Why aren't you out driving your shitbox right now?
Why aren't you out driving your shitbox right now?
I've already been out for a "drive" this week
Plus it's been pissing it down and there will be a load of standing water on the road
I'll go out in it tomorrow to do and do stuff with a qt
cuz i've to fap
Stuck at work because need money.
Doctor said I need to limit activity on my butt.
I think he meant something else.
Because I'm at work.
Because the piece of shit is fucking broken
Left CV-joint is fucked to the point where it vibrates the whole car when going IN A STRAIGHT LINE
It almost killed me by shaking the wheel nuts loose and breaking off 2 wheel studs.
I'm of to change the whole axle in a few minutes
hahaha dude, same here, i just type this one handed cause i got my other hand still on my dick
What are you..? Fapping at cars?
naw i just jacked off and closed the porn, still had the first page on Veeky Forums opened in a different tab
because 20mpg
Because I'm on Veeky Forums, duh.
forgot to mention it's a 98 corolla liftback manual 1.6 with power nothing and no AC
im this guy i just drove around an hour to get some documents, then i grabbed something to eat, drove into a field and watched the sunset while sitting on my hood eating.
good feels
About to drive to work to watch over a delicious stockpile of alcohol and then drive back home in six hours at a comfy early night time.
Because I have nowhere to drive and unnecessarily burning fuel is close to being a waste on my current slim budget, car fandom aside.
>not taking to opportunity to slide around in the rain
i fucking DID THAT BITCH
By far the most advanced thing i've done to a car. I only had 1hr 30minutes to do it, the gas station with the lifts were closing, i had to stress-wrench like a retard.
There might be ~0.15 liters of gear oil missing in the gearbox, because the pump i bought for pumping in the new oil was complete dogshit.
But i'll fix that later, right now i'm just happy that i actually managed to fix my car.
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Just started raining, time to go skid the Volvo.
my shitbox isn't fun to drive )^:
Because they aren't street bikes, fucker, so the gas spent isn't worth a quarter of the thrill compared
because my shitbox isnt very fun to drive
Emergency fix victories are the best!
Most humans will never caress a spline, never feel and smell (and sometimes taste depending on your position) sweet gear lube, never break torque on an axle nut which had bravely resisted their impact wrench or breaker bar.
You are becoming a man.
Just got back, hit like 120 on the highway and blew past some minivan im sure they thought i was soooo cool.
Because it's 6:00 on a weekday which means everyone is still on their way home.
I also need gas and don't feel like waiting in line, We'll go when the sun goes down.
At work, and a stock 92 toyota pickup/hilux with 203k miles is not very fun to drive. Might be buying a shitted up 240sx hatch for 1500 to wrench on in my spare time though.
That's your fault. Cars are as fun to drive as the driver makes them to be
Scared shitless of driving my manual car i just learned to drive, have got the hang of it but now i honestly don't look forward to driving.
I don't have my license, only the temp permit and no licensed driver willing to ride shotgun
plus my car doesn't have plates, or insurance yet, or a new title in my name since I bought it