Old: Only twenty hours for aka6's stream where MF's contest pic will be done!
Old: Only twenty hours for aka6's stream where MF's contest pic will be done!
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Post gnat
Now post the true CLG
You see, I am not a common spider. A common spider feasts on its' prey the second it gets caught on its' web. But I am different.
When my prey gets caught on my web, I never even let it know of its' predicament. I feed it. I caress it. I perfect it. I sacrifice parts of my self for my prey. I sacrifice my own comrades for it. The more parts of myself I give it, the prettier it becomes. The more treachery I commit for nurturing it, the healthier it looks.
And when this process is complete... When my prey has reached perfection... This is when I strike. This is when I FEAST on it.
And trust me, there is no better taste out there. The more I feed it, the easier it becomes to devour. The more I sacrifice for it, the tastier it is. The more ignorant it is of its' hopelessness, the greater the warmth inside my heart.
I really miss Graves poster!
Twitch a cute
>playing jungle getting shouted at by a shen for the entire game
>look at his profile after the game
>riven main
what is it about riven that attracts all the kids?
Please stop playing caitlyn
j u s t
s t o p
the cuddliest of foxes
xth for getting kicked from clubs
user I hate to break your heart but it won't actually be "done" until next week. tomorrow is just the next stream slot we had set up.
>posted it in the old thread
ayy, can you guess the champ /lolg/?
>53 farm
this guy might be out in ranked in a week or two. stay away from me.
>plank is full build and like 370 AD
>his barrel doesn't kill the caster minions in a wave
Holy shit, how badly did they gut him?
>what is it about riven
you answered your own question
but why do they all flock to riven specifically?
no other champ has these autismo mains
or Hecarim
not falling for your prank
>internet is so bad at night that your ping spikes to over 400
>only free time you have since starting a real job is the evening
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on NA RESULTS
Another one is up!
close game
Best girl.
Best butt.
Best wife.
who dafuk was mid for redside
Id say cho but he built mostly tank, and malphite's build is... interesting.
It's not a prank I'm sorry
Unless you live In the boonies, you'll be able to buy better internet with that real job of yours.
I want to knock Fiora up!
I've gotten into promos with a winstreak giving me a free win, only to lose twice in a row THREE TIMES TODAY.
Is this scripted wtf. why do i have amazing teams leading up to promos then suddenly get feeders IN promos????
If this happened once I would just be bummed and try again. but its happened fucking three times in a row today. I dont get it
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on NA 4 slots left
password is vidya
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
Evens play drunken normals, odds play Fallout 4 (and maybe drink).
Well, good luck when she has a bullshit w
>Vayne players
I want to put my swimmers in Fiora.
I like a challenge.
>you'll be able to buy better internet
There's unfortunately no other option out here - I have Time Warner Cable, which is generally considered an above average provider, but there's some problem with the signal on their backbone before it gets dropped off to Riot.
I've been on the phone for hours, but getting them to hand me off to someone that doesn't ask me to restart my router for the millionth time takes forever, and even then the T2-3 support just says "that sucks, can't do shit about it".
I want to go swimming in Lulu and make Quetzalcuddle watch in horror.
Oh-ho-ho! I didn't quite catch that! I was too busy cumming IN Lulu!
why is it that I was bronze 3 two weeks ago, decided I wanted to stop fucking around in normals, and am now gold 2?
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on NA 2 slots left
password is vidya
Ayy you got it right, I was able to 1v1 almost anyone on their team because of the huge mana pool and the incredible burst with Zedblade.
Feversea is a god.
lusty foxes.
>every general has you people
In Hots it's Li Li, in League it's Lulu. What is it about child-like characters attracting the most autistic waifuposters?
i cant break out of silver as a support main. I know I should carry in another role if i want to climb but sup is all im good at
>Think "what is the funnest way I can build TF?"
>Full attack speed toplane bruiser TF
>TF into Mallet into Nashors into BoTRK into Wits End
The only thing I'm sure of is that I create terrible, terrible things.
>que top/jungle
>haven't gotten top in 5 games
what the fuck riot
Xth for waiting for the chinks to step up and upload FF28 doujin scans.
does dota have pugna autists
Is kled shit or am i missing something
Any itemization you recommend
I'm starting to think I play this game too much considering I've guessed correctly the last 3 or 4 times someone posted a wierd build.
I want to touch Tristana's butt.
Fuck time warner.
Double damage into offensive durability.
Likewise, my friend.
I want to do all sorts of things to Tristana.
So do I, but in a non sexual manner.
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on NA 2 slots left
password is vidya
This is what league girls above silver look like.
I swear to god Varus being a dude is a huge waste.
>tfw no one in EUW for Veeky Forums games
oh well i have to endure ranked cancer then
I want our cadre of trist butt drawfriends to come back
Every dude that is a dude is a waste tbqhwyf
Make an NA account like me. The ping isn't that bad
He was a move by riot to sexualize males because there was a demand for it. I think his lire is also pretty cool, probably wouldn't work for a female character.
>female support main
who could have predicted this twist
Nah, not all of them. I mean, take Pantheon, as a girl it would just be Leona, or Shen as a girl would just be Akali.
Zac is another huge waste though. Slimegirls are the best monstergirls.
I main ADC and play Tristana and Ezreal. I'm looking for a third champion to add to my pool.
Used to play Caitlyn but got sick of her.
Same with MF although I think I'm fine with playing her sometimes.
I don't like Lucian.
Any recommendations?
>tfw sexualizing men is a more fun way of bringing equality to the game's roster than sucking the sex appeal out of the women
>tfw that's not good enough for some people anymore
Delete this
This is my custom build, how did you steal it from me?
Trap hero when
I think Varus is fine the way he is, then again I only really like him because his kit is fun and the varus/lulu art is so good.
Varus. Kogmaw. Quinn. Vayne. Windrunner. Drow. Ashe. Jhin. Graves. Twitch. Teemo. Meepo. Urgot.
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on NA 2 slots left
password is vidya
>Slimegirls best monstergirls.
YES, YES, YES. How can one person be so right with one sentence.
>getting uncomfortable looking at badass men
writer confirmed for gay
Just camp top lane so much you may as well be the top laner :^)
that may be the only cute fan art of lulu i've ever seen
Fine, but only because you asked nicely
yeah no
You think so?
I haven't tried him before.
I guess I can save up some IP for him.
I had thought about grabbing him in the past. Hopefully he doesn't get completely gutted though.
Was also thinking of picking up Jinx.
No keep your disease away
The artist does a good job, shame I can't remember his name.
>tfw 1 hour and 40min 4v4 game
Where did you get trap from this? That's not what's going on.
Jinx is trash tier. Tbh, Jhin/Ashe/Sivir are still S tier, and Riot has stated that Twitch is broken and needs to be nerfed but they don't plan on touching him til he's super popular like what happened to Poppy.
If only their was a cute slime girl in this game...
where are your support items