The Skwad Edition
Old Thread: Current Patchnotes:
Yorick Rework:
The Skwad Edition
Old Thread: Current Patchnotes:
Yorick Rework:
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>server dies as i was about to 1v5
i wanna learn to play someone new top
i mostly play riven and gnar, champs like malphite and GP are boring, who should I try?
i'm trying to think of a better fit for katana but i can't come up with one
which Chromas did you get, anontachi
>you cant carry games. ist all luck
ill just post it again
Alright /lolg/,
I'm hammered and I've opened up mspaint
Taking any requests you fags might have if you want to see it poorly re-imagined
make shaco
Tiger stance spirit guard udyr with the word "Dawn" at bottom right
can you draw gangplank drinking his sorrows away
Can you do a cyberpunk Jinx? Something like pic related.
>I carried the game
why do you lie on an anonymous imageboard, user
>mfw I stereotype Gnar players to be urban youths without fathers
>mfw when they play bad, go on tilt, and inevitably tell the whole team to shut the fuck up I want to tell them to enjoy getting killed when a cop pulls them over
>mfw I'm a liberal and LoL makes me realize I'm a closet racist
he's just proud of those 2 good games he had man
probably the only good games he's had in awhile, it's all he has
let him have his moment
i just know how to take care of my allied lanes so they can deal damage.
thats my Job as jungler. also if ist not me who carries. why am i so consistent?
>want to brag about all the chromas I got
>dont want to respond to user cause hes big queer using weeb suffixes
ekko and yasuo are fun despite all the butthurt people in this general
also kled is interesting, shit like the sunfire botrk fizz is still doable and still works quite well so really the sky is the limit, just make sure whatever you pick fits the composition you are playing into
feel free to check out my recent games. also i only ment to post my shaco stats to be honest.
just wanted to show that being gud is real and that if you are good enough gets you up in elo
will be plat soon i think
lulu a cute
Only Bungee Gum Zac
>bragging about being in promos for gold 2
i'm in gold 2 and even I find this to be quite sad, especially since it took you almost 300 games
Haven't tried kled yet despite buying him. I'll give him a go in the next game.
Only Majin Zac for now. I don't like the rest too much.
this is pretty much the standard build, after titanic go for generic meatwall items depending on the enemy team
I was just looking around my profile when I hovered over my rank
What is this?
Righto lets see what absurdities get put onto this page
Best girl.
Best ears.
Best wife.
why dont riot release Chromas for all the basic champs skins??
Its Easy
Its Fast
best smile
best cuddles
best hands
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
because despite being massive jews they're too lazy and incompetent do make right marketing decision, may it be with skins or lcs
because the new classic skins are actually decent and making chromas out of them is bad for business
I want to go swimming in you
back off, she's mine!
>there are people in this thread who can't get out of whatever bronze to gold elo they are when champions like teemo exist
Just build mallet hurricane gunblade and by that time you've already won. Meme push toplane and use shrooms to cover escape route. The only time you should go to other lanes is to take down their towers and inhibitors too.
>55% (F I F T Y F I V E P E R C E N T) Winrate in plat+
what does that even mean you autist
Been seeing a lot of ap ez mids lately
Tell me did someone go ap ez mid in some recent tournament?
I wanna go stabbing in you.
>took you almost 300 games
it didnt
on this account only the shaco, galio, panth, maokai, sivir games are from me
also this is not my main. but since i cant q with friends when on my main i Need another account. and it happened to be this one. dunno what the other dude does on this account
it's the same thing as Vayne top, Lucian top, Corki mid etc.
it's about breaking the mold of lanes
do you also have an lvl 100 Paladin on another server?
It's the symbol of boosted money you get in 4 wins
thats just adc players not getting their main role
>be scripter
>trying to find a scripter to duo with
>find someone
>he says he scripts
>play 2 games and it's obvious he doesn't script
whenever I play and see an ADC main I'm baffled as to why would anyone main that role.
Literally the objectively worst role to main.
Cass main bro?
>gold 3
teach me master
no I main twitch
My friend rang me, got distracted
drawing is fucking hard bro, I haven't done this shit since 4th grade
other's soon or never I'm on the verge of passing out anyway
Malphite tipping his rabadons
thanks mate
Priority number 1 I suppose, I was already doing it before you asked
Is this like some rite of passage?
Post pseudonyms for sonas chest
Jumbo Jugs
I wanna cuddle and protect lulu.
Redpill me on Nunu Jungle
monkeyfags what masteries do i take on wukong
So is Kindred worth getting or would it be a waste at this point?
I'm a jungle main and want a good Assassin besides K6/J4/Vi
powerful early game, zero lategame
every mastery that gives dmg or penetration mang
Kindred isn't an assassin and neither is 2 of those listed
What is Kindred then?
everything that increase your damage
i'm taking ignite vs a riven
what the fuck are wukongs powerspikes
Kindred is officially an assassin per rito.
She's actually just a marksman though.
more like go 0/19 in lane, end up winning anyway due to teamfights, but get bombarded with reports
that's what happens when i play nunu top.
>bragging about gold 3
>probably has more games in the last month than I have in an entire league of legends playtime
Massive Mammaries
Milk Machines
Humongous Hills
Copious Casabas
Tremendous Tatas
Prodigious Pillows
>be a liberal
>be attracted to the alt-right characters and over all masculine champions that would rule with an iron fist
what do you main?
adc is the fucking shit for me its so fun
Is that guy who always posts masquerade evelynn pics here?
Big Breasts
the lane game with wukong goes you try to hit them with your combo and w out to avoid trades back
he's good at 6 but you're not gonna kill ribbon at 6 without your jungler
ghostblade+dirk means you'll be making squishies have zero armor
at level 11 his ulti has a base damage
>gold 3
>nothing to be proud of
>better than 80%+ of players in EUW
Still a pretty good accomplisment desu, to be in the top 20%
Silly Sacks
Gorgeous Gumbos
Plentiful Pouches
well i killed her at 3
Here you go brev, one clown for your pleasure
Never, unless you don't want to see Froggen's Anivia.
good jorb user
wow thanks bruh.
can i save it?
new client when
this will be good for everyeone other than RIOT and Pros
10 bans ensure there will never be a solid META. and means Riot will have to actually work and balance low play rate champs cause the OP, Broken, ultra flashy ones will be on perma ban
Right after the big jungler update.
>tfw just noticed I've played ~24 hours straight
>only made 2m
>i'm going to be stuck f2p for longer than I thought
>kled didnt even know how to fucking play kled(literally asking for skill and item builds while in-game)
>vayne kept complaining about his support being useless
>AP Ez mid who stole my first rotation red, died immediately to the zed, then demanded my 2nd rotation blue
>I'm still fucking lvl5 at 7mins because of this fucking ap meme mid
I'll never get to diamond with eve
>Right after the big jungler update
is this real? all I know is Assassins and Then Worwick rework
Isn't there a collection of these or something?
Champions like 90%+ banrate Kassadin not being disabled in ranked is an outrage.
show me how you get 70%+ winrate and 4+ kda in gold 3 before you talk like this
Ultimate Udders
Go for it fameroni
I want to cuddle with my husband Trundle! I love him a lot and I wanna hug his butt!
>ap carry
>got my blue, about to go into final teamfight
>head to their blue with sona, type "#greed"
>take it as well
suck my dick you slut
Never. Think about it. With 10 bans it means pros have to constantly practise at least 6 champions or they can get target banned and insta lose. The fact that there are even bans to begin with is absurd in itself, it shows they made too many champions are having major problems making them all balanced.
I'll hopefully get back to you two, my stylus just ran out of juice and I'm scrounging for some batteries
Anything for one of the best waifu-posters :^)