League of Legends General - /lolg/

Fiar edition
Current patchnotes: na.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-617-notes

Yorick rework: na.leagueoflegends.com/en/featured/yorick-champion-update

Upcoming stuff: surrenderat20.net/p/current-pbe-balance-changes

Useful sites:

I want to RAPE Riven! I want it to be the worst night of her life!

first for worst girl


Make League Great Again!

Im convinced gold players and below have a mental defiency jesus christ. Smurfing on my friends account is literally hell

xth for fertile half dragons

>Make League Great Again!

Long range safe waveclear nuked from orbit across the board, especially early levels
Mass removal of most low cooldown abilities giving vision through bushes and over walls
Deletion of Rengar, Azir, Yasuo, Vayne, Ekko, and Soraka

There, that was easy


Post best girl.

are you THE trumposter or just a /pol/tard

Is he implying that Shyvana can reproduce with LITERALLY anything? If so, wouldn't that make her the most fertile champion in the game?

>having a hard time in silver / gold

working on a discord bot for bans

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on NA 4 slots left

password is vidya


here's a favorite

>not also deleting gnar/introducing the honor zone



>getting this triggered over images of the based Orange Don

get used to seeing him; he's our next prez

>listening to the CNN shit my mom has on
>saying "illegal immigrant" is politically incorrect because it demonizes immigrants or some shit
>ignoring the fact that it describes people performing an illegal act by their choosing

SJW's are killing me.

Also I hope you guys are having a great night

Why is that ward wet? Did she get it from the river or something?

Who are you quoting? Its just sad to see the plays and decisions made by these players.

These people literally are the definition of braindead. I've always been high elo in whatever I play and just seeing this makes me laugh

>that ass

Didn't fix jack shit


>Deleting champions

Good one



nice :)

Well, hell isn't really a word use to describe funny things.

it's not a hard question but the answer is obvious with that response

>there are people who actually still believe Evelynn should go tank
>these are the same people who cant utilize their champions properly and are going negative on their games
I want whoever that epic memer that started this shit to go die in a fire.

Lobby is ded.


>Toplane changes:

>Now the toplane spawns with a shrine similar to Bard's W in the range of the outermost tower. Only one champion can pick up this shrine and they must be of the same team as the tower it spawned under. Picking up this shrine gives the buff "Honorbound". Only melee champions can pick up the shrine. Champions without the Honorbound buff will deal 1/2th damage and be dealt double damage in toplane for the first 20 minutes of the game.

Never ever ask me to balance a game.

Has there been any clues on who the victorious skin is going to be for? Not really sure who was the defining champ for this season, maybe reksai or grag?

>Didn't fix jack shit

No more PvE lanes that trivialize ALL lane matchups.
No more safe spam that circumvents the entire vision "game" around bushes and walls.
No more champs that have no business in League.

Like you can keep their VA and skins, just give them entirely different kits.


So Riot doesn't believe that Mules are living creatures. I can only assume that eunuchs are also automatons as well.

I have never heard a better____ idea in my entire life

>Can't go breeded in Lulu
bravo riot

>That feel when AP Assassin Eve is actual garbage.
>That feel when AD Eve doesn't even exist
>That feel when onhit Eve is mistaken for AD Eve.

I've even heard that she won't be getting much attention in the assassin update. She's the black sheep forever.

Don't delete Rengar yet until they've deleted Jhin, Kog'maw and Ashe as well.

> not ekko

I mean that is equivalent to just putting Stout Shield into the game

I'd engage in a damaging and borderline obsessive relationship with her where she financially exploits me and keeps me under her thumb by constantly threatening to tell my wife or daughter (her friend). If I attempted to put a stop to it, she would send me a link to her Amazon wishlist in a text, one that also includes my wife's phone number and Riven's clothes size. Any time she came to visit my daughter at our family home, she would be very sweet but make suggestive faces to me any time nobody else was looking. I would eventually hang myself in the garage and be found the following morning with an erection.

His mid lane is so good right now. It's unbelievable.

Dragons go WAY beyond the realm of normal biology.

not tank, bruiser. Ghost is also pretty good on her

rumble kicks ass everywhere

>Bronze Subwars

God I missed these.

It's a fucking lizard with wings, it can't be that hard.

Evelynn is not a bruiser, she was meant to be an assassin from the very get go, why Riot is ok with her being a bruiser is strongly indicative of how bad their sense of balance is, and how obvious they like to play favorites and shun their problem children.

>tfw Trick2g now struggles to even get out of plat

what happened man


>ADC takes teleport Heal
>Complains when they get camped

I wish I was naturally talented at this game like my friends. Bronze is fucking hell.

The audio is triggering the hell out of me



If your waifu isn't listed above, it is highly recommended that you contact a professional (Riot support) about the state of her fertility.

Udyr gutting and depression.

he has like 3 accounts one of them should be masters or d1/2

I'm not talented, I just don't play bot without a large premade.

His one trick got gutted and it's literally his fault

>not Sona

You forgot Nidalee. I mean, assuming "breeding season" is actually true.

Remember when everyone thought Zz'Rot was a meme item?

What about u user
are u fertile?

to be fair, I shit on GP top as Vel Koz

>>>>>Confirmed Canon Fertile


I'm a fucking midlamer. IF my bot gets fucked, I literally have no options when it comes to roaming.

I assume most people didn't use it correctly

You can only drink redbull for so long

Both are most likely fertile, but you won't be 100% sure until you contact Riot support.

Yes, I got my sperm tested. I was worried because I only have one testicle.


I've got several waifus. Fucking sue me, it's MY sexual fantasy.

>Byronze is now Silver

People are getting better at the game and it's harder to be a high rank than it used to be

>Limiting yourself at all
>Not fantasizing about fugging LITERALLY all of them

I actually tuned in for 2 games. 14 days of playing and he's genuinely better than a good 40% of the shitheads who play this game.

Just play Akali anonymous.

>That feel when you just want to play some games but your only friend online is a bronze shitter with moments of mediocrity
Where the fuck is everyone

Tfw he motivated me to get off my ass

Now im diamond which i thought was never possible

I am but a man and know to limit it to one per limb.

Funny that you post that image precisely. Try to guess which two among those are.

Keep in mind that he also got coached by LS.

I assume you have SOME taste, so Morg/Sona.

>have actual dreams of wasting my life being an lcs player
>stuck in high gold

Fucking end my life.

His T2G account is in d1

Hey there,

Thanks for writing in and reaching out! I'm not sure about lush women, but I believe Leona's figure is best shown in her Pool Party Leona splash art and her Valkyrie Leona skin.

If you have any more questions or concerns, let me know.

The Unicorn
Riot Player Support
Zaun Wind Magic Research Division

>They didn't address my marriage request for Leona


>pretty close to oom as mid
>jungler says "mid's oom, not gonna gank for now"
holy shit a jungler that's actually awake

That's not Poppy



How viable is Annivia top?

Do I have the autism to message Rito about the temperature of Shyvana's pussy?

>Implying leona wants a ltitle bitch boi

With all the problems Riot is having with rhe pro scene here's my idea

>drop pro players
>implement bronze subwars into LCS
>pay Trick2g for the jew rights to use it if it's neccesary
>hire hype casters
>bloodbaths every game
>viewership goes back to the golden days

If you miss your Q then you're pretty much dead


The people that are good enough for LCS don't want to waste their time. If you even managed to get up here there's only ragtag Challengers here with dreams of LCS but no sponsor or money to actually buy the slot from C9.

Do you know how desperately I'm trying.

I have to take sleeping pills now because I gave myself minor brain damage after playing for 3 weeks straight during the summer with menial sleeping breaks.


It's honestly not even worth it anymore. Riot gets to take a large portion of the money you make from sponsors and they demand a large chunk of your stream revenue as well.

You'll make a ton more money from getting to Challenger and just boosting people.

you are fucking retarded

>play at 60% capacity at best over and over
>expect to actually git gud

user go to sleep