Your official profession

>Your official profession
>What it really should be called

Contract printer

Other urls found in this thread:

Information Technology
Try to get access to some data bases. Join some tables once a month

>Your official profession
Owner Operator flatbed driver

>What it really should be called
Truck stop food taste tester

>Your official profession
>What it really should be called
Coin counter, coin cleaner.

>business man(?)

>i buy random things in bulk from china and resell them for some profit on ebay and amazon-man

>>Your official profession
Warehouse Person

>>What it really should be called
Only One In The Department With Any GCSEs


>i sit at home and shitpost on Veeky Forums

Civil Engineering

Quantity Analysis Program User

>corporate lawyer
>contract editor and scribe

Trader NEET

Im not rich, but i make enough to get by

>Truck stop food taste tester

Do truckers actually eat that shit? And how do they live to be 40? Back when I wanted to get into trucking I always swore that I would keep a cooler with healthy food in the truck.

It's a joke. Us flatbedders hardly run half as many miles as van drivers so they always ask us how the food is at truck stops.

Is having GCSEs meant to be impressive?

you should hire me; dying to do corporate work. in denver btw. am currently a 2L

Considering most Warehouse workers have come from countries which have different qualifications,
Used Car Salesmen

Professional Dream Peddler
Habitual Liar (when it comes to GM products)

Friendo, I've been thinking of doing something similar as a side income.

How much time does this eat from your daily?

Big hassle to find decent suppliers, as in quality for the price?


Pest Management Service Specialist

That's actually an accurate title.

We can't literally eliminate pests in or around a building but we can roughly regulate their populations. The rest is smiling, being friendly and using big words to entertain lower management that signs our paperwork.

Compliance administrator

I think the title is actually really accurate as I work at a recruiting agency.

>Your official profession
Administrative Judge
>What it really should be called
Nullifier of acts and scolder of people

Is that like small claims court?

Industrial mechanic

Machine babysitter

Software developer.

Programmer / autist

>Account Executive
>Call customers all day trying to cell them services while sitting in a comfy chair drinking coffee

Base pay is like 65k with all quotas but I plan on getting 75k+ new year now that I know how to sell shit

Not bad for one year out of college

Also I work 60ish hours a week so its not bad at all.

Learn how to sell shit guys

sell* wow I'm drunk/retarded

About to pull the trigger and declare myself as a CS major, freshman year
Do you like your life?

>Trader NEET
I don't think you know what neet is.

Whats itscalled: pipefittdr

What it should be called "i fit pipe together, yes it involves a pipe and fitting, dont fucking ask me what i do in it or i swear to god the next guy who asks me ill fucking kill him"

Management Accountant

Reddit shitposter

>Your official profession

>What it really should be called

>Your official profession
>What it really should be called
Guy who occasionally installs steel pipe but usually is shitposting on Veeky Forums in the lunchroom.

>Rolls Royce Mechanic

Professional completer of puzzles

previous career:

IT professional / Lead Computer technician / Server/network administrator
Pro googler

current career:
Professional ebayer
scavenger, vulture, lowballer, hustler, rat

(As im always trying to scrounge up more deals and profitable inventory, and people selling off their collections or bulk of items for this or that reason is a goldmine, especially when its due to an emergency and they need money asap)

Geotechnical Engineer

Dirt Doctor

learning designer

what I actually do:
tit about with Photoshop and watch the walking dead then build an elearning module in 4 hours that my boss thinks took 5 days.

Graduate research trainee
Lab bitch

>Your official profession
Financial Management Consultant

>What it really should be called
Common Sense Consultant

Mr. Client, you pay your salespeople 200k a year each when they only bring in 50k in business each. How you're still in business at all is beyond me.

Teach me your ways, I'm desperate to move to a non-client facing job. How much do you make?

>I work 60 hours a week
>for 65k
>it's not bad at all guise


Valet attendant

First I park your car, then I fuck your bitch

Process Improvement Facilitator
Professional Veeky Forums User with Occasional Good Ideas

What do you do you loser? Trade meme currencies? do you even have a job?

are you blind?

I work 60 hours a week for 47k. Idk why... I really love my job for some reason I guess because I'm too busy to think about anything but work.

>director of logistics

>counselor to whiney fucking truck drivers

>phone call middleman

Accountant (industry)

Excel monkey

IT Help Desk

Abuse Taker

Prime Brokerage Analyst

Excel and Bloomberg bitch

Business Development Manager

Shit Cleaner , though I do love the job and can get away with 2 hours actual work when we r not busy.

what a cute pic of homer

Businessman/day trader

Researcher of human behaviour

>current career:
>Professional ebayer
>scavenger, vulture, lowballer, hustler, rat

Same here

The margins in 2nd hand goods can be real tasty

Project Manager
PowerPoint presentation proofreader & professional nagger

>Your official profession
Securities Trader

>What it should really be called

Software Eningeer

everybody's little bitch

feels bad man

Sales and Training Representative

annoy best buy employees and take pictures of computers.

>Your official profession
Software Release Engineer
>What it really should be called
Suicide Aspirant

CAD Operator

Selling barely complete designs online


>shill PnD cryptos 4lyf


Comfy ^_^

Data Analyst

Excel Bitch

>type designer

Technical Solutions Analyst
"Listen to know-it-all doctors bitch at you, then teach them how double-clicking works"

>security researcher
>web hacking wizard



man willing go give up his anal virginity for an internship

That's called vending

Cable Pulling Monkey


autistic manchild

>Pizza Delivery Driver

>Accurate Title

Unemployed/Affiliate Marketing Professional

Suicidal Depression

>Senior Financial Analyst
>excel monkey

someone sold you on that shitty car

>Human Intelligence Collector
>Trading cigarettes for names

Computer Technician.
Retards' Helper.

Liability Information Analyst

should be: data entry clerk


>Illustration picking ad salesman


Money transfer recipient

Proces operator

Coffee drinker

Commercial Real Estate Advisor

Space presenter


>small business owner

Coffee drinker, web surfer

>Your official profession
>What it really should be called
Lib-arts grad hell.

Mechatronics engineer

Combine existing tech and create 'innovative' solutions

> doctor
Life saver :^)

Sup officer

I just imagine some schmuck in a cheap suit leading buyers into an empty warehouse and making the "tada!" stance.

Sounds fun, what are the perks?

Mech. Eng. Student

Boderline suicidal HP calculator number inputter

This sounds like my kind of job.


Lawsuit aficionado

Is that supposed to be something to be proud of?

Sounds like you could start your own business and produce content X10 faster than the competition (current company)

>systems administrator
>error code Googler

65k for 60 hrs....

> Mobile app Developer
> Make shit appear on a screen for dumb people to oo and ah for.

70k starting,

Fuel tanker driver....
Fuel tanker driver?

Shipboard Photographer

Shipboard canvas salesman

Receptionist at a small luxury hotel

Professional smokebreaker

>science student with a 1.5 GPA
>suicide contemplator