>be 32
>be at call center job 6 years
>Recently graduated with communication degree magna cum laude
>Things are finally looking up I think
>Start applying for internal business analyst jobs
>Rejected every single time
>Black man and white woman who started after me hired as business analysts even though not qualified
>Am I stuck at this shitty call center job forever?
How to get promoted internally
That's what you get for being white and male shitlord
I'm thinking about jumping off the top of the parking ramp.
> internally
Find your problem. Find a new place to work.
Which call center user? Do you regularly reach out to management/higher ups just to let them know you're interested?
It's a health insurance company call center.
There's literally no way to move up in my department unless I want to be a team lead
>I don't
I have to look at other departments within my company like business analyst positions.
The recruiter leaves their name at the bottom of some emails when they reject my application and some they don't. Do you think it's a good idea to reach out to the recruiter and ask what I can do better/why I didn't get the job?
Reach out to analysts.
Just randomly?
Yes. Talk to people. Ask the recruiter what you could do better. Talk to the hiring manager. Become more than a number and resume user.
I don't know what I would say to them.
Hey HR Person,
I saw that I was not the successful applicant for the analyst role. I am really interested in future opportunities in that role. Is there any feedback you can provide on why I was not selected?
Thanks in advance,
Also reach out to the hiring manager and ask about the position. Ask if you can shadow with someone in the role for an hour to make sure the role is right for you. 9/10 tI messed they'll do it. When you go to shadow, dress nice and say hi to them before sitting with the analyst. Boom! You areally now a face they know and they've literally seen you sit in thEirik department so now they can literally envision you in the role.
Sorry for the typos. New phone doesn't give a shit what I type, it says what it wants.
How do I find out who the hiring manager is though? I've heard of other people shadowing at my workplace but I have no fucking idea how they do it. One of them is a fucking poo in loo woman who has only worked here like 6 months. The other is a gook woman who I literally helped get her job also. Seems like they only promote women and minorities
>Comm major doesn't know what to say?
With a respectful introduction of yourself, ask about them and their career path. Ask what steps they took to get to where they are. People love themselves and like to tell people why they are great. This is a fast and easy way to build contacts while learning from people doing what you want to do. They will tell you how to get into their position.
If they are too busy to reply simply move on to another person. This will be easy for you user.
I feel weird about randomly emailing people within the company.
Also does something like a blacklist exist within recruiters for candidates? Like if they apply to too many positions and they aren't qualified?
That's an excuse user. Stop giving a shit about things you can't change. You wouldn't be posting here if you didn't think there was something you could do to change your situation. If the job postings don't state the hiring managers name, just reach out to any of the recruiters or HR person and ask them. It is not overreaching or bad to do so. You need to be a person to them instead of White Male Applicant # 12.
Get over that anxiety. If someone emailed you about your position or posting, you'd be flattered and help them, right? Its the same for them. Even with assholes. It's a pride trigger.
Do you think blacklists exist for recruiters for people who apply to too many jobs? I've heard rumors of it.
Not officially, but it can happen with an individual recruiter. But by reaching out to that person about the specific position you want can dispel any notion that you're wasting their time.
This. It seems like that's the only way to move up anywhere these days.
Unless you can pass as a girl. Might be worth pretending to transition if you can make it look believable.
I guess that's a good point. The other thing is I would hear back about positions here and there and I even got an in person interview and didn't get the job. Then after that I had a virtual interview where I record myself answering questions and after that interview I have heard literally nothing. So I'm wondering if they just refer to that tapes interview and think NO FUCKING WAY now.
>and ask what I can do better
do this, if they don't like it fuck em' it's their job to tell you.
Blacklists really only exist for former employees that got shit-canned for something scandalous.
I also think emailing people randomly is a rude thing to do. Just remember, "it is easier to beg for forgiveness than to ask for permission."
Just be polite in your email. Use brevity, and let them know you are sincere. Worst case is a no and you are exactly where you started. Best case is a yes that WILL get you progress. Logically you must contact them.
Might help if you disguise the Email as a thank you if it's to HR. Best to skip over them anyways and go to the source.
My boss told me something about a blacklist that he heard from his boss so I dunno.
Then you are too timid and meek to help. There is no advice good enough to overcome your lack of agency. No helpful quotes to get past your anxiety.
Maybe one of the other boards you spammed this on will help you. More than likely you are wasting the time of good men.
>>Black man and white woman who started after me hired as business analysts even though not qualified
>be white man
>create modern civilization and democracy
>give women and shitskins the right to vote in the civilization YOU built
>they vote for anti-white male policies and cuck you
Im never hiring a negro or chink in my life, fuck them all
I think chinks are ok but fuck niggers
>only just graduated at 32
>working in a call centre for 6 years
Not going to make it m8.
If you've been in the same position for 6 years then you're not getting promoted at your current company. Management will look at that and go "6 years? Why exactly has he never been put on a promotion track during all that time? He's probably right where he should be."
Just get a different job.
The current senior management replaced their predecessors quite abruptly due to the changes brought on by the dot-com boom.
This creates anxiety and uneasiness; not promoting white males means less competition for senior management.
Sadly we live at a time you need to create value by yourself, looking at this thread i'd say you are not ready to be an analyst anyways.
Work on yourself, try again at another company.
Or create value.
Aren't you are comms major?
Anyway, it's totally normal. Absolutely normal and people will help you out.
Talk to management. You are the classic wage slave.
But you are letting them abuse you by not demanding upward movement, and not shopping your resume elsewhere.
Claim to be Hispanic. Boom. Diversity
>6 years a phone monkey
>Degree in communications
>Business analyst
You have no relevant job experience. You have no relevant education. You blame others for your failure. You're a moron. Every fucking response, comment, and post you made in this thread reinforces that.
I run a BI group at Charter Communications. I've got 14 analysts and a supervisor under me. Most of them have applicable degrees or experience in business.
Have you ever handled data? Big data? Worked with Microstrategy, COGNOS, Tableau, or even large format Access data? Do you have experience writing reports? Do you have experience doing analytics at any level?
The fact that you didn't know to ask the fucking recruiter "What have I done wrong? How can I improve?" tells me you're too fucking stupid to handle data. You couldn't even put analytics to your own fucking effort.
I'll tell you something very, very specific. One question I always ask a potential hire is "What have you done to prepare yourself for this position?" If they cannot give me at least one good answer, then they won't get the position. You're unwilling to even ask what goes into the job, yet you expect to get hired? Fuck off, and grow the hell up. Maybe someday you're second testicle will drop and you'll become a man.
Please dont tell me you were stupid enough to take a loan out for communications?
Also please fucking please tell me you didn't go to a "private college"
Great post. Not in the same situation, but very helpful nevertheless.
The absolute most important part of this is making yourself known. These people have no idea you exist. If you send just one email to a higher up explaining how ready you are to take on more responsibility in the company, that will make you stand out among the 80 other resumes in database.
Thanks for your response. Very helpful.
>Do you think it's a good idea to reach out to the recruiter and ask what I can do better/why I didn't get the job?
Absolutely. The worst that can happen is that you'll get no response, and some might give some good feedback or information.
Here's the problem aspy
Get comfortable in that cubicle. You ain't going nowhere
Wow. There is actually good advice on this shithole for once in this thread.