/dbdg/ -Dead by Daylight General

Fuck The Devs Edition

Previous Thread >What is Dead by Daylight?
Asymmetrical Online multiplayer. 4 survivors scramble to fix 5 generators, while 1 killer wants to sacrifice all of them

>Sounds like evolve
It's not. Survivors have to avoid the killer at all costs, whereas the killer has to hunt for them. Everyone has their own objective.

>General info
Pastebin with most questions asked: pastebin.com/DDddy4uE
Pastebin with all of the values (perks/items/whatnot): pastebin.com/vCh6gxR6
Saved game with everything unlocked or whatever: mediafire.com/download/3qmzt3ok3p47xqw/TakeTHATsociety.profje

>Official site

>Discord Chat

>Steam Group

>Latest Patch Notes (v1.1.0c)

>Report hackers

>Report bugs

>Fuck The Devs Edition
t. killer main

>Bug that benefits killer somehow
>Steam forum explodes

>Bug that benefits survivors somehow
>Mostly just bug reports, no explosion Steam forum at all until a killer makes a thread about it


>t. someone who cares about the game

>Level 43 Hillbilly
>Still no Deerstalker

>level 40 trapper
>Nothing past IG 1

Who /facecamper/ here? I don't even care if I pip or not, I do it just for the angry post-game chat.

>Level 50+ Claudette
>Still no Empathy 2

Go back to le reddit

Go back to le

what does "t." stand for?

It's essentially "from", like in letters. It's used in other countries, and was made popular here by /int/, which is why this user is retard

Finnish abbreviation for "regards," originated on /int/

+Less and less killers due to unbalanced bullshit
+SWF players needing lobbies with more open slots
+everybody and their grandma playing survivor right now to get broken pallet points
= Me getting full killer lobbies in

2 different story's except it came from /int/

It's like the "bonus bloodpoints weekend" we always wanted!

t. anyone who realizes that if everybody stops playing killer, the game won't work anymore


But they say the same thing, I just didn't know which country it was from.

Wow, you got me, I'm going to commit suicide right now because of that original comment.

Doesn't matter my point was that really only faggot redditurds use that

>originates from Veeky Forums
>you're a redditor for using it because /r/Veeky Forums fags steal things
If anything, your "KYS" nigger speak is more reddity.


did those pallet changes fix killers getting stuck?

if not, the frogs are more retarded than i thought

I'm gonna play survivor and run around the map and knock every pallet down.

That's probably the reason for the fixes, can't get stuck if you get magically teleported out of the pallet. Of course, it would have made more sense to send you to whichever side you were closer to instead of using unnatural physics, but the devs are incompetent, so what can you do.

He downed every player at least once. I figured his secret offering was just the 'final player' one but...?

did the "optimization" actually help fps at all?

1.1.1a Hotfix Patch Notes

Fixed an issue which caused pallet stun to maximize Boldness points for Survivors
Fixed an issue which made it possible for players to walk through arch structures in Asylum

Yes, noticeably.

I've seen stuff like this before. I think the assumption is that they'll be able to down you again?

Every living survivor is a potential source of points for the killer. That's why hooking a survivor and then camping them until they get sac'd is a shitty way to get points, as if they get saved and then downed again and re-hooked you'll end up getting way more points from them than if you camped them to death the first time. This applies to every active survivor.

So maybe he was like "I'll mori him next time I down him" and it never happened.

Alternate explanation because this happened to me once: he played a round of Kill Your Friends as the killer, and used a mori (offerings aren't consumed when you play them in KWF), then forgot he had it equipped next time he played a legit killer game with randoms


Right when I get home from work they fix the pallet point bug. Why even live?

not like you're any good at pallet stunning killers anyway

at least you aren't playing wow

It's not like it takes any skill to pull off a pallet stun. Just run circles around a pallet area until he gets close and then throw it down. If he backs off, keep running and don't throw it. Eventually he is forced to chase you straight to the pallet or else the loop will never end, and then he gets stunned.

And now you can't get a hit in when they do this. Good fucking luck on any map with a large amount of pallets.

I rarely play survivor so when I do it's against actual retards. Stun city.

After level 5 common perks become bugged. You have to get all the uncommon perks to rank 2 before the common ones will start showing again.

That explains why my Meg got most of the common perks at the very end.


>Bugs that break entire perks go unfixed for months
>Bugs that alleviate grind get fixed near instantly



You know, being this extremely upset about changes to the status quo is an almost certain sign of autism.
Sorry for wanting new ideas to be implemented to the game, you unimaginative autistic spacker.

I blame the twitch cancer for all these retarded children.


>Killer gets dominated on asylum
>4 people still alive, gens done
>Rage quits
>Name was Salty

Dorito's crash course 3 when?

That's what happens when the survivor:killer ratio is 20:1 instead of 4:1.

>Dominated on asylum

I'm sure you all worked very hard on a map that probably has a 60%-odd winrate for survivors

60%? There's an infinite within sprint burst distance from most generators.

I don't even like Survivor. I just want to play with my friend.

Did the patch crashed all servers?
No matches found and I am queueing for over an hour already.

Another update.

I'd say only a handful of players actually downloaded that patch. All killers are in no-lobby limbo because of this.

>SWF shitter
>mfw you and your buttbuddy enter my lobby

Killer here, still downloading patch.

You sound mad.

I don't have a lot of time to be angry between my 5 second queues :^)

That's fine. I understand the frustration. There should have been separate queues which give the Killer bonus points if in the friend one.

How much time do you give this game before Steam gives people the option to refund due to outstanding survivor bias?

Do no-patcher killers play with no-patcher survivors?

>There should have been separate queues which give the Killer bonus points if in the friend one.
While this seems like a good idea as a killer main, survivors would complain about how they can only get matched against high ranks since nobody else wants to face voip people.

>Put guy in basement
>Hear all other survivors above me
>Hook them all one by one
>Salty claudette calls me a camper

Enjoyed seeing you fail.

I'm getting games way faster as a survivor now.

I wish there was a vanilla rank mode.

No perks for anyone.

>you randomly get assigned 5 perks and you can pick one of them for the game you're about to play

How about no separate queues and instead just give bonus points to Killers for each survivor in a group?

reminder that if you cant make a better game, then you cannot criticize the devs

It's a pool of 5 perks that all survivors see and pick. They can only take one. If someone takes it, it's out of the selectable pool.

Killers can see which ones are taken too

Killers dodging you because they don't want to get voice chat memed isn't a valid criticism anyway.

I got iron grasp 1 at level 23 or so

>Game crashes the moment I launch it

That's alright I didn't want to play games today anyways

go outside

>Nurse is still broken


>2 people dead
>1 alive on the hook
>3 gens to go
>1 at 99%, 2nd at 95%, 3rd at 25%
>saved the hooked guy
>heal him fast with medkid
>he follows me like a good puppy
>get to the 25% gen
>fix it all the way
>get to the 95% nearby
>fix it all the way
>hide nearby waiting for the killer to pass
>he starts putting traps near the 99% gen
>approaches me from an angle I didn't expect and smacks me
>not a lot of places to run so I just go fix the 99% gen
>exits are powered
>I get smacked down and hooked
>the other guy is opening the gates
>I just attempt escapes when the killer is about to put traps under me, fail them all
>don't struggle and just die so the guy escapes
>the new kid just tries to save me eitherway and dies

Charming story, but everyone died. I was the only person to pip.

>Immediate hotfix for the pallet score bug
>Infinite on Asylum still present when it would take 5 minutes to fix by boarding up the windows

This ain't no mans sky killer cuck

I know that, you inbred nimrod. At least not yet. At the rate the devs are going, survivors will literally have to suck killers off to get them to stay in this shitshow of a game.

Sure they will pal

Thanks for agreeing with me. Glad you could see my side of the story and accept it as surely correct.

Sure thing pal ;)

>Survivors use the infinijukes at asylum
>Kill them all
>They rage at me
>Thank them for the delicious tears
>They rage even more

Works for me

>the year is 2017
>there number of killers is in the single digits since the devs made it so that killers are slower than survivors and increased survivors' health to 100 hits worth
>been waiting for 2 and a half weeks for a lobby
>by some miracle of fate, I finally make it to one
>soon after me, two other people join at the same time
>o-oh no
>ask them politely to leave before the killer leaves the lobby since SWF players can now press a button to instantly heal anybody in their group and i'm forced to wait
>"kys faggot i only bought this game to play with my friends the killer should be fine with it he'll get a pip anyway"
>killer immediately disbands the lobby
>I can't survive in the queue anymore after having that glimmer of hope stolen from me
>slit my wrists


so where do i get the script or something so I can set up a wraith bot, so I can leave it running when im at work?

How so?

I can't teabag at the infinites anymore. :(

Don't be ridiculous. In 2017 it won't be possible to quit the lobby. You will be forced to play or be permanently banned.

>Close lobby because i need to answer the phone
>Return to computer
>BANNED: No lobby dodging, this is a permanent ban and you will receive no refund.

>mfw survivorshitters on plebbit complain that the devs are too biased towards killers

>playing killer against full SWF
>they're all immortal and teabag constantly
>game ends and I get a pip after they all escape
>they all say gg ironically while taunting me
>I leave the lobby without replying
>Hillary Clinton's personal SWAT team storms in through my door and windows immediately pinning me to the ground
I can see it now

people seriously dont lagswitch SWFers holy trinity users?


I do. Don't know about other people.

>not leaving a lobby when you see more than one person join at the same time

you're pathetic phd

>229 points
What kind of killer was he? As trapper and billy you would get more than just from chainsaw sprint and setting traps.

t. Mad SWF shitter

you're so bad at killer you have to nuke lobbies, and you call others mad?

As someone who mostly plays survivors unless the daily rituals ask me to be a killer, I have to ask. Does anyone think playing the killer is actually fun? For me it's always more of a chore, a tedious task. It's just frustrating and annoying to chase the survivors around imo.

I think one of the reasons that it's boring is that theirs no consequences for your actions. Sure you can be bad, but even as a bad killer it's easy enough to pip (playing against bad survivors). I think of it like this.

>You mess up as a survivor
you are fucking dead kiddo, and whatever you brought into the match is gone. Your waiting valuable time on that hook, for everyone. Now your team mates will struggle even more without another person.

>you mess up as a killer
It's ok if the survivor escapes, you can always find him later. Didn't get any sacs? Oh well, better luck next time :^)

Tell me why I'm wrong.