League of Legends General - /lolg/

old: eyosongive.us

popstar edition

for best otp

does anyone want to buy a gold 1 account

>tfw when you just reach level 30 and you're still shit at cs'ing and you can only get a positive kda with one champ
how do I get good /lolg/? I want to play other champs without feeding.

how do i play ekko jungle

>soraka carries every game she's in
>literally no one ever realizes not building anti-heal items/banning/focusing raka is 100% the reason teams lose

Morello was right. Never forget.

Best girl.
Best breasts.
Best wife.

You were Plat 5 earlier in the season though, right?

You can do it again. Just stop playing Vi, focus on mashing Talon in mid.

You can do it, my man.

do not

everyone knows lux belongs with lucian

just practice. certain champs take some getting used to because their aa animations are kind of weird or slow (annie, karthus, varus) but practice makes perfect

i got placed in bronze 2
also i'm now feeding every game as talon

How do I build Tahm support? Do I just build my support/sightstone item and then go Wit's End into Titanic?

who the fuck plays warwick top these days?

also daily reminder that riven is best girl, OTP champion and top laner

>le edition maymay

>Wit's End into Titanic?
what the actual fuck lmao

Post Tristanas

Post your match histories. All Karma all smiles.

Fourth season in a row getting Diamond with Karma.

yorick's new voice is fucking gay

why do all new champs have a gay ass voice

No, post Jinxes. Yordles suck.

>building magic resist against riven
having a bad laner doesn't make you good pham

>Silver 2

finally someone higher rank then me, can you give me advice on how to play riven?

im stuck in bronze 4 right now it sucks so much

That's not ezreal and taric

Which witch is better?
LeBlanc or Lissandra?

>Trinity + Ghostblade Poppy
No jokes, this is actually amazingly fun.

>otp champion
Do you even know what otp means?

>Another day without Xerath being reverted back to pre-rework state

Just did it last game and crushed squishies that got a little too close to me. Should I just build full health and resistances?

i'm thinking of using jinx as one of my top 3 for my female-only account. what do i get first on her, ie or hurricane?

also post jinx feet if you have any, bonus points for mafia feets

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

>not building crystal scepter and torment on Amumu for maximum health based damage

I want to go losing in Talon

>not just building straight AP

I like to build hp/resistance on him, with atk speed runes to take full advantage of his awesome passive.

nothing beats distracting all 5 of the enemies with your double hp bar while your team takes baron

I normally get IE on her first. Some people get Hurricane. Most people get IE first, though.

i am writing up a guide just for you because you asked so nicely my dude

>be first pick
>can't ban soraka
>team doesn't ban soraka
>enemy picks soraka
>lose because anti-fun cunt always cockblocks my stupid ass teammates who never focus her


I want Jhin to take me to some fine art galleries before he ends my pathetic life.

ahri a shit


something inside me died when they killed my favorite champion and replaced him with some delayed skillshot faggot

what wu skin is that


What's the best Garen chroma? Ivory?

D̸͂ͦͨ͂ͯ̿͟͞oͤ͋͢ņͫͩͦ̏̔ͤ̈́'̸̾̉͗͋́ͩ͞t̵͐͗̐ͭ̄̓͊̀̚͡ ̶͌ͯͨ̑̔ͫ̑ͩ͡y̷̶̨̏ͩỏ̢̂̀͑͛͏̡ū͗̔̇͑̾̃͊̊҉͞ ̵͛̈́̃̀̓m̢ͮ̏̏̋ͩe̸ͨͮ͂̐̑̎̓a̧͐̈́̄n̈͊̇ͨ̄̓̅̏̾҉ ̛̉͝w̴̒̍͘ĭ̄̃̚҉̢t̐ͨ̇ͯ́h̶ͫ̂̆?̏̋̿̐̽͟͠

where do you find these people that don't instantly charm you or r away

How is this champion even a thing? Why is it so op? Is it because the model and general fantasy behind this champ is so goddamn awful they had to compensate for it somehow?
Granted your team isn't made of pure retards you literally can't lose having her on your side

every rework player feels this way I think, they just "update" the champ and its basically a massive nerf that makes them worthless and predictable

or they go full retard and make a gangplank then suddenly your fav champ is permaban and taking a ride on riots wild nerf ride

god bless wukong, nobody knows he even exists

bronze 4

Should I buy vayne or Jinx, which one is easier to snowball and win game with?

>Still posting the watermarked version

i dont know if god hates me or if the rng gods hate me but every time i get promoted i lose the next 3 matches because of my teammates and get demoted. this has been going on for over 4 weeks now. I cannot advance at all and its not my fault.

why do people watch mobas when fps are so much exciting to watch? im watching a csgo match right now and its pretty fun.

she dies to literally anything in teamfights if you misstep

why don't you practice?

naw man i miss old yi but he plays substantially the same

xerath is worse because they removed everything about him i liked and left him as a sad shell of his former self, a twisted mockery that taunts me every time i scroll to the bottom of the champion list

Why do people watch video games they don't play instead of playing something

practice what exactly?

why do people watch sports they don't play instead of playing something

my friends dont let me play with them when im high

I just couldn't be assed to remove it or go look for it. Thanks friendo.

Please no. Riot was on to something when they said "Xerath is one of those champ we can not allow to become good or popular", well that's not what they said exactly but something close to it. But seriously fuck that old ult.


they dumbed down yi alot i think, removing shit like charging up double strike in jungle then going to gank for added burst is just sad

also ap yi dead, i guess we cant have a better version of katarina how else will they sell their ass and boob 12 year old bait skins?

xarth got it really fucking bad, your only salvation is to find some seriously underground champ that is secretly broken as fuck

i recommend leona, shes barely played by anyone and she can literally do every single role in the game

jungle leona in particular is insane, her clear is as good as any other jungler right now and you can literally build anything you want on her its going to work because junglers are more frontline utility cc bots then damage in this meta

one trick pony

>play an ARAM
>azir on the enemy team

jesus i just remembered how miserable playing against him is
we won because he's shitcanned but holy shit

listen here fucko
if you go mid and die 3 times by 15 minutes or more without AT LEAST going equal (3 kills)
the jungler will be hesitant to give you the blue buff
don't be surprised or think the jungler is a cockface for not wasting the blue on you


>trying to use this clip as proof for anything

mid or top?

>play ARAM
>Vel, Sona and Lux on the enemy team with an ARAM related tag or name
Yeah fuck this mode and people who make ARAM only accounts

Mid but sometimes I lane swap with top if they're getting stomped and I think I can shut down their opponent.

>yfw you make your adc get double kill with your support plays

He's right though. Sona dies to a gentle breeze. People who know how to position, and actually make use of her crescendo, will do well. That damage and movement speed debuff are strong.

I hope Riot's next cinematic includes Jhin.

I can be 0/0/0 it doesnt matter if i have my items she will just explode when I look at her

can you give me any tips for playing karma?

Tfw you drop from masters to d1. :(( Give me some tips pls senpai!

Instead of playing karma toplane why don't you save some time and just kill yourself to go directly to hell?

evelynn is really annoying soloq

all she has to do is go on lolskill, decide who is the threat, then camp the shit out of them

she was waiting in lane bushes for fuck sake, top is brutal if eve camps you



Drop all the way to bronze 5 and relearn everything while climbing back up

>no All champs enabled on ARAM
Riot is too incompetent for that

It's because you're attracted to men and you're projecting your own insecurities

Straight men don't pay attention to such details

No idea, copied image from another thread

How many ranked duo games can you do and not get your icon replaced with the pig disgusting boosted animal icon


Doing even a couple will replace it.

eve's real power is her two core items (echo and memebelt) are cheap as fuck and synergize so damn well with her ult for insane initiations

alright, good to know

AP yi was lame as fuck you just pushed Q over and over again

I'd rather outplay someone by abusing his iframes and auto attack them to death thanks

This comic could've been good, but it's just shit and the joke is really overdone.

Tfw Byronze got me into league again. Fuck.

Im actually better than Ive ever been or was to. Its crazy

Post rate and hate

>Dardoch is going to join Echo Fox


>tfw your team is completely reliant on you
>get clipped by an ultimate and die instantly, throwing the game

adc is a hard life

>taliyah starts chasing
>her Q's slow me
>dash away like wtf that damage
>her Q's are 1 second
>she just kills two of us because her Q's are mega low CD
that's a pretty cool champion

>No matter where he goes, Moon gets replaced by Dardoch

Just cut off the bottom half, or just the bottom panel and take out the text boxes on the meme faces


absolutely /cantankerous/