Good thing I used all my proxies to report that thread.
Levi Green
It was good while it lasted. Long live the stinkstar.
Kevin Lopez
My bbygrl Chika Im finna be playing project diva x this week
So ya can just help yaself to whats in the fridge, maybe make something for me while ya at it idk
To quote the goat king of pop "love is a feeling, give it when i want it"
Ilu bae
Jacob Foster
Aaron Roberts
Reppin' Russian Family!
Tyler Peterson
get kys'd
Ian Evans
>T2 finally slowed down Thank
Liam Hernandez
It's hell
Easton Turner
I like Hanamaru
Jaxson Johnson
Which raibus don't have any lasting memes yet?
Christian Howard
Jacob Campbell
She's got a nice ass.
Jason Rodriguez
Will all those proxies be able to kill the meme? Didn't think so.
Sebastian Gutierrez
so do I
Gabriel Rogers
It killed RikoTake.
Asher Perez
Me in the middle
Xavier Reyes
>got heavily pandered to last episode >still less fanart on pixiv than DiaMari Fail
Nathan Cook
Ian Powell
Nobody wants the second-rate copy ships. There's a reason why crackships are so much more popular this time around.
Parker King
Charles Richardson
Posting canon ship
Caleb Rivera
Gabriel Kelly
Jeremiah Reed
quints of truth
Christian Allen
Stab yourself, Chikafag.
Jaxson Nelson
KanaMari is NozoEli without any of the things that were good about NozoEli, such as their comfiness and ability to understand each other without drama. So yeah it's shit.
Noah Cooper
Meanwhile the YoshiRiko is canon meme got stronger. Looks like Mugishit won.
Hunter Butler
So, Queens or Brooklyn?
Nathaniel Hill
Quints of truth.
Gabriel Morgan
Ayden Gray
Daniel Brown
I don't see YoshiRiko in that post though.
David Morris
YoshiRiko confirmed.
Blake Gonzalez
>using my knife to cut meat and dont want to get myself dirty Nah not finna happen fAm BK
Jayden James
I think chikafag is in Queens, around Elmhurst specifically.
Jaxson Anderson
They have time to get comfy now.
Bentley Jones
because they're canon
Nathan Gray
I can't tellu how many times I've blown a load to this picture. I've probably cummed on Maru at least 40 times by now.
Asher Nguyen
Andrew Smith
How? They're not naked and there is no POV sex going on
Gabriel Martinez
Your meme has been shit for a while now.
Caleb Hill
Fuck this shit.
Jayden Wood
too bad they're popular.
Joshua Baker
Not him but their tits look really soft
Blake Richardson
Look man, I can't control my dick so when it gets hard for whatever reason, I got to stroke it.
Robert Jenkins
>cummed on Maru Lame. Why not cum in her?
Camden Hill
>kissing your stinkstar What a homo.
Ian Murphy
Nice, are you playing it on ps4 or vita?
Eli Sanders
Jackson Nguyen
I agree.
Angel Garcia
I am but a man of the third dimension. I used to cry because I could never impregnate and love Maru but I have come to terms with it now and settled for my current routine.
James Myers
Too bad for you then. Us anons over at the 2nd dimension get to cum in her stinkstar every night. For free!
Adam Jackson
Not sure why ya thought that but im bk all day fAm, i go to queens for my apprenticeship meetings shit tho. I have both consoles but i bought it on ps4, and i would be playin it now but the fuckin ups guy aint never showed up smfh. If amazon didnt offer a better price id have just picked it up in store and been playing it already, oh well, what can ya do?
Nathaniel Diaz
Please be in Sunset Park.
Angel Rivera
Which Aqour will get the new UR tomorrow?
Ryan Price
Yoshiko probably
Sebastian Anderson
Luis Campbell
my #gaming friend bought a ps4 and now i never see him on steam
it is a sad day
Cooper Cruz
would that be later?
Ryder Perry
what games do you play user
Nicholas Rogers
Ay you're not too far from me fAm. Not too far. Not that far at all.
Ayden Long
only online games i play are just fighting games it's super comfy to find someone your skill level, we've played together for years but sf5 killed us
Camden Collins
Brody Ward
David Brown
>You will always be far from chikafag
Thomas Harris
>discord circlejerk spilling over again
Nathaniel Martin
Who's b-day is next?
Blake Murphy
Jason Davis
are you guys doing a llsifg meet up? lol
Owen Cook
Adam Hughes
Kotori I think? Also think King's in september but I don't know if it's before Kotori's or not.
Hudson Turner
Heh, Chika makes me hngg too tbch Thats why we have Veeky Forums fAm, it brings us all close together in one spot, right here on /llsifg/
William Stewart
>tfw yohane will never squeeze your face with her legs
Evan Evans
Burd a cute!
Cameron Jones
no brits allowed, you're stuck on your rainy island
Jordan Gray
Don't we have 3 birthdays in September?
Lucas Hughes
best girl is also in september.
Noah Harris
Post your favorite card of your least favorite raibu.
Nicholas Lewis
i'm glad you asked. i'll be living in the united states for a year next year eheheheheh
Jordan Miller
Yes, get ready to get almost 15 loveca stones at once.
Christian Scott
Tyler Hernandez
eli that hood is super kawaii
Easton Powell
Come to NYC fAm. Its the best city in the USA.
Nicholas Green
Where are rinfag and marusmellfag located? I bet there is a pattern.
Nolan Scott
Gavin Baker
Marusmellfag has to either live in Canada or Australia.
Joseph Gonzalez
Jackson Richardson
based west sussex
Jacob Perez
i have a 6 week holiday between work seasons so i'll probably go to nyc at some point lol