[ D a i l y B i k e T h r e a d ] - /dbt/

[ D a i l y B i k e T h r e a d ] - /dbt/

Honda a ok edition:

>Motorcycle Questions & Answers
>Motorcycle Routes & Meetups
>Motorcycle Gear & Accessories
>Motorcycle Adventures & Blog Posts
>Motorcycle Pictures & Fun Webm

>/dbt/ map

>Motorcycle Ergonomics Simulator

>Noob? Read this:
>Webms with sound
>Previously on /dbt/

Other urls found in this thread:


honda a shit

honda is ok

Honda a best

no fk u fgt


What's it like having autism? Do you see a psych regularly?

KTM winning


its not bad, you have no societal expectations. so you're free to do whatever you want.

stob forsing a meem guis xd

And you choose to shitpost falsities on a bonsai tree growing forum all day?

May the better thread be more popular and with less shit posting cause i aint deleting this one it came first uleh

can't even start a new thread properly. honda riders truly are retards. really makes you think.

>tfw honda appreciation dbt thread has actually motorcycle discussion and this one is only shitposting

>has actually motorcycle discussion
>has actually
retard honduhh rider detected

>dat nobike butthurt is real



Modern engines do not need to be idled to warm up. Just ride but dont give it heaps of throttle.

Older engines need to be warmed up due to bigger tolerances.


This statement is wrong. Thanks for playing

no one asked you you smartass faggot

What's wrong with sherco?

Its correct.

your thread has kit kat

no it doesn't :^)

Sherco a shit


Gasoline is an outstanding solvent and it can actually wash oil off the walls if you run it in those cold idle conditions for an extended period of time

all special snowflake dirtbikes are meh and I guess their trial bikes are fine. Nothing postworthy desu

Dont tell that to the "idle warm up crowd". You will offend them with facts.

Nothing wrong with sherco.

>Older engines need to be warmed up due to bigger tolerances.
And lol carbs.

Carbs a shit

EFI masterrace


Not like the other thread is any less shit

>Failed my exit test today.
Should I bother trying again lads? Morale is low and that was my first time ever on a bike.

what part did you muck up?

I put my feet down in the slalom because of bad clutch control, but meme'd my way back by perfecting the swerve and 15 mph turn.

please dislike this youtube.com/watch?v=pg9NUA7IkA4

I did everything perfect but was just too slow through the exercises so throttle control I suppose. I tried to do exactly what you did except I was stopped right before I got to that part since I had too many points.

>throttle control
Probably more confidence and body position than right hand skill.

never ever be afraid of the gas
you needs it

grip the tank with your knees and thighs, even on the rebels you can do this. Hold on with your legs so you don't need to readjust your grip on the throttle to hold on when accelerating.

First time on a bike and you did licence test in the same day?

Don't worry, see if you can get more practice in and re do it.

> not gripping the tank with your knees properly

That probably screwed me over on top of not giving enough gas. I just wish we'd had a bit more time to practice the exercises.I'm thinking of buying a bike and just practicing in a parking lot then going to do the test again.

It was a weekend course and there were a lot of experienced riders there for the insurance only. By the end of the second day I was somewhat comfortable on a bike but I don't do practicals well.

>2 day course and you failed

Yeah, you are a danger to yourself. I did a 2 day course and passed it easy.

1st day was just practicing all the tests and getting used to bikes, 2nd day was a few hours practice then test and on road test.

>tfw perfect score on both the written and riding portions
>never been on a bike before
>people that have been riding for decades didn't even come close

thanks for blogposting you faggot


wow KTM only can win if everyone ride a KTM

I'd still ride with you.

I only ride with big boys on motorcycles with more than 500cc

post some boring webms

Just as well I have a 1000cc V-twin



>no real flames

wow honda really a shit

ktm > hondurr











Having fun?
if you want we can talk about stuff. idk what but im bored.



Come to the real thread m8


fuck sake lol you made a 3rd dbt?











please watch

>camera pointed down
>generic music
>huge logo slapped on video like anyone would steal it

10/10 would dislike again

is this yours? it's good, song's overused but i liked it.

Is restricting a motorcycle power harmful to it?
Im considering getting an A2 (European) license that allows me to drive 35kW / 48 HP motorcycles, then buying Honda CB500 (the old one) and some restriction kits found on ebay, they look like small metal plates with holes you put on gaskets.
Then after some years i can pay only a little more to get an A license that allows me to drive anything, removing the restrictor, selling CB500 after some time for something bigger.

Afaik if you're not properly licensed yourself you'll need a properly licensed mechanic
Expect about 1000€, since they won't accept your parts

fuck off

I did it myself, kit costed 105€ and that's it. Had no trouble getting it in the papers.
A mechanic will do it for 200€.

Lel, you still need the whole bureaucracy bullsheizer

holy kek fucking rekt

which came down to 60€, so 165€ in total for me.

Moar baiku pics /dbt/!

Whats the last thing you bought on your motorcycle /dbt/?




kek, im still looking for a "diesel" sticker to replace the warning stickers on my tank.

Jimmy Johns



This seems like the thread to post my honda in

my instincts tell me acceleration shouldn't be so horrible


I see you care about the environment

I mean I'm not opposed to being eco friendly, I'm not gonna preach about it or go out of my way to do it but it's definitely a good thing