So Veeky Forums,
I wanted to know your opinions on Martin Shkreli, particularly if you think he is a bad guy or maybe the media just demonized him.
>pls respond
Was shkreli a bad guy?
Stop making these threads
Both you and him are assholes
Watch some of his youtube videos. He answers this question frequently.
>tl;dw he's alright, he's still an incredibly pompous douchebag though
if his company is losing money and his salary is allegedly $0, why does he have so much personal wealth
You'd be lucky to have him as a genuine friend. He's definitely very intelligent and hard working. He doesn't take shit and deals with people very well.
People have personal wealth that they don't contribute to their companies, you know.
Shkreli is an amateur when it comes to legal drug kingpins - lots of Shkrelish behavior in the world.
Been following him for quite some time. I did watch a lot of his blabs and he seems to be pretty sincere. He is simply just playing the game of government healthcare in order to maximize profits which I have no problem with. I actually kind of admire it because it is so ingenious. Although he just buys the distribution rights, Turing and his other pharma companies have done R&D on the drugs to help inprove them. Also he is a genius/child prodigy regarding investing and most things
Martin, you act like kind of a douche, but I don't think that you're actually a bad guy. You definitely need some coaching on public relations though.
because people have investments, savings, different sources of income and all that. well, people that arent losers at least.
He was terrible guy
raised drug prices
you've already convinced me OP with all of your other Asperger posts.
Why do you think raising prices on a product makes someone terrible?
So is this why people make threads like these? They read a title and want Veeky Forums to spoon feed them when the solution was to simply read the rest of the articles.
Martin is legit. His investment knowledge is not regurgitated shit.
I'm convinced the dude is just a sperglord, have you seen in those livestreams when he talks about Pharmacology? His eyes light up he starts grinning uncontrollably, that's like textbook autism: good at one thing, but no social skills or self awareness.
That would also explain why he's so content to do so much of his social interaction online like through blab and live-streaming, he clearly doesn't like to be around "real" people or doesn't understand them.
That's why he makes these decisions that in his own mind are logical and ethical and thinks everyone's an idiot when they rage at him.
PSA Veeky Forumsrealis!!!
if you know nothing about finance, watch his youtube series, he's actually a really good lecturer on the subject and makes it super easy to understand.
He also throws in, especially in the first lecture, a lot of his own philosophy on the subject, which I would take with a grain of salt because of all the things I mentioned above.
People say he's an asshole, and maybe he is, but I don't get that kind of vibe from him. He's just painfully sincere and honest, and that often rubs people the wrong way. Most people like to believe that the big wigs in the industry are angels whose sole motivation is to alleviate human suffering. So when a guy like Shkreli comes along and says that he's motivated by sheer profit alone, it really irks a lot of people. Also, insurance companies endeavored to demonize him because he made their lives a lot harder by trying to rake in the most profit possible from them. He's not playing ball, and that isn't something they are willing to tolerate. Think of the pharmaceutical industry as one big fraternity that works together to bilk the common man out of his life's savings. Shkreli, by taking the barbs to the fraternity, isn't "one of them", so he's got to go.
I can only sit here and laugh at the whole thing and also wish that I had that kind of intelligence. I'm just doomed to forever post on Veeky Forums.
I also can't help but think this entire thing is one big psyop. Guess only time will tell, or not.
>tl;dw he's alright, he's still an incredibly pompous douchebag though
I decided to check out his stream some time ago and in the middle of doing whatever he was doing on his computer he pulled out some newspaper and started pretending to read. I knew he wasn't actually reading it because the entire time he was mumbling something while changing pages every 1.5 seconds and looking at the stream to see how people are reacting. I have never seen a more arrogant person in my life, not even online. It was cringe inducing. Though I do love watching him debate others, someone uploads his debates online on youtube.
Oh shit, he's going to buy the site.
have you seen him infront of the House oversight committee ?
it screamed autism when he grinned everytime he would plead the fiftfh , even to questions that didn't require it
Yung Money Martin is the hero we need and deserve and kinda want too.
I, for one, welcome our new head nigga in charge.
he is literally making a thread here right now
Martin live streaming through Veeky Forums. GET IN HERE
Seems a little autistic in his live stream.
people that try to upload .mp4s to Veeky Forums surely are bad guys.
Lmao he can't work out how to post
He's retarded
He is an imbecilic attention seeker that knows not the damage he causes.
Is he a bad guy? No. But he is a corrupt imbecile.
>shkreli doesn't know how to make a new thread or post videos
>pretends to do it anyway
this guy is a scam, who would have thought?
He need to learn to lurk more faggot
How does he go from poor kid "intern" to owner of a company with access to millions? Has he ever actually revealed how he made this giant leap without bullshitting over the details? Does he have mob ties?
He is an Albanian (Allah forgive me for that word).
>there is a profitable home in the internet for deplorables/deviants...
He must be trolling.
As someone who has studied business management and finance, his notes on the PPT are completely bullshit
and people here think this guy is knowledgeable
he probably became rich by scamming retards like these
I just saw his SWOT analysis. Seemed to completely miss the point of it.
>Threats: All threats will be eliminated
One point he's right about is Veeky Forums doesn't make as much money as it should and this is retarded.
He will fix Veeky Forums
From what I've seen he's pretty fucking smart.
Like really smart.
And he's not a bad guy, he's just decided to embrace the negative press he received.
Yep. Feels like a cringy freshman giving a presentation at the front of the class.
I'd love the bring back the raiding culture, but the whole "ban illegal stuff" is stupid.
What about people who want to talk about drugs, hacking, or piracy?
>From what I've seen he's pretty fucking smart.
it's just you being a complete retard
Watch one of his streams.
We just have.
The analysis so far is that he's an idiot.
these threads and his tweet, fuckin pathetic
shilling for rep on Veeky Forums
I fucking hate his smug face.
I hope he loses everything and is forced to live in a box.
Serious question
What does he gain from working people up into a frenzy? Is it really just attention seeking? He's working with millions in capital and he cares about a few hundred in what? Ad sense from followers?
I could understand a random user saying outrageous troll shit bc they're poor, but wtf
He's definitely an interesting guy, very perplexing.
He treated the senate committee thing like he was some school kid in front of teachers that he thought were dumber than he was.
I though his behaviour was to exhaust the jury pool for his trial, but maybe it was mostly his PR guy.
His investment videos were pretty good I'll have to say as a noob I felt smarter and not overwhelmed watching them.
Truth is though he's to much of a maverick to make a good CEO, smart as he is.
Maybe If he had realised raising the drug price so massively would make it difficult to keep a girl for more than a week he might have reconsidered.
He was on periscope being sarcastic to his latest GF and trying to constantly show how smart he was, often at her expense, he took her to tiffany's looking at 600k rings having known her a week or so.
I talked to him on a vid chat site months ago and asked him a riddle he couldn't solve, felt pretty good about that. I'll let you have ago if you like.
He's fucking awesome.
Anyone who says otherwise is an idiot that doesnt understand business and will always work for someone instead of working for themselves.
>make a good CEO
Why the fuck would he want to be some shitty CEO when he's in finance and hedgefunds.
dickweed who will exploit his popularity on the site to monetize the fuck out of it (if he actually manages to buy it)
Honestly to impatient to get super into the issues, but many prices are rising - Perhaps as a long term effect of QE - can anyone shed some light for a noob such as I?
I think a main role of government should be to encourage completion amongst businesses, not foster monopolies and fake choices between ever fewer companies (those that became too big to fail) It was strange to me that his daraprim drug is a generic and yet it he has a monopoly on it - I though anyone could make a generic version after a few years.
It seems to be a standard that these compaines can't jack up the prices of their own drugs, they have to sell them on, even they, as faceless Corps are too afraid of the backlash.
Decent article:
Not too sure about his Retrophin trial, maybe it amounts to pretty much what might be called "jew on jew financial crime" Martins ego is not a great character witness thus far, honestly his immaturity is a real shame as he is such a talented guy in quite a few ways. The FBI has something like a 90% conviction rate once something gets to court - he'll have to pin stuff on his old lawyer somehow.
Lol like 80% of ppl who gamble on hedge funds he was shit at it, so he go into pharma, taught himself enough sci to identify drugs, If not all the chemistry behind it. He's mostly known for shorting biotech stocks these days.
>he wouldn't grin unironically when trolling the most powerful federal government on the planet
and all the people on that comittee were asssholes who literally had no idea what they were talking about and all of their arguments were literally "muh children"
More money.
Good and bad, right and wrong are all subjective.
The only thing that matters is that he looks like an ugly little gremlin.
Shkreli pls go
Everyone on Veeky Forums already knows about your youtube channel.
Stop shilling it.
Look I think he's an asshole for what he did raising that drug price, however, what he did was point out that the United States health care system is completely fucked up, pharmaceutical patents last 20 years but it can take 8 years or more for the FDA to allow a drug to enter the market. I have no idea what the solution is but I know what we do now is crap.
If people need a product to avoid dying and the company that sells the product is the only company that sells the product. If people die because they can't afford the product sold by the one company while the conpaby is making bank over the increased price of the product then it is the companies fault for doing so. It's very simple.