Fighting Games General /fgg/
Anyone else had their FM taken by Capcom even without ever installing any mods?
>I play ST unironically
>I'm from the discord
t. shit jims say
capcom killed my dog
Anyone want to play
kof 2002/2002UM
Stop ragequitting, cheating, hacking and not supporting the FGC.
what is it that attracts mentally ill people to shitpost about sf5 constantly?
>I talk shit about everyone
>I will never play anyone here because I'm too afraid
t. shit anonydodgers say
/fgg/ SF4Remix Tournament NOW.
It's a mod for USF4. Ultras are gone, characters are different, new specials, FADC is replaced by simple EX Cancels (no dash required), every character has multiple supers, no 1f links, fun juggles, etc.
There's literally no reason to not try it out. And no, this isn't the Rainbow Edition of USF4. That would be Koryu Edition which is included in this mod but can only be played through Edition Select.
Systems Guide
Character Move Lists
Combo Video (Old Version, but you get the point)
If we reach at least 10 players winner will receive up to $15 in Steam games
what do you want to play
Dualqueue with me in ranked Brawlhalla.
no one wants to play your dead mod, pickles
ST is a fun party game to play with friends when drunk.
Playing it on a daily basis seriously, now that's just pathetic.
anything that isn't alpha
Welcome to Veeky Forums.
I don't play party games
Oh I thought you were talking about fc stuff. I only have CSE and I forgot how to play that entirely
capcom resurrected my dead dog
You forgot UMvC3. They just straight up didn't care about the gameplay or balance in 3. I'm honestly fearing for how MvC4 will turn out.
it's actually mentally ill capcucks false flagging
it's ok, i have a headache anyway, i think i need a nap
I want to play 3s but i suck and i don't want to get my ass kicked
>I'm honestly fearing for how MvC4 will turn out.
Don't worry that will never turn at all.
3s is probably the game I'm worst at out of those I've put more than two hours into
i disagree
what game do you play? see me in it
As a XIII Billy main, XIV Billy is trash, I've dropped him for Meitenkun.
I don't know what it says about ST-Shitter when he scoffs at ST the way he does - like a journo that got blown out on Twitter, straining to show how little he cares - but leaves Karnov's Revenge alone.
What's wrong with having the name "Jim"? This is a Smash autist term, right?
Is Meitenkun good?
See my f2p scrub character in KI.
Someone gets a train run on them because they can't block, or they find out they can't do their training boar combo because they're being kept out, and then they come here and shitpost nonstop
reminder that skullgirls sucks lmaooooo
i said fighting game not party masher
ki is more of a fighting game than sfv
rps party masher is not a fighting game pajeet my son
shut it fweerve
Stop posting anime girls
Ur low quality opinions dont warrant an image
Haven't played that much with him but he only really seems to lack effective mixups, since his overhead knocks down on hit.
This week it's barky barky awoo~~~~ Wolfman.
My ragequit rate should be below 1%.
I don't cheat or hack.
I don't support FGC.
Jim post
As a '98 Billy main, I very much like his new 6B in XIV.
That's the closest I can get to a compliment. I dunno, I like him more in XIV because I can actually do combos with him now, even though I know he's worse.
Is Necalli's damage getting nerfed after Capcom Cup?
ryu chun ken nash necalli are getting nerfed for sure
I hope his everything is getting nerfed desu senpai
I'd rather fight Mika than faggot ass necalli
It depends if Capcom wants to nerf the top tiers or buffs the low and mid tier.
dhalsim scheming just outside of top tier, hopefully safe from nerfs
It's actually really funny how these threads are just fueled by people with absolutely no personality trying to out meme each other and rack up replies.
>you have been hit with a penalty for illegally obtaining Fight Money
>still have 800k
Shit I'm glad Capcom is incompetent. I would've probably dropped the game if they took it all. The grind is worse than any mobile F2P game.
i just want massive fucking ibuki buffs
like so many that people will get mad and drop the game
>not wanting to play a motion character with charge character unga bunga normals
>Capcom is incompetent
skullgirls sucks lmao
the latter would be effort
The bird girl in KoF seems like what Ibuki would be if her glide were actually useful.
What's wrong with Ibuki? Rashid was a weaker character at launch and people kept playing him and discovering tech making him better and better, I don't see her getting massive buffs.
Someone play me on KOF14
I just want green hand. Could be -45 idc
don't talk ill of the dead
He got interesting special and super inputs. It's like charge except zero charge time, so probably more of a change input.
in another year youre going to replace void at this rate
I have fucking HAD it
/fgg/ is no longer about posting epic comebacks, insane 3s parries, or sharing the hottest tips n tricks for beating blanka players. This place has become a cesspit (even mortal kombat is posted here!)
I am taking my leave and heading to reddit, where people still remember how to discuss fighting games. No, don't follow me, don't even reply to me. I think it's time I did a little growing up.
Fuck you Brick
Just bought KOFXIV and the dude gave me a poster with it for free, pretty cool
So far there only have been nerfs from first beta build.
Anyone wanna play DOA 5 on PS3 or Xbone?
0.02 cents have been deposited into your account
ur nig
>skullgirls autist discovered the archive and is reposting shitposts over and over
i'm glad my game is not dead desu
Valle looks like that short Turkish meme guy there
Unlike void I actually play and enjoy fighting games
>when you stay inside and play vidya all day, you become a meme
It checks out.
patch isn't out yet
that why I said give it a year
stop falseflagging
After a year of asking for games and no one ever replying that's probably what's gonna happen
reminder that there's shitters and scrubs out there that hate fighting games because they suck at them and are probably the shitposters here trying to start shit
there's an official soul calibur character voting thing going on right now
Sophitia vs Cassandra first
isn't sophitia dead? what is this for
sorry speak english i don't understand mexican
Sophitia is so much better than Cass it's not even funny
>tfw Leona is finally good
It's not fair. 2 of the best girls shouldn't have to face each other in the first round. That said, I'm gonna have to go team cassie.
too bad she's in a bad game
Dude no one plays you because you:
>1. Are from Italy, so connections will vary
>2. Play obscure kusoge, or games that not a lot of people play right now
>3. Are somewhat of an annoying tripfag, with increasing levels of obnoxiousness
You can't just say "play me in donkey kong country zsnes netplay" and then say everyone is a dodger for not playing you in it. Unless it's a joke you're a retard.
That poll is ass, mitsurugi lost to shitfried
You do know that Capcom hate is not entirely based on fighting game genre, right? Hating Capcom doesn't mean that you like other fighting games more.
Reminder, kusoge=anything not made by capcom.
He listed usf4
is that soul calibur poll for the lame ass phone card game that they have?
I hope this is not a check to see if anyone's interested for SC6
No one responds even when i asked for fightcade stuff though...
I've only seen you and chariot and very few others enjoy kof2k2 on here, which is busted. kof98 is the more solid, balanced and non-broken game if you want to play a FC kof game. 2k2UM on steam is ideal anyway, which you do ask for, but not a lot of people here have that, I think luvcheez does
your trip maybe scares people away
can you be considered a jojobrony if all you know about jojo is from the arcade game