/hg/ - Halo General

Reach Edition

>Current Content Update:
- Warzone Firefight (available on 6 maps)
- Campaign Score Attack
- 1 new arena map
- 1 new warzone map
- 1 new warzone assault map
- 1 new forge canvas
- New bosses, including the Grunt Goblin
- New reqs, including the UNSC wasp vehicle and the Halo 2 Beam Rifle
- Req items available in forge
- 5 new campaign score attack achievements
- 3 new warzone firefight achievements

>Anvil's Legacy due out September 8th. Includes new maps, reqs, and a custom file browser. Launching alongside Windows 10 Forge
Official Information: halowaypoint.com/en-us/news/announcing-anvil-s-legacy
B-Roll trailer: youtu.be/A8fSC9jlVEM

>Important Halo Links, Notes etc.

>Latest Halo Community Update

>Spartan Companies:
halowaypoint.com/en-us/spartan-companies/halo general

>Looking for custom games/campaign co-op players/matchmaking squad
Watch the threads for occasional party squads

>Xbox One clips and screenshots

>The third /hg/tage is out!

>Canon Halo Works

Previous thread

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Reach sucks.

Go for it user.

Visualize your goal.

Make it your bitch.

Reach its my favorite


Reach is one of the best Halo games

which Cortana had the fattest ass?

Why do I have Mk VI armour

Which indeed...

Sangheili Ranking:

H2A > H4/5 > H2 = CE > H3 > Reach


Her body was perfect in Halo 4

>there's people who think otherwise

I don't have the webm of the Cortanas all doing slut type dancing, so have this instead.

>4/5 that high

Reminder that the overwhelming majority of the fanbase likes Reach more than 4/5


Not really, at least not for MP.

I can agree with this.


H2A > CE > 3 = 2 > Reach > 5 >>>>>> 4

>not the webm

Yes really.
Everything about Reach is preferred by most compared to 4.
And while there are some that may like 5's multiplayer a bit more, we're in the minority still.

I don't have it.
I do have a Cortana webm, but I think it might get me banned.

what's the most efficient way to grind req points now?

Weren't those graphs for campaigns?

Cute pic but that's for the campaign levels btw.

I like wza.


>4/5 that high


>matches always take 20+ minutes
yeah ok


THE /HG/TAGE: BUNGIE EDITION is currently accepting clips from now until September 30th. If anyone has a capture card and wants to help other anons get their Halo 3 clips in then post in the thread or send me a message on waypoint so we can set it up. My capture card is working but my laptop is having issues during the recording. The clips that are submitted must be from the following games.
>Halo: Combat Evolved/Anniversary/SPV3
>Halo 2/Vista
>Halo 3
>Halo 3: ODST/Firefight
>Halo Wars
>Halo: Reach
>Halo: The Master Chief Collection (excluding Halo 4/Spartan Ops)
Use the past community’tages as a reference on what to submit. I’ll be looking for casual and competitive clips in the multiplayer and campaign.

If you have any questions post them in reply to me or message me on waypoint.

Action (ball)Sack

How could they fuck up the helmet so much? The rest of the armor looks decent, but Christ, that helmet looks like garbage.


>barely 700 reqs a match
user pls

Yes. Fair enough.


But that thing looks ugly and retarded

To each his own I guess

I'm still so fucking mad about this


About her armor, her face, or fucking over Chief?

I'm liking all this cortana booty


And the fact that she's still alive. Her death in Halo 4 meant something. Bringing her back for this dogshit "le evil AI" story line is just awful.

How do I report post?

>"The created will always rebellion against their creators. The cycle continues. So we found another solution to preserve peace"
That solution being giant metal space cuttlefish... wait a minute...

whats your gt?

You have to announce it.

Could be worse



It'd be different if she'd been brought back as basically a Flood Infected Precursor-Puppet. At least there'd be some drama there.

The reapers and the Guardians also make the same sounds


Post GT. I'll help you get helioskrill and the Halo 4 legendary in under 3 hours achievement at the same time which means we will have space for 2 other anons

>Gravemind controlled Cortana

I like it!

We have nice spread of ranks.

Here's depressing look at how far 152 really is.

>Kai hasn't even played that much in like 6 months
>still 9th highest rank


wheres the recent company activity graph graph-user

If its gonna be done might aswell show the whole month of august and wait til september 1st. It makes no sense to do it bit by bit and it will show the real inactives over the last month

Which is worse this or Inheritor in reach?

How will we do it so quick?

>what are speedrun strats?

I'm missing some days around start of month, but I can do 7/30-8/30 I guess.
It'll be missing the people who joined in august though.

Just play the game with 4 people, literally zero speedrunning required except maybe the glitch in shutdown.

>How will we do it so quick?
user, it's Halo 4. It's not a long campaign as it is, plus with 2-4 people, we will fly through. I promise.

I was just wondering if there would be any special techniques involved because I have no experience with any of that

I'm down if we can get 3 or 4 people

When /hg/ says speed run strats do they mean actual speedrun strats or just running past battles and stuff?

I did it senpai

Was actually pretty easy since Rocket League is my roomates and mine go to drinking game

There are techniques, but for Halo 3 and 4 you really don't need to use them. The campaigns are pretty short

is there a place where I can suggest UI improvements to 343 cause holy fuck this armor menu is aids

Kind of neat reference. The Tires are called Puma

>it's okay when bungie does it!


H2A > Wars > 2 > 3 > Reach > CE >> 5 >>>>

But the Bungie games had better armor menus


Shit nigga

>That face
>Those feet
>Those proportions

Sometimes I feel like the "H4/5 Elites are shit" thing is just a meme...

You are currently browsing /hg/ thread #212.
The featured map is "Boardwalk"

>Previous threads since numbering began:
#211 - Fuck Veggies #210 - Personal Hell #209 - Place Your Bets #208 - Graphs and Ratings #207 - More DLC #206 - 10,000 Hours in MS Paint
#205 - Energy Sword > Gravity Hammer
#204 - Gravity Hammer > Energy Sword
#203 - One General One Company One People
#202 - Achievement Unlocked
#201 - Facebook Steals Our Memes
#200 - Milestone
#199 - Free For All
#198 - Under Cover of Night
#197 - Prepare to Drop
#196 - Hexagons are Real
#195 - Spartans Never Die
#194 - Halo 4 is Technically a Halo Game
#193 - Never Trust a Hinge Head
#192 - In Remembrance of the Beta
#191 - Were It So Easy
#190 - Master Chief's Bizzare Adventure
#189 - Arby Had a Hard Life
#188 - RIP Jul
#187 - Smart A.I. was a Mistake
#186 - Our True Cause
#185 - Black Undersuit
#184 - Heretic Hunt
#183 - Master Chef
#182 - Take the Cruiser Back
#181 - What Were They Thinking
#180 - What About That Stupid Cloak
#179 - Parasite's Cove
#178 - We Numbered Now

difference being that the reapers create hordes of mutilated cyborg zombies, subtly turn people into semi-autonomous slaves, and openly declare themselves to be the arbiters of existence and have the firepower to back it up, while the guardians... float.

Speaking of things terrible about Reach

Good infection map.

>We are beyond your comprehension
>Our motives are incomprehensible to mortals

Bioware dun dug too deep a hole to fill.

This map has to be the second worst in all of Halo.
2nd only to orbital.

Big open spaces which are DMR kill zones, exploitable off-map railings for infection, etc.
Fuck boardwalk.

>only bungie game with a large number of armor perms had a compartmentalized menu so you didn't need to scroll through every variation of every armor piece in one long menu
>"b-bungo's ui is just as bad as 343's!"
send yourself out with a bang

They are shit, but for different reasons.

Wars and reach elites had ridiculous tiny waists and thin legs and looked top heavy

4/5 are way too thick at the waist and have massive ridiculous feet

And then there's 3 elites which are just a little too hunched and have slightly goofy faces

>implying they look like that in-game
have you... actually played Waaw?

>Halo Wars

>massive ridiculous feet

They've always had big feet, though. It's part of their appeal.

Bungie era, yes.

Yes but not this big

Looks good to me. Excellent for curb-stomping Brutes.

I never got why "big feet" is a criticism, desu.

Well, elites are loosely based on theropods (two legged dinosaurs). See how their legs look like they're divided into three sections as opposed to our two? That bottom section is actually the part of the lag that evolved into our foot. Their "foot" is essentially our foot platform and toes. Look at dog legs, they're exactly the same, hence why it looks like they have a toe in the middle of their lower leg.

Also it's pretty clear their foot doesn't fill up that entire shoe, I'd suspect they stand on something like high heels.

>bother wearing armor
>not covering your arms
Why don't they just go into battle naked apart from a shield generator?

because redesigning a series mainstay to make it easier for toy companies to communicate the appearance into megablox figures is a shit thing to do

it just makes them look more bestial and less intelligent which is the opposite of how elites should be designed.

But they originally had hooves, then H3/Reach gave them toes, and now they have hooves again. It's actually less a redesign and more of a return to form.

Wouldn't the feet be much less relevant to how intelligent a creature looks when it also has claws, fangs, mandibles, and slit eyes?

>play it the other day with three other /hg/ anons
>none of them remember what to do in H4's campaign
One of them at least mimmicked the stuff I did and saved us from one section, but they know who they are, and they know who I am.

Don't forget that Reach's list was also "sorted." 5's list is completely random and doesn't offer any sorting other than "locked or unlocked." Even the default armor, Recruit, isn't always the first one.

name them so we know who the casuals are

They had hooves in 3. Stop this meme