/swgg/ - Star Wars Games General

"What in the shit, why have we been dead for so long?" Edition

If any of y'all remember the other shit for op, post it and ill save it for next thread. otherwise

Remember, no asking for referrals in thread

tor-fashion.com/ for all your armor/weapon/dye/tuning/mount/deco needs

Lets get this shit rollin famalams

Other urls found in this thread:


Dont be like this famalams....we had a good thing going.

I will keep this thread alive so help me god if i have to do it all by myself. get in here faggots.


I refuse to let us stay dead.

>tfw want to still like this game but KOTFE ruined it for me
comfy raiding with travel to hoth never again....

Reminder that pubs are fucking braindead, and cannot do flashpoints properly the first time around.

spent 2 goddamned hoursi n KDY

until more shitters show up for star wars stuff, time to keep posting screens

>you will never cum in vaylin's mouth

>only the mouth

its like you dont want to abuse that smug whore

i am a gentle man

gentle would be for elara, nadia, or lana. the rest are whores.

i like whores, but i am gentle with them

do not judge me, user


well, good to see swtor general back



There's so much to talk about with DvL

Was there every anything to talk about though? /swgg/ was always a mix of slutposting, avatarfagging, and arguing about slutposting and avatarfagging.

I'm glad its back.

maybe this is /swgg/'s second chance

welcome back those who have disappeared forever, i havent played newbattlefront, so i have no screenshots for that or any other game. only got random shit for swtor

sadly most of my screenshots are in my previous hard disk so i have only a few
lads, let's talk about some shit, what are you leveling right now?

At least chapter 16 had that little bit of Michael Bay magic.

Not that it did it any good...

I got my DvL character to 50 so now I want to level my IA even though she isn't DvL

i'm leveling a tank jugg, a healer sorceress and a guardian, it's so fast these days

i was leveling a JC, got fucking tired of pubby shitters, so now im finally going to coruscant for the first time and leveling up to do maelstrom and taral V

are we really going to let this die again?


be 100% honest right now
do you actually care that arcann didn't die

i don't realy understand all the fuss about it, i'm happy that he survived, could lead to some good plots

I havent gotten to that part yet, im hoping that nigga dont die, might become a companion in the next expansion


The many shades of Vereyn


If he becomes a companion, im going to show him all the worlds i conquered as a SI, before you know...he had me imprisoned

I've been out of the loop because I got burned out on SWTOR, but do you niggas know that Thrawn is now canon? He's set to appear in the third season of Rebels.

yee my nigga thrawn coming to fuck some kids up

Yurp, saw the teasers a few months back.

why do i get the feeling that you like that face

who else playing legion while waiting for kotet

my nigga

you mean WoW?
nah, i'm still playing swtor, have a lot of alts to level

i have every class maxed on three servers
i never want to level in TOR again

pls papa valk

that's understandable

i can't believe that we can't keep a general alive without fucking waifuposters

im sorry friendo, i dont want to avatar/screenshot spam with every post and cause the general to die, what else can we talk about, star wars related

there's only 6 people here, without word spreading we can't do much

True....how do we spread the word?

...no idea

Rip in pips. i guess we can just talk about sw stuff. who do you hope shows up early next expansion? who do you hope dies? etc etc

i want them to handle this arcann thing properly

as in: if you let him escape, he comes back, redeemed, on your side.

if you tried to kill him, he enters the scene against you but also against vaylin.

Im hoping he becomes a companion, i require more cyborg companions, or zabrak companions

Can we start aryanposting now?




i have the feeling that it will be handled poorly


is that hat still very expensive?
also, i forgot how it's called

oh and

ah, found it

Why call it Knights of the Fallen Empire in the first place? What's "Fallen" about Zakuul? Hard to appear like your return means a damn when nobody's even heard of you and you're actually doig pretty well. Season 2's name would have been better for the first season to be honest.

Knights of the fallen empire i think references your character being from empire/republic, which have fallen in this time.

I guess...is anyone excited for KOTET?

Not at all. It's going to be the same bullshit as kotfe. Wish they would fuck off with zakuul and get back to pub vs empire

i'll resub when it launches, play the first few chapters, then wait for the rest.

How pissed will the fanbase be if they don't release nine chapters the first time around?

Heres hoping lana doesnt die in the next expansion

Haven't played since 13. Did we get to finally kill Skadge?

Probably very.

You can in September.

I want her to possibly die just to see the waifu-fags explode.


the shininess on your pants is a bit too reflective


that one just makes the booty POP

Post midriffs

i'd be really fucking mad

sometimes i feel like i play this game only for da booty

only midriff i got

bioware really nailed it with the body type 2

A thing of beauty.

>9 unique posters
>page 8

we can still save it!

Sorry, was in the middle of swtor at first, then WoW, then terraria, and now back to swtor.

man, she's so damn hideous

No we can't!

YES WE CAN! and why do swtor's servers suck literal balls?

my net completely unaffected, server shits itself completely

fugging servers, gettin real sick of this

is getting sub worth it? im kinda comfy being preferred since i dont really play that much, but the expansions and pvp warzones look kinda neat

pvp is shit, you almost never see anything other than quesh huttball, or the odessen proving ground.

and youll get all of the expansion content out, so thats everything from Rise of the hutt cartel, to Shadow of Revan, and all of KotFE. go for it and get all of it for one moths worth of play

the game sounds pretty fucking dead when you put it like that

well right now apparently all of the servers are having some kind of meltdown, so you know, its barely playable at the moment.

is there even a server thats really active?

a few here from the thread are primarily now on Ebon hawk in a guild, OP included in that guild, if i remember correctly from the last threads up months ago, it was mostly spread out across EH, Harb, TRE, uh....i want to say at least 2 more whos names escape me, and some shitters trying to get people to go to shadowlands

fuck dont die. you are not allowed to die.

I swear to god, dont you dare die on me.

Well, I just downloaded SWTOR. My first hour was spent rearranging the UI and fruitlessly rebinding controls, my second hour so far has been constant hangups and disconnects. And looking at this thread you're apparently all kill.

As far as first impressions go, 10/10.

The servers right now are shitting themselves, my net is completely fine, but im getting constant disconnects, so try playing tomorrow or in a few hours

Its been a relatively short honor once again /swgg/ may we all see each other in the next general in the future.


Sith warrior or maurauder for? Are any of them overplayed? I have that autism disease that makes me unable to play the most popular class


Oh goddammit /swgg/

Get ready to receive your light side companion.

Dont worry. You can buy the other from the cm if you crave it
