/hsg/ Hearthstone General

Nightbane Templar's child-bearing hips edition

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Any new amazon promos or are they never doing that again?

I just ragequited to a meme

Fuck this shit game, why am I playing this?

First for Dragon pally please be viable

I didn't realize how goofy her face looks.

Best card in the game, auto include in every deck

feels bad that it won't
feels badman

Anyone experiencing longer waiting times now that Legion is out?

Tales to Recite to your Comrades

>tfw you beat someone thats been bm emoting all game

it's not powercreep if it affects a useless card

Second for Dragon Pally being viable. please god be viable

>more brainless curve out midrange good stuff decks polluting the ladder
yeah no

welcome to Curvestone!

>He didn't play around every possible spell in the game

Well Played.

>not winning every game before turn 10

A 2nd time would feel like a trap

>Lets give zoo even more usage when everyone loos all the aoe and heals

why for what purpose.

Is TGT currently the worst expansion in standard? It seems like there's only 1-2 cards included in each deck from it.

yep out of all the expacs, TGT is being used least in constructed

>dragon paladin will never be good

it's super bad

they added a few annoying aggro cards though

It has some pretty good shaman cards

inspire and joust are the worst mechanics added to the game

Has Inspire ever seen competitive play? Other than Murloc Knight.

The difference between rank 5 and legend is a golden common , not a golden rare

Inspire is okay, joust is flawed from the get-go. Plus there are only a handful of joust cards. They really gave up on that one.

>rez a million shifting shades
>get the mage's yogg
>play yog on empty board
>heal his face with LoH
>this fills my hand
>then dumps my hand with astral communion
>pyroblasts my own face for good measure putting me at 8 hp so the mage can lethal me next turn with fireball+frostbolt
I'm more salty that I didn't record it than losing to it.

inspire just seems like you add 2 mana cost to the card and make it a battlecry

its pretty underwhelming

Midrange shaman is pretty good

>just bloodfen hunter with another 1/1 only if you have a dragon

Is she going to be mustard-tier or unplayable-tier?

Savage Combatant, Thunderbluff Valiant.

You have to remove inspire cards or else you lose the game on the spot. And in a very rare situation you might play an inspire card on curve without herpowering.

Makes a much bigger difference in arena where you don't expect your opponent to have removal for everything you play.

Honestly, probably worse than Cupboard... Pantry? Spider or whatever it is with the 1/3 tokens.

>2-mana 3/3 charge while holding a dragon
>3-mana razorfen hunter + 1 while holding a dragon
well memed blizzard

>turn 4 coin innervate innvervate when you have already played a wild growth

Is beast druid viable in ladder? I've been playing it in wild and having a blast, but That's sub 20 so I can't really judge how good it might be in the real game.

what were they thinking with alextrasza's champion

every card goes from overcosted (5/5/4 or 3/2/4) to undercosted by half a mana crystal, but champion goes from vanilla 2 mana card to 3.5 mana card

>One win away from rank 5.

>only two wins away from rank 5

It's the last day of the month. How are you people not legend yet?

I have enough dust to craft skeleton in a dress. Should I do it now or should I keep unpacking for a couple of days to try to luck it out? I'd rage with the force of a thousand suns if I was to unpack him after I crafted him

Anyone got a good, fat, rogue deck with a bunch of spell generation, goofy legendaries, etc?

>Playing against a Druid

I want to imagine a world where these greedy fucking decks that run all ramp and 6+ mana minions get punished

But no

I was legend last month, why should I ever do it again in my entire life?

If you really need him, I don't see the problem not to. You can replace him with either a hoarder or any 2-drop spell damage minion.

Do like me, I just crafted in gold. I shouldn't open a gold one at any point in the near future.

because i am stuck at rank 8-9

just craft him if you want to play rogue

That was the plan, but I also lack Edwin. I guess that I can play Malygos tough, it doe not seem very Edwin dependant (Even if Edwin is just good, he's basically a wincon on his own)

>Going for legend.
I'm just here for my 500 dust.

What the hell? The AI refused to kill my 1/1 taunt the entire game. He kept playing savage roar and other buffs then ending his turn.

The AI is allergic to Deathrattle Taunts. Some of the time at least.

For some reason Karazhan bosses are scared shitless of harming Deathrattles and they'll never attack them. You can cheese most of them just by dropping an Abomination/Naxx Ghoul or a taunted Sheep/Tentacle

I started ranking up yesterday.

inspire is the ultimate win more aka shit mechanic

Unpack more until you get a lego. If it's Thalnos obviously don't craft it, if not, then craft him. I never craft any lego until I get one and then the pity timer resets.

They fixed that didn't they?

Dunno, I did all the heroics d1

edwin is insane but you can get by without him

he's best for cheesing out wins by going hard against aggro with preps, coins, and backstabs


It was in the patch notes. And Toast made a video about it.

because im trying to reach it with a rogue deck that isnt miracle.

This sounds like a good plan, expecially since I haven't seen a leggo in ages so it should be pretty near. I'll do that, thanks.

>b-b-b-but Dr. Boom will be shit!
>b-b-b-but Tunnel Trogg will be shit!
>b-b-b-but Yogg Saron will be shit!
>b-b-b-but Priest of the Feast will be shit!
>b-b-b-but Onyx Bishop will be shit!
>b-b-b-but Ivory Knight will be shit!
>b-b-b-but Babbling Book will be shit!
>b-b-b-but Prince Malchezaar will be shit!
when did you FINALLY decide to stop listening to /hsg/ about unreleased cards? this mother fucker will ABSOLUTELY flip the meta on its head in ways you can't imagine, just wait and see you shitters I'm calling it NOW.

I get rank 5 just for the rewards and then fuck around after. You don't get anything for reaching legend other than a cardback the first time and I'm not good enough or play enough to get a high enough legend rank for it to matter.

you spent too much time on this post

the fucking yuroshit posts it in every thread


wow what effort!


i still find ivory knight underwhelming, im looking forward to this in wacky reno decks

This was also in the last thread, only now I realize that it was bait from the beginning

nigger it only gives you cards that aren't in your deck. So it only gives you cards you didn't think were good enough for the deck.

>tfw royally fucked in the ass by a meme deck
Who do I blame for this?


RNG and Ben.


ivory knight is great it's just in a joke class

same problem bishop has

Every single time I've done the play a friend quest, I've managed to be hard countered by their deck with no discussion beforehand.

The only constant is me, until I'm no longer there.

Kripp because he invented that stupid cancer deck.

Yeah. Kripp invented the idea of playing purify in a deck. Woah.

>actually playing the quest, and not just suiciding yourself


What i can improve here?

That's some quality shitpostng right there.

Imp gang bosses.

Change the name to Control Warlock.

>forsen 3k viewers

I'm so fucking glad this shitter has gone down the drain like he deserves

What counters Hunter? I've literally faced 11 (Eleven) of them in a row.

Zoo, face Shaman

A more aggresive deck.

So either face hunter or shaman

shaman, zoo, hunter

zoo rapes them because of the really early board

Which one do I keep?

Not starved for dust at the moment, but neither am I rolling in it

>bloodfen hunter

Dust the non-golden.

non-gold obviously

>tfw at 680 gold
>Need 5 more wins.
>try playing aggressive decks like face hunter or aggro shaman or dragon warrior to push fast games
>Lose all of them for the past hour.

Please.. I just want 20 gold..

Both. That shit will never EVER get played again.

I quit HS months ago

gold cards are ugly as fuck