League of legends general /lolg/

I love Lissandra! edition
shes so soft, so plush and so QT!
>posting links, when you can just use Eyoson instead

Other urls found in this thread:


Xth for Katarina
best girl

>get a vayne 'support'
>i already dodged today


>Top challenger korean soloq botlane
I have seen new world

this game is fun

oh. Well in any case, this guy is probably tilted.


I honestly wouldn't mind this faggot making all the threads if he didn't pick literally the worst girl to shit them up. Even luluposting would be better.

yes garen is very fun



>he plays ap rengar
I hope he has a shitfit and his mom takes his computer away.

How come is twisted fate considered decent when champ has been only nerfed for 7 years?

>"Azir stop walking around all alone"
>"OK sorry"
>Azir has been slain
>"Diana stop engaging 1v4"
>Diana has been slain
>"Tank wheres engage?"

Sigh at least I didn't lose or win IP after that shit.

I love ranked! There's nothing better than getting a first time picker in ranked who feeds two kills and then sits in the base spamming /dance the entire game!

his kit is just that good

more like that yasuo build

Only man worth loving
Only wallpaper worth having
How is he so perfect?

I feel bad for you user.

he has one of the best kits in the game if you are exceptionally good at the game Tbh

Nasus and Renekton are cute!

How so? Ult range is shit,Q is bad compsred to other things and cards is lackluster&rng

people call me autistic when i use shit like carry.gg and op.gg before every game but i feel like i have dodged a lot of elo bullets

Fuck you

>"Azir stop walking around all alone"
>"OK sorry"
How the fuck did you get this? Usually it goes
>"Azir stop walking around all alone"
>"fuxk u faggot noob jg never give blue no gank they jg gank mid 6 times noob jg i troll now"

It's hard to understate how strong the combination of global ganking, hard CC, waveclear and strong burst are.

he might see some buffs in the future now that Taliyah is stealing his spotlight though

Reminder that probably half of the posters here are bronze (like this fellow) and once you make your initial correct point there's no reason to try and make them understand.

Croc is still pretty fun.

I had a feeling this would happen but I was on a 10lp dodge. I'm down to 9lp after losing two promos, if I demote down to plat 3 I will stop playing league altogether besides monthly decay until season 7

>Ult range is shit
niga you must be trolling
>q is bad
yeah, no
>cards is lackluster & rng
sustain, soft & hard cc
and it isnt rng, if youre smart you know what youre gonna get

Win a game out of pure retardation with my team focusing the tanks instead of the carrier yet we still win :v Fucking bronze


not everyone on league is an asshole

Yeah he actually said sorry.

Which would've mattered if he hadn't done the same thing leading to his 3/11/10 score.

I felt bad for our Twitch, he really deserved that win but since Azir and Lulu were dead even before fights began, he couldn't do much.

Update from last thread. Riven did astonishingly well desu. Yasuo was just a normal yas.

1 more to go.

>not everyone on league is an asshole

>Not taking Exhaust top lane
It's like you don't want to 1v5.

lane bully not taking exhaust to be even more bully.

>Bloodrazor jungle trundle

>Team all focuses one target instead of two retards focusing tanks while two others go for carries and the support has to peel
>You're surprised
You should learn more about the game before you keep playing ranked friend.

why dont you just like

pick ekko and collect your diamond?

Post Mains
Main Role:Jungle
Fetish:T H I C C, Shortstacks, Public

>if youre smart you know what youre gonna get
shitter here. Been trying to learn tf for a couple of days now. Am I right in thinking that the cards continue to cycle without having clicked w? Any advice on how to know what the card is likely to be at any given moment? I think I'm starting to get a feel for it, but it's still off.

Because I don't have enough ip

How the fuck does someone play ADC up to platinum and is still surprised when almost every champ in the game can kill them in one rotation?

> :v

by being gud

Ill give them that. They did all focus someone if they were attacking them. Just kinda weird having them ignore the squishies. im not saying im perfect just idk thought getting the carries would be better

When I play(ed) TF the cards always cycled from one to the other when you activated it. So I knew when yellow card was going to come up/run out before I used it

I'm levelling my smurf and people keep just remaking the game if they don't think they will win


first forced 50 and now this

How high is TFs burst desu

They are brothers you degenerate hoodlum

I bet you're that guy I always see who spends 2-3 spell rotations trying in vain to hit the enemy ADC and does nothing for the entire teamfight instead of just using your abilities on the same thing as everyone else

usually you have to kill the tanks in order to get to the carries

>said vayne support takes my cs and runs it down
>he won't even get banned for this


Still a lot better than your entire team going for squishies leaving you to peel for yourself against a tank and maybe another bruiser/assassin.

At least with the retards going after tanks, they are in front of you

as soon as you learn rotation will start, whenver its off cd it will start from the last card you used.

..?? yes, and?

>implying d5 players know how to play TF correctly

come on m8

You do realize that focusing one target is important, right?
Tanks actually do damage, so having people to peel for you carries is very good when a tank, bruiser or assassin is diving the carry.

The "don't focus the tank" meme is just a low elo thing.

I'm gonna vayne jg

450+165%ap+100%ad at max level

yo that's the opposite of gud

Gold card, empowered aa, lichbane proc, his waveclear thing
pretty high
depending on your ap and the enemies mr

Yuri orientation play

Im going to counterjungle you as Vlad :^)
You might think it's the cinderhulk but actually it's the heat from me :*

Surely you can't be this retarded?
Oh wait, anime poster.

His combo with enhanced AA proc is fucking disgusting damage.
Watch the LPL, and look for the TF players.
I've seen some one-shot squishies at full build.



>be adc
>kiting enemy tank solo
>if he engages on me enemy assassin will follow him
>manage to avoid his engage and am wearing him down
>guy in teamfight dies
>omg fucking noob adc is focusing tank wtf
yeah nigga im just gonna walk past that Sion and nothing bad will happen to me, right?

>No mage in League practices the superb art of explosion magic.

Shit game, senpai

Sometimes im that guy.
Yeah I know focusing is important. TBh its rare to find people who will at low elo. Sorry for being such a bronzey /lolg/

Vayne looks like if doublelift was born a girl

What about Ziggs?


She looks like sex dungeon equipment desu



she looks like some kind of retard who hunts evil while wearing heels

that said, i'd let her dominate me any day

>MAGIC Bombs

It's a stretch. I'll let League off with a warning this time.


user i have bad news
riot monitors these threads
they'll only add a moth champ if you, as in (You) particularly don't post for a whole YEAR
same for cassfag

t. ex-riot employee

Owl champion when?

Nunu Top

you literally can't stop me

Why is breaking dominatrixes so hot.
At least until they get the strength to push back and defeat you and insert silver strapons into your alabaster butt.

enjoy not getting ur champ lmao

>more gnar nerfs

Oh yes.


Gimme one good reason why Jinx can't get her own movie/game?

Protip: You really can't. Don't bother.

>Riot thinks it's okay for me, a 65% win rate player with barely 150 games, to be matched with players who have 50 and sub-50% win rates over 300+ games

she doesnt have cow tits, so she doesn't appeal to the masses.


>breaking vayne
vxv memes aside, this would never happen, Shauna Vayne is not one who would ever be broken. she'd probably pretend to be broken to get you to let your guard down, only to flip you over and ram her strapon up your tight virgin ass mnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

i can't
riot will

copyright infringement

why not an entire piltover vs zaun game?

not gonna lie, a league-based fps would be really fun

getting all the champs and their respective skills in would be impossible, you would just have to have classes and weapons loosely based on the league universe

I want to main a tank champ as my secondary go-to top laner. Which tanks are fun, /lolg/? Are Trundle and Gnar fun?

>basically the plot of Pawns

So we can actually try to figure out how much damage that TF did.

I did the math, and if Stixxay had Scaling MR runes and Sacling HP runes, TF would've needed to have done 1,980 Magic damage to kill Stixxay, but I need more time to figure in the AA damage from TF.

Skarner fag reporting back

R > Q > W > E

Building Blue AD jungle item, Mercs, and then Deadman's if close game, if I'm getting fed I"ll go triforce then I just kinda base it off the game. If we need Damage I'll go Maw/Triforce/That health glove, If we need tanky then I'll do Randuin's, ect...

I'm taking Flash because everything I read said ghost was a scrub trap.