Sunwalker Edition
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Sunwalker Edition
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delet this before janny gets heartburn
Where should I level from 92-100? The invasion thing everyone was talking about or WoD zones?
are dps queues like 3 hours long because no one wanted to level as a healer?
>hunters in underbelly
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>Sylvanas has a major part in this expansion
>guild chooses now to switch to alliance
Fuck. I'm going to have to level a whole new character just to see Horde's side of this shit.
Invasions are gone.
How much is everyone betting that the Stormheim raid is Genn going crazy and siding with the Legion?
What is the best looking new area and why is it Stormheim?
god help you if you reached an area using the hook and you died up there
>switching to alliance when orcs are the masterrace
y tho
Any other horde players fucking hate sylvanas and her undead goons?
Oh god, I never thought about that.
To try alliance out for a while
>No class tabards
>Can't get the awesome glowing fel-hand logo from the Black Harvest on a tabard
So did Legion™ save the World of Warcraft(tm)?
What do you guys think the Imp Mother's asshole looks like?
What do I do with order resources? Or does that get explained later?
So...what's this from?
They're garrison resources essentially. You use them for exactly what you expect.
Fucking Horde gets fucked no matter who gets put as Warchief
Orcs are a bunch of savage retards who want to conquer and genocide everything.
Forsaken are pure evil and don't even deserve to exist as a 'race'. Sylvanus is only making more of them for her own needs, she knows she has no right bringing more Undead into the world.
Blood Elves don't give a shit about Alliance/Horde. They switched sides during BC and where gonna switch sides again during MOP.
Goblins will turn the Horde into nothing more then a soulless, corporation.
I don't even know about the Pandaren, didn't the Pandaren leaders for both factions fuck off to their turtle/Pandara cause of Garry?
Only two races who aren't complete dicks are (darkspear)Trolls and Taurens, the two dumbest playable races if the Wow racial stats are to be believed.
are you fucking kidding me
Tell me which zone this is so I can remember not to go there.
if you see the name huln highmountain in any quest dialogue, abort. it's in highmountain
Reminder that Ralph is a dog fucker Greek woman into m preg and diaper fur trash
So what are the future ramifications of picking Kanye Sunstrider or Alturis?
Is there some kind of list somewhere?
Can you switch out the relics or are you stuck with them forever once you pick?
Oh yeah, whoops. Didn't really look at the image very closely.
The fuck am I looking at here?
>no class tabards
>mfw I see some pleb walking around my Order Hall without a Tabard of the Lightbringer
Alright /wowg/ I asked this in the last thread but how would you sum up the class order hall campaigns?
>Warlock: an average episode of Superjail
>DK: Kicking ass and rezing horsemen
>DH: The search for Illidan part 1
>Hunter: The search for Alleria part 1 >Shamans: How to train your pet elemental lords
>Warrior: bearded man in the sky decides your the strongest person alive and gives you a free viking army
Well they add more companions or are warriors stuck with nothing but vyrkul and a giant?
a bottleneck zone where every single player is transformed into the same model and has the same white moose follow them around while they spam a channeled ability to try to get on a single mob spawning from a gate that they all need to progress
hows the endgame lads?
Anyone else disconnected randomly?
Haven't DCed, but there's a huge lag spike on Ghostlands right now. 1500+ ping for everyone on server.
>hasnt even been 24 hours
>no endgame content has been released
>hows the endgame
Are servers kill?
yes and now i cant get back on
>Warrior: bearded man in the sky decides your the strongest person alive and gives you a free viking army
I died like ten times on the prot artifact quest and still got it. Warr is da bust.
Is there a guide for garrisons? I skipped wod.
oh look, niggers being niggers again
7.3 will be set on Argus anf have cutscene of Exodar and Fel Hammer with Velen and Illidan on board flying in space
screencap this
>mfw no fem gobbos in Light's Hope
I mean, at least we have femtaur.
I want to play WoW again and I don't get paid for a week. Never made it past level 30 something. Is there a way I can earn membership? Blizzard gave me a 3 day sub last week but it ran out.
Have someone use a Scroll of Resurrection on you or spend in-game money for membership.
I transferred servers after doing the artifact quest on my prot warrior, and now my sword is gone. What the fuck am i supposed to do?
If somebody leveled as healer then they most likely already have a premade group.
>disc priests
Should I just resub or go back to Wotlk servers?
I stopped around the time Ice Crown Citadel came out and have never done a single raid outside of Onyxia
do you plan to buy legion? then of course
Havent bought an expansion since WotLK, I really didn't like what they did to Paladins in Cataclysm and haven't played since.
ok then dont buy it.
>mfw I warned my returning friend not to pick Disc as his main spec for healing, and he didn't listen.
I'm not petty enough to rub it in his face, but i also don't give up the chance to shut him up when he bitches about the spec.
>get in a solid 12+ hours of game time
See you in the morning, lads
Well how is Legion for Pallys?
The only classes I leveled to max as a teenager mind you in BC-WotLK was a Paladin and Death Knight and even then I didn't know what the fuck I was REALLY doing since I never did a raid and insisted on using intellect weapons as a Death Knight because I thought they looked cooler
Ive considered doing other classes but I have a raging hard-on for Paladin-anythings in games, it has me tempted to buy the Diablo 3 expansion for the Crusader
>Go to underbelly
>Wonder why there are so many skellingtongs lying on the ground
>enemy players appear out of thin air
>get assraped in a matter of seconds
never going to underbelly again
hi /wowg/
I used to play and main shaman way back in WoTK but haven't even touched the game since, I thought about getting back into it but I've always been discouraged seeing as how all the people I used to play with either no longer play/I no longer talk to.
also i'm sort of a noob now
How easy will it be to find friends/guilds to play with in this game? Are there /v/ or Veeky Forums guilds I can hop into to get a headstart so I can avoid playing with normies?
please respond i don't want to be play alone ;_;
Speak for yourself. I fucking love Sylvanas, she's hot and does whatever she wants with no fucks given. I hope she does more super grey shit to trigger the alliance. Also, UD have the prettiest architecture right next to BE's.
t. goblin
How come Icy Veins says to take Avatar over Renewed Fury? How is +20% damage on a 1.5 minute CD better than +10% damage whenever you use Ignore pain?
So the only complaints I've heard so far is the standard wpvp bitching and highmountain
what's going to be the first really big thing that pisses people off once the mob starts to hit 110? I'm guessing the artifact grind
how do i reset the artifacts in my weapon?
Sylvanas gets me horny. She's such a slut. I'm jealous
Which warlock spec to go with in legion?
Only 2 hours late. Try twitter faggot.
>50+ people killing a mob in underbelly
>bribe guards, everyone turns hostile
>spam AoE
>stuck at 0% loading while trying to port to dalaran
@ Argent Dawn EU, Alliance
Looking for a tank & dps for HC raiding. Promising attendance during the Hellfire drought, will probably raid 2-3 nights a week. Contact anyone online.
Hello Ass rogues
When do I use kingsbane in my opener?
The energy cost and lack of combo point generation makes it clumsy to fit in my old opener and it also seems like the damage isn't too impressive without envenom buff up for the extra poison procs. But holding it for so long until I do my full opener seems like a huge waste also and less burst. When do you guys use it?
>runas the shamed
Server down for anyone?
Day 1 is over lets see those artifacts
Shit it's just my server, GG frostmourne
>got the 80% loading
How the fuck nigger
Are you autistic
Godamn it, I just started to play now.
handy notes + legion treasure helps a lot
doing that quest
>Feeling pretty sad about it
>Bro walks up to him as he's saying his goodbyes
>Pullouts the selfie camera and starts taking pictures
It really killed the mood their.
I did it lads, I boosted a Rogue to 100
The regret isn't setting in quite yet.
Reminder that the Forsaken are total niggers and need to be eradicated.
It will
I'll never not be mad that she fucking blew up the Skyfire.
My other choice was to boost a Shaman (Don't heal, Don't like Ele, only wanted to play Enh for doomhammer) and Paladin (I only like ret and it's shit)
also I have a warrior and mage at 100 and they're both boring
I think I made the right choice
Reminder that all Blood Elves are 12 year old boys and should be sent back to middleschool.
kys faggot.
Looks like it's just broken isles that's down? Managed to log into an alt in org.
This still fucking sucks.
at least you didn't boost a dis priest
Is it true that this new mon scaling thing works in dungeons as well?
If I'm a level 103 tank and a friend of mine is level 108 damage dealer we can queue for dungeons together?
It's actually a fun expansion.
>leveled as fire to 107
>testing frost now
Gotta say, thought frost would be worse. Got some sick burst.
There's no other option to play demon hunter.
>spreading the plague
>in Dalaran
Nigger detected.
>literally just boosted a disc priest
Scary thought, what will jew blizzard do with all this power.
I've played this game alone since warlords and in legion its actually really fun alone. Lots of guilds will invite you, but nobody seems to talk in guid chats and when they do, they are little shits in their teens who are just insufferable to be around.
Sorry, am I wearing the wrong tabard then?