn't been any scans of it.

xth for teamfights


Of course.

>tfw I fed Jinx in ranked


what a teamcomp

>Trundle top
>Zac jg
>Au Sol/Yorick can mid or support
>Urgot ADC

You would tilt the enemy out of the universe.

Best girl.
Best plushies.
Best wife.


yorick top
zac jg
galio mid
trundle support
urgod adc

Use this power with utmost care, don't let it corrupt you.

>galio doesn't even get invited to forgotten meme team

nice game

penta is beşte beş
not nearly as fun

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

where is reckful reeeee

Man updated Yorick looks like he'll be shit, literally yet another "just walk away from him when he goes in" champ. Not to mention he looks like a fucking WoW character.

He's either going to be shit or incredibly frustrating because of his tryndamere levels of doing nothing but pushing

>ao shin is now aurelion sol
>zac is one of the best jungler right now
>trundle is always picked in pro plays
>yorick is getting his rework
>urgot is urgot

when will people start giving Galio some love he deserve it ;_;

why companies can not just try to be nice to each other??

like Blizzard and Riot doing a Collab adn swapping costumes

Cait < > Widowmaker
Lucian < > Reaper
Kayle < > Mercy
Shen < > Genji
Morde < > Reinhardt
Blitz < > Bastion

but trynda has a scape and can't be killed lol

I feel you brother

Because they're in soft-competition with each other.

That's like McDonalds and Starbucks collaborating on a new coffee.

There's only so many thirsty motherfuckers to go around.

This must be the work of the alien

>retarded team does not ban gangplank
>he annihilates top and solo carries with his barrels o fun

can we just fucking delete this nigger already?

nobody cares about yorick so that doesn't matter
i hope they don't fuck up ww though
they should make his ult a leap instead of point and click and when he connects to the first champ he runs into he'll do his suppression maul thingy

>when will people start giving Galio some love he deserve it ;_;
I dont get why he is soo overlooked. his kits look usefull and kinda of rape to mid. just build tanky and drop R on a team fight for maximum FUCK YOU

>complaining of him not being mentioned when he is being mentioned

What if you drown?

Post meme-builds

>Lee Sin

Get in line, faggot.

It would be extremely painful

replace vayne with lebonk and we are fine

>CertainlyT tackles down Tank Yasuo with a neat nerf to it
>Gypsylord is still figuring out what to do to put tank Ekko down
Wow, lads and here I thought CertainlyT was a piece of shit!

can we wait till see her rework ?? her passive is now an active

>Talks about spiders
>Elise nowhere to be found

It's not even live mate, don't go celebrating yet. There's nothing to say tank yasuo still won't be stronger than crit yasuo.

You're a big Ethereal

>CertainlyT tackles down Tank Yasuo with a neat nerf to it


Blizzard uses Overwatch character skins in Heroes of the Storm

>It's not even live mate, don't go celebrating yet.
Reddit is heavily complimenting the nerf. It'll go through.

>Attack speed per level lowered to 2.5 from 3.2
Base attack speed also increased to [0.67] from [0.658].
>Last Breath (R) - secondary effect of increased bonus armor pen now only applies to Yasuo's critical strikes rather than all attacks.
>"For 15 seconds, Yasuo's critical strikes gain 50% Bonus Armor Penetration - this affects Armor from items, buffs, runes and masteries"

>tfw this happened to me
>Squad full of captains and colonels executed each other on iron man




>neat nerf
im sure once all is done Tank Yasuo would still more valuable than those 15 seconds

its a good nerf but wont stop people going tank

I meant it may not have as a meaningful effect as you think.

ayyy got a penta



malphite is honestly so stupid

a baby could play the champion to his full potential
unkillable tank with the most obnoxious point and click slow in the game
can just use that to escape any situation or gap close
can also use ult for the same purpose

such a dumb fuckign champion i hope they rework him and maokai and the other dumb as fuck no skill tanks


>removing a tanks FREE 50% armour pen will not be meaningful

wew to the lad

will provide sexual favors for good jhin reaction images

>Gnar and Yasuo on the same team
I pity you

Did you knew that in the support rework, when lot of supports got ap ratios on their slows and +MS abilities, they considered to give those for Galio too. And then they continued to do nothing.
But, one easy way to fix Galio is to allow him cross terrain when traveling through the gale. It would make him less flash dependant and also make Fiddle obsolete.


teamfighting champs are cancer

whats balanced as doing the same damage as regular champs but to everyone

kennen should just be deleted from the game