What is something super simple that one can have to show women that i am fucking loaded, like pic related? I don't mean like expensive cars and shit, thats too obvious. Something thats very basic but very projecting.
What is something super simple that one can have to show women that i am fucking loaded, like pic related...
GOLD Chain/bracelet
Accidentally show your demo trading account with large numbers of commas.
fancy watch
An instagram with pictures of you in nice hotels in desirable cities across the world with friends.
How about dress nicely
Get some brown dress shoes/slippers. Nothing too fancy. Something that looks rugged to go with regular clothes, and nice enough to wear with business casual attire.
Shop around for shirts that fit/look GOOD on you. Same with pants. You will need to go to multiple stores (start with wal mart and Kohl's and target and see if anything there works, then move on to more expensive places. You do not want to make it look like you only get clothes from one place.
Get the newest plus sized iPhone. And if you carry a backpack/laptop bag then Upgrade that. Get a nice one made of leather that is stylish with business casual attire
>tfw bought kickass mega man laptop bag and never used it since its unprofessional
>buying an iPhone like a retarded normie when you can get a superior Android phone for the same price or better
There's conspicuous consumption and then there's wasteful spending.
>tfw you'll never rush home from school and grind runescape till 4 am again
OMEGA watch.
Brooks Brothers clothes, with that dated classic appearance.
A good bag from an upscale company, preferably English (personally, I'm currently going with a Barbour Wax Cotton Mail Bag).
Decent hairstyle and groomed face that doesn't say "I can't take care of myself".
Shoes. Clean, shined shoes.
A Priority Pass™ card.
An expensive book on an esoteric academic subject that screams intelligent specialization yet refined taste.
OP wants to look wealthy to normies. To show off his wealth to normies (in phone form at least) he must buy an iPhone. You cannot deny this unless you are just shitposting.
He wants to look like he is loaded
An iPhone 7 plus is the newest phone out right now. It's aesthetic (not fugly like some android phones), stands out (those two front cameras), and has name recognition.
And you can get a case to make yourself look even more sophisticated (my boss has an expensive leather iPhone case he says costed over 100$)
Out of everything in my post you cherry pick that because you are autistic. I just said plus sized iPhone since the plus models are more expensive and easier to recognize.
If I knew more about the android market I would recommend him something from there. My best friend has a note 4 that looks pretty nice.
Unlike an expensive watch, the iPhone doesn't "work" as a status symbol unless he actually uses it.
Since iOS is inferior to Android, he'd be cucking himself.
And? If his goal was to be comfy all of the time he would just be okay with wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt everywhere aloong with being an absolute NEET. This guy clearly wants to improve his social status. We're helping him with that, you are not.
Success ALWAYS requires trade-offs to be made.
>45% of smartphone market
>"""status""" symbol
What do you mean by actually using it?
It's a damn phone. He makes calls, sends texts, and recieves emails like a normal person. He probably also will have some games, music, and memes saved on it to that will put it to use.
But I agree it's not the best indicator since anyone has it now, but still having the newest iPhone plus will do more than having some android that he "decked out with all his hax"
iPhone 7 plus was just released a week or two ago. No way it's 45% of the market
Retard read my post next time.
It is a trend. People who follow trends (normies) typically have much higher social status than "muh user experience. OMG IS THAT WINBLOWS? why don't you use linux uuuughhh"
I can tell that you're some kind of social outcast just by the points that you're trying to argue for.
>What do you mean by actually using it?
What do you think I mean?
He would have to use the iPhone. He has to take it out in public and use it to make calls. He would be using the iPhone instead of an Android, and in this respect he would be gimping himself by choosing an inferior product because it has (SLIGHTLY) more prestige.
He should spend the money on a watch instead. That is conspicuous even if he never uses it.
He played runescape to 4am every day after school. Check the IDs ITT. He is a loser hahahaha
Well any normal person does those things or can fake those things in public
I recommended the iPhone 7 plus since it's the newest and most expensive iPhone right now. Can you name a model/models of android phones you think would be better?
Also without retarded /g/ reasons. Why is the iPhone inferior? Most normal people don't value what /g/ values in phones and definitely no women will give a shit.
Also I fail to see how the android is any more effective at the things you listed than the iPhone. Would you care to go more into detail?
Coming from /g/, and owning an android, I actually can't say anything too bad about iPhone given what I use a phone for. Nice UI, good battery life, great cameras, they look sexy as fuck, and they are pretty secure from people looking to compromise your data.
anymore wealthy people look just like everyone else.
we try to blend.
regarding all the phone argument, I don't carry a phone. I have an assistant that has a phone.
so maybe it doesn't matter what type of phone you own if you have a personal assistant to carry it for you? Just a thought. Nothing says wealth like hiring people.
Welp. Can't argue with that. 10/10 post user
It's a superior operating system. Try both and you'll see. iOS is a closed system so Apple has final say on everything released on it.
Android also has the larger market cap and will see more attention from developers in the coming years.
>An expensive book on an esoteric academic subject that screams intelligent specialization yet refined taste.
Underrated beyond words.
This is a fantastic way to meet higher-quality women as opposed to the general gold-digging whores that you'll find yourself surrounded by if you flash wealth without sophistication.
It has the benefit of almost never looking like you're trying to show off and you could potentially gain valuable insight if your book-choosing game is on fleek.
Go for books on law, philosophy, economics, investing, neuroscience, medicine, or art history.
Some sort of philosophical investment guide to high art.
Never be caught dead with a motivational or self-help book.
ITT:Autists once again prove they cant help but to shove themselves into the moronic android versus apple shitstorm, even though the android 32x.4 getting 37 more thrust percentages per squeezeframe than its apple counterpart, has absolutely jack shit to do with the topic at hand.
I work in a hospital. You know what phones all the background support and admin staff have? Androids. You know what phones the doctors have? iPhones. Every single one of them.
But no, I'm sure the Huawei P9 will really get the panties wet...
Precisely. Truth refinement is about taste, not just simple opulence. Anyone can fake the latter, but the former isn't easy.
If you want an example of this, compare Donald Trump, Russian/Ukrainian oligarchs, and others (I'm thinking ghetto niggers who benefited from drug money and now want gold chains and shit) and their horrible choices. Overuse of the color gold, gaudy pieces that don't fit in with the overall theme of your home, continually being under the premise that the most expensive thing = the best.
Barbaric, almost. No, you want classy. Conservative in the traditional sense. A palette that isn't finer; it was ~born~ finer, and can handle it. According to the Chinese, it takes one generation to get rich, but three to successfully breed graciousness. That's the kind of barrier that exists.
As for books, you want either: a) philosophy and the meaning/origin of life, because people with less things to worry about (usually associated with rich people) can afford to think about those things, b) history, particularly if it relates to some sort of aristocracy or biography of some rather successful individual (ideally long dead) whom you can learn from and his success (people automatically associate this with wealth half the time), or c) something that mixes changing global politics and recent frontier markets, particularly if it says "I am think of investing/doing business there."
Some personal suggestions (some of them recent) that make you stand out:
>"On the Happiness of the Philosophic Life: Reflections on Rousseau's Rêveries in Two Books"
>The Vital Question: Energy, Evolution, and the Origins of Complex Life
>Originals: How Non-Conformists Move the World
>Breaking Rockefeller: The Incredible Story of the Ambitious Rivals Who Toppled an Oil Empire
>The Age of Edward III
>"Noblesse Oblige: An Enquiry into the Identifiable Characteristics of the English Aristocracy"
>Interesting Times: China, America, and the Shifting Balance of Prestige
>ITT:Autists once again prove they cant help but to shove themselves into the moronic android versus apple shitstorm, even though the android 32x.4 getting 37 more thrust percentages per squeezeframe than its apple counterpart, has absolutely jack shit to do with the topic at hand.
I hope this is a joke
Everybody clearly knows that the thrust percentages per squeezeframe are absolete in the android 32x.4 because the pixels are only series 10's oppose to the iphones series 12's which offer more thrust percentage per squeezecrame anyway.
Anyway, the IOS operating system is far superior in user experience and in speed oppose to the android
This. Plus expensive leather dress shoes like Allen Edmonds. Expensive sunglasses can also help.
Do you actually think anyone gives a fuck if you have the newest iPhone? Much less think it gives you any kind of status? Get the fuck out of here.
>Allen Edmonds
I said no /g/ shit
Any girl you tell that too will have a dry pussy.
>but I'm a 1337 fone hakkurrr
Nobody is going to be able to tell if your shoes are better/more expensive than Allen Edmonds. (especially girls)
Increases in quality are diminishing beyond $300-400.
Maybe try exotic leather shoes but there is a very fine line between gaudy and style.
Nice clothes/shoes. Pay for stuff with an AMEX Black card.
try dressing well and not being an insecure faggot.
I'm a multimillionaire and an Amex customer.
I haven't been offered a Centurion.
that's for the mega-rich apparently.
I do have a plum for business. Not quite the same.
>Barbaric, almost. No, you want classy. Conservative in the traditional sense. A palette that isn't finer; it was ~born~ finer, and can handle it. According to the Chinese, it takes one generation to get rich, but three to successfully breed graciousness. That's the kind of barrier that exists.
you might have an assistant to take your calls and arrange things, but why don't you still have a phone? what about whatsapping your friends and family, checking the news and shitposting on Veeky Forums? are you dictating your posts?
i have an assistant too during business hours, but i still have a phone. iphone 5, as i don't give a hoot what others think. why would i try to impress people that don't matter? it's shallow and weak.
OP needs self-respect
At least an iPhone doesn't literally explode in your pocket.
Eccentricity is a signal of wealth, and guess what - it's free. In some instances, trying to peacock in other ways may backfire and make you look like you're compensating (see midlife crisis sports car).
10/10 post
Buy a high quality counterfeit Omega or Rolex watch off one of the tor markets.
Make sure it's a high quality one that can't be picked out as a fake without taking it apart.
If you get a Rolex make sure you have the confidence to pull it off without everyone assuming it's a fake(its the first thing they will ask when they see it)
Only a schmuck would buy a real Rolex or related overpriced watch
>why don't you still have a phone?
I said I don't carry a phone, not that I don't have one.
I grew up before cell phones existed, and when I'm out doing things I don't take phone calls.
I buy phones for my employees to carry though. They're on call 24/7. I'm not anyone's employee. They don't get to call me up whenever they feel like it.
holy fuck kys
Why would you ever want to show off your wealth?
I guess this is fine unless your intention behind it is to impress a woman and bring her home for anything more than just fucking. Don't date or fall in love with a gold digger user.
Vertu phones are the only answer
What the fuck is that a picture of?
You sound autistic
Any android with the same stats will be about the same price. Fuck off android cuck
It's going to take a lot more than wealth to overcome your looks and personality.
You will always be socially retarded so why don't you try losing some weight and getting fit.
After you get that over with you should look into dressing better and pretending to be confident when you walk around so you aren't projecting your low self esteem
stop trying to be edgy with your anti consumerism bullshit
you aren't impressing anyone
iPhone, expensive wallet, LV card holder, nice clothes.
why are android plebs so fucking butthurt all the time about iPhone?
Bank statement and asset portfolio.
Mate illegal workers have iPhones. Smartphones are not a status symbol.
Three hookers that will follow you around town.
get a patek philippe
omega aint shit its like 3 grand
seriously, this is so stupid.
I work with immigrants who have been in this country for 5 years and they all have smartphones, some of them iPhones.