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1st for cta is op


Fucking saved!

>that earring

What a huge faggot. Is this nigger serious?

What's wrong with you?

Hello cta some user from thailand posted the pics of his baby girl and wife. So would you like to have then?

Its fucking funny. Also you can post them when kkk is around.

this pix has existed for at least a month

I thought you were going to fap to it. What's kkk have to do with it?

his sissy, maddie cohen of corvallis oregon

Nope not the same


So I guess this thread ain't about bikes?

Oh I forgot. None of you poor niggers actually have a bike

Its kkks sister

Found a pretty cool ATV trail

I wonder if anyone has hit her up on fb and sent her the pics of this

You posted it a few threads ago. But no one seen it as ot was right at the end.


>when someone own/tolerates honduh

It says 9hrs ago.

How was your day /dbt/?

"it's all because your brother is an asshat"
"ayy bby lemme get you numba tho"

trips decides what I message her on FB

go sit on your dildo

Dat filename. CTA is an American.


P. alright, drunk as usual might go on a dank ride for some cool shots of me on my bike later

"tell your brother to stop pretending to know about motorcycles on the internet"

Is that the trail tech instrument gauge? How do you like it?

Not him, but that's not it. I have one. I like it.

Well it ran. Lots of fumes for all to enjoy.

That drinks australian beer

do it komrade

fucking sick. how much did that cost you?

Those lips do look cum worthy.
How did you guys find this out?
>that weak ass cum shot

Got a repsol store front image captcha



Oh look, it's this faggot posting rossi again

My Dad says about $1200 and he doesn't know how much went into restoring it. But it was worth several years of hobbying.


remember to report OP for breaking GR3, 6 and 10

Daily reminder

Also, how do you like your ram mount?

already did

"Tell your brother to fix his oil leak"
Link /dbt/ and his trip.

Hello back
You missed the jail b8 discussion last thread

>implying I am a disgusting paedo

im not a famusly known BMW rider

>breaking global rule 7

I need to sober up a bit before my friend gets here with his camera

just tell her she's a magnificent jewess and you'd be honored to suck turds out of her snatch if you weren't actually a massive fucking faggot

im not complaining or announcing a report, Im reminidng people to follow the rules

I don't have that.
How much does one run you? is it worth it just to have a tach?

I found a whole box of these at goodwill for $.25 a pack

What is a decently fast dual sport? I currently drive a Ninja 250 (beginner, riding for about a month) and the bike's top speed isn't bad but I am tired of having to rev it to 13k just to get some decent acceleration anywhere.

i was considering something a GSXR 600 or 750 or honda cbr600rr..something along those lines.

then I remembered I live in new england and you really can't enjoy those bikes around these parts. so I am considering getting a decently fast dual sport instead which I can hit some trails or wont go flying if I hit a road snake.

suggestions? want something brappy af lads

Your brother sneaks into your room to sniff your used panties and jerk off onto your picture.
Who's that bmw rider you're referring too?
You're walking a fine line there m8

awwww shit son, let's see what you got


I was born a year after these came out so I don't know any of these people except for Carmichael and McGrath (out of the 10 packs I opened)

Didn't even know those existed.
>I'll never stumble upon a Honus Wagner card at some old lady's tag sale.
Where in New England?
Could get a Versys 650
Train tracks look fun. More pics?

Anyone having image captcha issues on mobile? Pic related

Massachusetts. The local dealership actually has an '08 Versys that looked pretty nice albeit the bike is big as fuck.

You just can't safely go fast on these roads. You watch these YouTubers out in California and they have these flawless wide open multi-lane roads literally everywhere.

He got doxxed for being a faggot, hes the type of kid youd bully the shit out but thinks its only a joke because he thinks your his friends

Look guys, it's me! According to /dbt/

No your david cuckold hipstercunt


so he was juden all along?

Yeah their a bunch of kikes m8

CT here. You'll get used to the size. Stay on your 250 and practice, practice, practice. I wish I did. New England is better suited for slower (relatively speaking since even my SV650 can beat a lot of cars) bikes that are nimble on our old, tight roads.
You can still have fun if you practice hard in the twisties with your current bike.

mfw this only pisses me off because the definition of cuckold has nothing to do with the context

>CT here

Post more cum tributes

Fuck off cuck

But you posted a few days ago about being cucked.


Is that her?
Did someone get fed up and dox him? Curious as to how you guys did that.

Veeky Forums.org/faq

>How do I report posts?
>Reporting posts for review is extremely encouraged, as it helps us remove rule breaking and/or illegal content faster. To file a report, click the "▶" button to the right of the post number to expand the post menu, and then select the "Report post" option. A confirmation dialogue will pop up and ask if the post you are reporting is a rule violation, spam, or if it contains illegal material. Be sure to mark this appropriately! Fill out the captcha, and then click on the Submit button.

stay mad and autistic

I'm not the one doing that. Ask the guy who posted it.

Only for highway travel, got mine when my speedo drive broke. I don't even look at it most days.

Ram mount is 9/10, phone doesn't fall out when jumping off-road.

Hello newfried. Kkk was doxed 2 times a few months ago. Got his whole family cummed on by cta. Word on the street is that Honda a shit user is next.

I like KKK.

Love House, but why do you keep posting this picture?

It is not a rule to report posts buddy

RR tracks arn't too fun on memewheels, its a little better than our florida sugarsand but not by much

>Kek, someone got banned.

Also, finally got left side in the mail. Too shy to put it on now, even though my existing tankpad is crooked as fuck and slowly peeling off.

>honda a shit
>post smart house to prove smart people choose honda
>prove honda shitposter is dumb

Cool janitor for cleaning up all that bullshit

Agreed, thankyou mystery janitor/mod.

>banned for 15 minutes for posting personal information
>all these deleted posts
Fucking mods, everyone knows it's /dbt/ - Off Topic

Janny doing the lords work

Just change it dude. Balls to the wall.

What did I miss?

Couple of dudes shat up the thread with nsfw stuff and general rule quoting sperg-shit.

Shitposting about KKK mostly.

you know house is a character? his real name is hugh laurie

Clutter of little importance which everyone has seen but nobody really cares about.

Says the pedophile

New cta pic

I haven't bought it.... yet

Fuck off pedo

Wtf off topic bullshit. Someone here got butthurt and started reporting posts.

that butthurt er6n fag

Bought what? A child bride?

That wasn't me. His was "Sr400" not "SR400". People can type whatever they want in the name line, remember?
Everyone hates me so people will do anything to make fun of me

I got a 15 minute time out while a mod reviews the post I guess.
I never posted any nsfw and I was discussing a member I the thread and posted the rossi pic with the sign. That's all on topic imo

>this pic again
Are you going to start a thread everyday with it?