/hbg/ - Homebrew & Hacking General

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3DS: 9.2 (Downgrade: 10.7 - Homebrew: Browser/Menuhax up to 11.0)
Wii U: 5.5.1
Vita: 3.60 (Kernel)
PS4: 1.76 (Kernel)

3DS: pastebin.com/TQwDsWh9
Downgrade + a9lh: github.com/Plailect/Guide/wiki
Wii U: pastebin.com/8u0WAyJC
Vita: pastebin.com/v3caHHnp Homebrew: pastebin.com/gdYHiFAX

-arm9loaderhax guide completely revised with fewer steps and less time involved.
-11.0 Browserhax & Menuhax are out now! smealum.github.io/3ds/
-Install Menuhax ASAP if you're not already on CFW, because Nintendo can block Browserhax remotely without a workaround. twitter.com/smealum/status/758450605568372736
-You STILL can't downgrade, use CFW or install .cia files from 11.0 without a hardmod or hacked system transfer. github.com/Plailect/Guide/wiki/DSiWare-Downgrade
-SD card access in DS mode in development. gbatemp.net/threads/413015/

>Wii U
-IOSU allegedly happening, update to 5.5.1 recommended. twitter.com/Mathew_Wi/status/766504663826870272
-Enter under DNS Settings to block updates. twitter.com/NWPlayer123/status/766486134356529152

-SOURCE RELEASED: blog.xyz.is/2016/vita-netps-ioctl.html
-TheFlow0 has released a *somewhat* functional version of Vitamin: bitbucket.org/TheOfficialFloW/vitamin
-Decrypted games: pastebin.com/4gm37Buj
-HENkaku release 3 is out, enables spoofing for PSN access, update blocking, and more. henkaku.xyz
-Update 3.61 patches HENkaku.

-HENkaku ported to PS4 firmware 3.55 github.com/Fire30/PS4-3.55-Code-Execution-PoC

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Reminder that you are stealing.

More asian english games when

Stranger of Sword City JPN doesn't work. Good job

OK how come the chinks are ripping games so fast, where's the tool? I refuse to believe that chinaman actually owns all those games and is ripping them all by himself.

and it feels so good

give dusk and arland ateliers REEEEE

Are Vitas region locked? I notice some of the dumps are EU.


Hope everyone is enjoying their BCG accounts and making good use of those super quick, tested vita game torrents
I'll invite more people next month

No they're not

> source released

Does that mean cfws are around the courner?


They're using Vitamin just like us.
You're underestimating how big the scene is in China. It's probably more than 10x the size of reddit and us.

Does god of war work??

I'm more impressed by their apparent success rate.

I have to wonder how many of those don't work

MeiQ: Labyrinth of Death and Gal*Gun dumps where?

Is Borderlands 2 on the Vita worth it?

>99% installed
>error 0xFFFFFFFE

All of the chink games I've tried so far have worked.

Which is about 6.



>worth it?

Tested Stranger of Sword City JPN with chink semen. Still doesn't work.

Uploader please sudoku

So, how asspained is Vitagen? They're surprisingly quiet, given how much of a fuss they made when Henkaku was first released.

Is there a working dump of Child of Light?

Did they have a purroblem with it?


nth for dead meme

So... Is VLR working ?

I tried putting chinaman semen and i get stuck at the same screen, tried removing steroid.suprx and i'm having C2-12828-1.

Sony dropped the VIta anyway so who cares.

What's the fastest way to get a dumped .vpk off to my PC? Renaming to .mp4 and moving to a videos folder doesn't work, the Videos app doesn't see it.

Without updates?

I don't even know why they need a vitagen when every panty quest vn has their own general

The same problem. Don't know why it marked (work) in pastebin.

First for Taiko

both hotline miamis
disgaea 3 and 4
persona 4
gal gun
puyo tetris
odin sphere
anything else? don't want neps or games already on pc.

Did you refresh the database on your PC?

So how will DLC pirating go down? Will specific games need custom patches/cracks you think?
Because I'd assume most DLC for Vita games gets downloaded with the latest updates anyway, but without a "yes I own this DLC" check they can't be accessed.

Curiously, does downloadable content work if bought from the store with a game dumped by Vitamin?

I heard something about moving it to the saves folder

qcma .mp4 trick works if you're going from pc to vita. Vita to pc is another matter.

taiko obviously

>SOURCE RELEASED: blog.xyz.is/2016/vita-netps-ioctl.html


This so much. How are they getting most of their games to work? Or are most westerners just dumb as rocks and can't dump properly.

>but without a "yes I own this DLC" check they can't be accessed.

Correct. You need the license in order for it to activate, even if you have the DLC. For example, I have a legit copy of Muramasa (US) on the latest update, but I can't use the pirated DLC with it.

>does downloadable content work if bought from the store with a game dumped by Vitamin?

Unlikely. Updating your game breaks the decrypted eboot. Although, assuming the dumped game is on the latest firmware, I have no idea what would happen.

I have all of Gravity Rush's DLC and each one is only a 100kb.
I also own PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royal, and likewise, the DLC isn't very big. Each character is only 100kb.

I imagine all of the data for DLC is in the updates, the files you download are just licenses.

Dump already here

But still no chinese magic can make it work ;__;


Alright, I've got a few games I want. Are there any working links to the following?
Both Rayman Games
Velocity and VelocityX2
Both Hotline Miami games
Gravity Rush
It's a lot of games and I know they aren't all dumped, but whichever ones are I'd love to get links to

what the fuck are you talking about? this is NOT nintendo

I could dump my Borderlands 2 and updates?

I got the Digital release so I could dump the upates.

EU though. d

guys i have a question, i logged out of my psn account, still got 2 trophys in some games, can this fuck me up? it is better to format my vita or am i good just signed out?

nobody cares

all we care about is T A I K O

Please do

Is there any Bullet Girls 2 vpk floating around? I need it for science.

Assuming I've downloaded the latest version of Senran, should I bite the bullet and see what happens if I try to buy DLC for it?
For science, of course.

I have my Physical Cart and runs well on 1.01

Get fucked.

Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus dumps with vitamin 1.1 but none of the magic chinese semen can cure it of vita std.

Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 Plus dumps fine on both vitamins but need magic chinese semen to cure it of vita std.

Nobody knows it's not like they've done shit yet

back to vitagen

>installing a 3.05GB game on my 8GB card
>6.5GB actual free space so after vpk transfer its 3.5, just enough for the installation.
>then backing it up with qmca so I can transfer it to a 4GB because I can't install it there otherwise

Poorfag life

There's Borderlands 2 EU but I'm not sure whether it's updated and if it is, which version. Dump the update first.

Assuming you don't care being banned, do. I'm curious.

Last I checked the dump we have is 1.06, which isn't the latest version. If you have a dump with the latest version, I'd appreciate it if you could upload it.

>we care about
>we care

Pretty sure it's just one faggot spamming taiko and trillion over and over.

Try to do it on a PC first. If PS Store is like Steam, you won't be able to buy DLC for the game you don't own.

Ah, yeah, it's 1.06. Fug.
And updating would break it, right? Kinda sucks.

What difference will it make to know who posts what ?
This is an anonymous board

Yeah, updating it would break it.

Just use the skeleton vpk method, it's pretty simple. I'll explain if you don't know already.

I know this struggle

Uncensor patch for Monster Monpiece when?

Been away since yesterday.
News on DOAX3 Venus?

Would pirating dlc eventually becomes possible or never ever? I assumed even that xanadu chink can't do it too?

doesn't work

I'd rather have a save mod to get 999 keys and stones since I can't play online and even if I could there's nobody playing it anymore.

With Vitamin, it might never be possible, there could be technical limitations to it. If/when the Henkaku source releases, people should be able to modify it for more system access, be able to decrypt and dump files without hacking around it like Vitamin does.

If it's anything like Smash DLC, all you really need to do is edit the save file to enable it (assuming you have the latest update for the game, of course).

But I don't think $ony went full retard on that end.

wtf i love vitamin now


Never hurts to know more, do explain user.

I read something about making a vpk with only the eboot and some other stuff and then transferring the rest via ftp, not sure if I even have this down right. Is it that? If so how do I do it when I already have a vpk, how do I unpack/repack it?

kancolle not dumped yet?

apparently had an issue, but idk if that was on leak vitamin or 1.0..

Okay, so I've just installed my first .cia, which is Majoras Mask 3D. It's working perfectly so I just wanna say thanks to /hbg/ for answering all of my questions and of course to those working behind the scenes so that we can have CFW in the first place. You guys are pretty neat.

Now, to install more games.

Proof? Last time the guy trying to dump it failed because his psv went to sleep mode. Archived post link pls.

If someone has the digital version of the game he can dump the updates

It's not even 1.0. See

Shit, I really hope someone dumps the latest version then.

I'm too lazy go find it yourself.

such a cutie you are

Alright. VPK is pretty much a zip file. Here's what you do.

Open the vpk file with winrar then extract all of the files.

Now take the eboot.bin and the sce_sys folders and put them in a zip file.

Rename your newly created zip file to game.vpk.

Now transfer game.vpk to your vita and install it. It should create a new folder under ux0: app

Now transfer the rest of the files you extracted to that folder and play the game.

about to make the deal of the century


If I'm not mistaken, even the scene stopped dumping stuff for that thing.

That's a bad dump, not a undumpable game.

Tokyo Ghoul Jail been dumped yet?

I will translate it.
Pls I really wanna play this and I couldn't get it imported.

A-user pls, you're making me blush.

Not even by the chinese yet

How long will this becomes /vpg/? I am not complaining though.

OK I'll be back to check in the next thread.

Or the thread after
Thanks luv