old thread:
old thread:
Other urls found in this thread:
>Everyone was basing Protwar's performance on pre-patch content
>Launch content Ignore Pain is just meh/good
Best girl.
So the Naxx Necropolis has been seen floating around the broken isle. Verison 3.0 is confirmed, thoughts?
Reminder that goats
blizzard sure is good at write
someone in the last thread said the Chronicle isn't canon
why even fucking publish it if that's the case??
Servers are buckling now after ~19 hours of smooth sailing...prepare for a maintenance anytime soon...
looking forward to seeing her in hell ;)
t. genn
Bend over hoe
First for Area 52 being dead.
Re Posting it in this thread:
Has anyone else been having shadow glitches recently?
Shadows for me now project on the ceiling as well as the ground.
>in some areas your characters voice echoes through caves and shit loudly
fuck it sounds cool to actually hear your characters voice in a different way
Its just Acherus user.
A big fembelf is good for your health!
Someone make a good thread when this is over, I'm sick of seeing the same shit for the OP every time
what's stat priority for mistweavers?
He's been making threads early for 16 hours straight
yeah pretty much this
Bet shes smells like week old prosciutto left out in the sun on a good day.
What are you, gay?
Seems like being an enhancements shaman is a rarity this xpac. I've barely seen any even when in the class hall. Fucking Doom Hammer.
omg SO SEXYY!! :3 *simultaneously poops and cums in diapey*
Every draenei uses this transmog.
You got your Aviana's feather 2.0 right, user?
>avatarfag shitpost op 3 times in a row
Literally kill yourself
She keeps herself smelling pretty with magic desu
>tfw this thread is literally run by teenage degenerates
wrong poster, come at me
pls elaborate
>blizzard constantly shits on realistic nights
>gives us this in a fucking quest
>19 100+ online
>no one chatting
>5-man clique in discord voice chat
how do you guys find a good guild?
Looking forward to seeing her redeemed and find a cure for undeath you mean.
t. Blizzard Entertainment
Is this what eurokeks made while there servers were down?
if enough people reported the OP we could have a possibly tolerable OP
Why doesn't she just cure her undeath then?
>want to play wow
>have no motivation to do anything
>don't even have any weed to make me not care about depression
what do i do
>Horde gets wiped out
>Alliance gets wiped out
>Legion taking over the planet
>Hurrr lets attack the Horde
Is Greymane retarded?
Best tank race for horde? Don't care about pvp at all. Been awhile and not sure if certain race/class combinations were notable especially as tanks.
Currently looking at undead just for its activatable.
>ret paladin named restodruid leveling in val'sharah without his artifact weapon in full invasion and level 100 boost gear
Why would she? She's the immortal banshee queen now.
Belves flock to her banner every day.
>more and more avatarfags every day
Forsaken are two steps away from the Legion with their overall endgame for Azeroth becoming an undead shithole.
>Spec is called Assassination
>It's about managing DotS
>expecting dogniggers to be smart
Oh user.
Fact: There are no cloth sets that look good on female Draenei. Especially Priests.
drinking makes me feel worse or else I would
thanks for the reply anywho
Oh no a feral worgen, if only I could remove the curse somehow. Oh well guess I'll have to put it down
sylvanas attacked the alliance first, she was also sabotaging the skyfire and has her plague shit set up in dalaran and all over broken shore
Even Garrosh told Sylvanas to stop with her shit.
u trying to say that assassins don't use poison
>spec is called survival
>has the shittiest survivability
There's nothing that implies that's their goal.
>sylvanas attacked the alliance first
>has her plague shit set up in dalaran and all over broken shore
Every faction has their weapons all over the place there's a siege engine in Dalaran too
Friendly reminder that Anduin:
Is canonically attracted to female Draenei
Has been confirmed to be canonically only interested in Nigger dragon as a friend
Is canonically heterosexual
pls respond u erping moonguardian faggots This includes you broken cog
try saying that to my face in wpvp
So does Legion recapture the magic of TBC?
>I composedly state my views
except he doesn't he literally just tells you to fuck off
doesn't make garrosh right
I can understand sylvanas - leading a people of undead must be full of tough decisions, most of all how to sustain your population
>sylvanas attacked the alliance first, she was also sabotaging the skyfire
You know that if you do enough false reports, you yourself get banned
either way
>OP gets deleted by some chance
>No WoW thread
>OP makes another, same vein of image
>Use that
>Make another thread because you don't want to
>Use that
>Threads end up deleted, thread wars ensue, shitpostery reins
no OP image is worth thread wars. I'd rather homoshit than running around looking for new threads and seeing MoP tier wars again
Did you find Charlie the unicorn at the top of candy mountain yet /wowg/?
Undercity has sections devoted just to making more of the undead plague, you would figure the undead wouldn't want to force more poor people to be cursed like them.
Oh wait they're fucking evil.
>expecting logic from avatarfags
Notice they get their fan art from tumblr, aka where fan art by people who don't actually know anything about the source material comes from
Since the game went full cross-realm mode, became incredibly instanced based, basically a single-player experience for the most part, and added LFR, there is virtually no character/player recognition on individual servers anymore.
No one cares when they see you riding a rare mount, or when you have high level gear like they did in vanilla. The element of social validation that made the game so successful among nerds and social rejects 10 years ago has been almost completely removed.
And so the nerds and social rejects that are still playing the game come here and to other forums to have their achievements and character validated.
>sylvanas sabotaging the skyfire
>attacked the alliance first
t. autist who doesn't know their lore.
The Horde banned them from using the super powerful shit used at wrathgate but still lets them use a weaker version of it.
Controlling the threads is honestly so much more fun when people get triggered by it.
>They should just let themselves be wiped out
>Somehow raising undead is evil when they can just kill themselves after being risen if they wish
Nobody is leveling low level characters and the qeues for dungeons are terrible ;-;
Oh, I'm not saying he's after a discussion, I'm saying he depicts those who support Genn as the ''wacky'' guy in the comic, in an effort to undermine his opinion.
Hope that helps
Tfw no more double totem
Sylvanas vs Genn discussion might be annoying but its very healthy thing for the game
Keep going at it with your half-baked arguments, my dudes, you're helping this game stay alive
avatarfagging is again the global rules so it's not a false report if you reported it
being annoying isn't "triggering" anyone m8
Do you chew with your mouth open then say "lol triggered" when people ask you to stop?
When the fuck did Kalecgos become an Archmage and be apart of the Kirin Tor? Always? I only just realized this.
>Homophobe in charge of shipping
my sides
>Pointing out that your head canon is retarded is the same thing as being triggered
Why are faggots so stupid?
When Jaina stopped being into bestiality.
>tfw play Undead
>tfw would happily wipe out Human cucks with plague anyday
>mfw triggering alliancebabs because I don't give a shit if Sylvannas is evil
Now switch the two and you get Cataclysm
>Is canonically attracted to female Draenei
Confirmed for our guy
It's world of fashioncraft for pve now races don't really matter much outside of the troll racial for pve. Just pick whatever race you think looks the best in sets
got stromkar and felo'melorn, what should i get next?
>outlaw rogue
>enhance shaman
>feral druid
>blood dk
>class preview doesn't let you try every spec
One job blizzard, one job.
I like him now.
>undead plauge
Stop calling it that. The correct term is "blight". The undead plague turned you into a mindless zombie. The blight just turns you into goop.
Cry more faggot ;^)