League of Legends General - /lolg/

Aurelion Sol edition


Current patch notes: na.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-617-notes

Yorick rework: na.leagueoflegends.com/en/featured/yorick-champion-update

Current PBE changelist: surrenderat20.net/p/current-pbe-balance-changes

Useful sites:


2st for weeb is cool

I want to FUCK and IMPREGNATE Sona!

did people lose their shit when the baker skin for pantheon was finally announced?

>Nasus with 1000 stacks and a Last Whisper

>gets kited and dies in 3s

If you can revert one to two changes that riot made to you champ what wold it be?

Mine would be mordekaisers q damage

I want to marry Tahm Kench!

xth for the lolg allstars ranked 5s team, which is currently looking for a d5+ jungler on NA who wants to play with us
add ign swedish on na or reply to this post if you're interested

STILL a shitty champion even if the stars fucking align for that to happen.

He's literally the silver gatekeeping GOD and absolutely shit ANYWHERE else.

Mine would be azirs knockup. Shit was op

I want to cuddle with Ahri's tails.

I would revert the raping of Udyrs Turtle and Phoenix stances

>hmmm udyr is strong right now
>lets destroy his stats and force him into echoes portal
>now lets just nerf portal and echoes
>right that seems good

>people yell at you
>why are they yelling at me????
git gud son

I want skarners spirls of death back

What are the worst champs in the game?
And is Aatrox the worst?

Ahri's Charm not stopping dashes.

Dumbest shit ever.

>What will this look like?
No solid idea right now.
I would guess poppy and maokia resurgence
Yorick will see a lot of play and I can see R.Glory suicide bombers being a thing

>And is Aatrox the worst?
no current yorick is

You're adorable. I wasn't feeding, and they weren't yelling at me any more than they were yelling at each other. If you weren't such an insecure little cunt chomping at the bit to say "git good" to someone better than you in every sense of the word, you may have understood that to be the case from my original post.

>What are the worst champs in the game?


Udyr will open heavens gates again one day...

Yorick can win his lane though.

Bring back the on-hit cdr on Rapid Fire/Explosive Charge OR bring her attack speed per level back to 2.5%. 1.5% per level feels bad until you get your 2nd attack speed item.

Yorick is the king of win lane lose game

>Bring back the on-hit cdr on Rapid Fire/Explosive Charge
Why did they even remove that?

Guys, im g4, i want to go in plat. I'm mid and top most of the time, i love bruisers, tell me who i probably have to pick in order to climb, or if i have to change lane. (I had climb gold to bronze by just playing dank velkoz)

Udyr buffs when????

>win lane lose game
>lose game
At least aatrox can hard CC people, die and CC them again.

Never. He belongs in the trash.

sounds like to me you're just bad senpai.


How about I open up deez gates all over your face

Good morning lolgen! Hope you have a nice day!

>Hi I'm Aatrox, I'm just a shitty Tryndamere with a knockup and anivia egg hehe xd

He's trash m8.

He can't even win his lane unless his opponent doesn't know wtf they're doing against him.

if i lose my next 4 games will it tank my mmr more than if i hadn't lost them all in a row?

No he wont
Riot wont let him
They will take away his Bonus AD on Tiger stance soon now that it is the only good damage stance

Probably afraid of her building Essence Reaver to get even lower cooldowns. I don't think it would have made her broken, especially since they lowered her attack speed per level when she got updated.

Aatrox is BadLeeSin with Anivia egg.

Sorry user, I already have a daddy.

>He's trash m8.
I'm not arguing he isn't it, just that he is not THE worst

Anyone here have proof of this shit?
Or any way to contact him and shitpost/threaten for more?

God don't say that..I don't want udyr to be nerfed anymore then he already has

I'm bronze 3 but have a rough work schedule also I'm EST -6 and play with 105 ping but I'm willing to learn and do what ever it takes to meet your standards.

With Aatrox you get the combo meal. Being both a shit champion AND a champion that Riot and most of the playerbase forgets exists.

Idk... ER seems like it wouldn't be /that/ good on her with that on hit CDR. But I could be wrong.

She still feels alright anyway though.

I'm not gonna get too fussy over it.

>AND a champion that Riot and most of the playerbase forgets exists.
I think that's the only reason his winrate isn't worse than it is.

People forget he exists and don't know wtf to do against him.

>walking through train station behind a girl wearing a league jumper
Is this common?
I wouldn't ever wear league apparel in public.

Real talk.

It aint gay right

Who is this?

Thanks for weighing in.

...anyone over 14 have something to add before I turn in? Original question: I'm new to ranked and was wondering if it's always 200X more toxic than normal matches (bad enough already I thought) or if some games people are not absolute cunts to each other.

Is that his room?
If not prob shopped

It's 100% straight.
So long as you don't acknowledge the penis. Otherwise, it's 90% as gay as aids.

Apparently Locco.
Would explain a shitload desu.

Take a guess if it's normally more toxic
People who play it are more competitive and rank is on the line

Yea, that's what I'm thinking. Also delays IE too much.

Her autos feel too sluggish to me, but that might just be because I've been playing her back when she had 4% attack speed level. Idk why Riot thought that was a good idea.

Still best adc

will there be skin cards at pax?
what skine?

image compression looks awfully different in the body from the head

I agree, however that doesn't explain the makeup.

Yeah, she's super fun. I play her and Ezreal a lot these days.

Her AA don't feel too slow to me compared to others. But, I never played the old version off her.


You know hes right. Everyone always claims their particular elo is toxic and hard.

The real reason it appears so is that when you aren't winning people are more tense so when you hit games where you have 50/50 chance of winning and are struggling games get toxic.

Also low elo is more toxic than high elo for obvious reasons.

Solution to both is git gud

>Eve's ult will finally receive a flat damage addition to her ult
Thank god

Bring back Veigar's insta stun

Holy shit, this thing is fucking useless when everyone has dash and it takes forever to finish forming

In which case you would think that if they had a lick of sense or self awareness, they'd NOT be utter fucktards and increase their chances of winning. I mean, it's not like being competitive means you have to be stupid as well, does it?

why not give gnar's W proc a CD

not the damage but the movespeed
he is like the perfect toplaner

i'm ranged so i can bully you in lane but if you all-in me then i become the tankiest highest basestat melee champion in the entire game
being ranged i also can push and split like a cunt, and once i have frozen mallet you cannot even exist in my lane without me running down but then for teamfights i become a melee champion with a gamechanging ultimate

he gets his cake, eats it and fucks is t too because why not

>Worst champs

Kind of hard when you got that one retard who doesn't know what playing safe is and ends up going 0/5+ by 10min to the FOTM cancer champ in X lane.

Even if I was real gud-like - which I'm not - would it be worth the slog to get to the elo where people are less annoying? Win or lose, any time I've played with horrible cunts on my team just sucks the fun out of the game. If that's what ranked is like, I guess I'll stick with normals.

You get these "perfect" champs for certain lanes when Riot refuses to deal with the root problems of another champ in the lane. So the only way to ensure people get off that champion is to make a champ even more forgiving and "I CAN DO EVERYTHING"

Top lane its Irelia. So we get Gnar and Ekko. Midlane it's been Zed, so we get Yasuo and Azir. For botlane its Lucian, so we get Jhin.

>its an episode of
>jungler doesnt bring smite and gets fucked early by shaco
and up next
>try to take baron and drag while shaco is up so he smites them
followed by
> your teammates try t chase down a shaco only to waste time when all three inhibs were open
and later
>they refuse to group, go in one at a time and this ends the game
Fuck that shit , there was no, "just carry harder" i'd have more luck herding cats

yabutt, there was no "one" retard. There were 4 retards yelling almost randomly at 5 retards about what fucking retards they are. (in case the math is confusing, I didn't bother yelling, even when someone WAS being a fucking retard, because... well, because I'm not a goddamned idiot I guess). So no, this wasn't one person pissing everyone else off. This was everyone being a German gamer kid (dating myself with that reference?) at everyone else. Not my idea of fun.

fuck anyone who plays soraka or janna. Whenever I play against these retards, I just imagine some little twink who needs their boypussy fucked hard

the damage and slow is dumb as fuck too, this fucker deal more ap damage than ad when ranged thats just stupid

>would it be worth the slog to get to the elo where people are less annoying?
Why bother? You can make people less annoying now by muting them once they start sperging out. It works out to be about the same. Don't believe Riot's memes that muting hurts you because you can't communicate; the retards who sperg out in chat weren't going to say anything relevant. In any event, you should play ranked for your own reasons, not because people are going behave like less of fucktards, but because you want to improve, stroke your dick to your rank, get your rewards, whatever. Players are bad, ragey and tilted at every mmr, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

>fulfil their wildest sexual dreams
>that'll show them

giving physical damage champions very significant magic damage that they don't have to build for but YOU have to build against is one of riots favourite pastimes

i remember a game where i keep asking my orianna for the ball so i could jump in fight with it and she could just ult 3/4 people
turns out she muted everyone at the start of the game and didnt ult more than 2 guy the whole game because he sucked dick and probably didnt know that you could shield someone else than yourself

I kinda like having a chat open, and it seems that out of every ten games in normal, there's one where I end up entertained as fuck by chat. But if it's more like 1 out of every 100 in ranked, then maybe I'll just stay in the kiddie pool and have fun.

>mfw my 5 year old account worth at least a thousand gets banned for saying "you are bad twitch" and "no shit" to two toxic teamates
>champ riven and around 250 skins from friends and the years past
>plat border and icon
>open a ticket with riot and response is essentially "well you were being toxic to teamates and just got off a two week ban, so even though this wasn't that bad this perma ban stays, try making a new account :)"
>fuck them they don't give a shit about me I'm not gonna even play anymore
>4 days later and I download the game again, make an alt and buy 40 dollars worth of rp out of desperation for an exp boost and champs

What has this game done to me?

lol players are literally the most domesticated and docile goyim in all of video games

This game is a virtual form of heroin. No matter how much you hate it, no matter how many times you try and quit you keep coming back.

We can talk about buffs so we don't want to kill ourselves then
I want to receive a half value Bear Stance speed up on stun.

Tell me about it. I started playing less than a year ago, stuck to free only for months, and then hextech shit comes out to suck my wallet dry.

...300 bucks later I have a stupid slightly-different-than-everyone-else's set of pixels on a champ I'm shit at.

Not everyone can remain calm under competitive conditions, maybe they had a shit day and just took it out on people over nothing.
Maybe they've been climbing super fast and are nervous about how they'll perform in a higher elo than they're used to.
Maybe they are just stupid too.

I barely get any joy out of it anymore, people are toxic at all elos and it has made me jaded. I tend to flame flamers now even though I should just mute them. It's kind of fucking hilarious in pre 30 though, I have not had to level up an account since season 2.

You really should have learned your lesson when the random banning was as it's peak during the 10k chat restriction days.

it always bothers me how when they "permanently" ban an account, they do not care if you make a new account (unless you're tyler1 hehe xd)
banning someone on the grounds they are a problem to the game's community, but then even suggesting to banned players to make new accounts and get right back into playing.

>is probably because they know they'll come back after a ban anyway and start spending money on RP again building a new account up

Why didn't you just buy a account that was already level 30? They're like $20 max and all the pros do it to smurf on.

I honestly wouldn't care if it were not for the victorious skins, champ riven and like 15 other skins I used on mains. I didn't use 70 perc of my skins, mystery gift wars did a number on me.

Oh yea and getting runes again is gonna be fucking awful.

Because there is nothing else like playing with pre 30's who think they are god and rage about "ksing" that can de tilt you as much. I am used to the salt and troll essence of plat 5.

Hence why you shouldn't just mute everyone unless you're planning on being Tryndamere or whoever and just playing a completely different game. You mute the people who prove they'll have nothing to say.

Honestly, I don't take my own advice on this front, but that's normally because if I muted everyone, I wouldn't be able to further tilt retarded assassin/adc babies and make them lose more LP if I muted them. Obviously, I don't give a flying fuck what random strangers have to say, so I'm able to just plain ignore them until I can push their buttons and cause longer lasting damage than just losing this game. I like ruining their next games for them by souring their attitudes, but that's because I'm a horribly spiteful person.

I don't want to believe you got banned over that. I regularly tell people to kill themselves and say faggot, chink, nigger and all sorts of other slurs in addition to some over the top insults and I've been warned like once. I'm completely and utterly convinced the chat moderation is ineffective to the point of nonexistance.

But I'll believe you, simply because Riot is going full SJW hugbox mentality and it's probably where the game is heading in a few years time, assuming they don't shoot themselves in the foot in the interim and end it all.

I refuse to give Riot another cent of my money until they put forth some fucking results. The only thing worth my money in recent memory is two champions I like in the last year and a half and the new champion select, the latter has been tainted by dynamic queue and barely qualifies as an improvement. They might see my money again if they get their act together, release replays, update the engine and give us a sandbox mode. In fewer words, never. The problem with Leagues playerbase is that they don't hound Riot the way they do when Valve fucks up. Riot gets away with it because we don't hold them accountable.

That'll teach you for being stupid in general.
When you get a two week ban it specifically says your next punishment in the near future will be a perma ban no matter what - if you get reported enough to trigger the system again, it's perma.
You're literally equal to 4 year olds whose minds can't fully understand punishment yet and still continue to do it after parents tell them if they do something one more time it's gg.
Maybe once you realise that you'll get over it.
Speaking as someone who has been non toxic enough since a two week ban I had to go off super hard to get just a chat restriction.

how accurate is op gg's MMR calculator?

This. Nasus is fucking shit, he's a decent damage peeler and can deal some serious damage lategame, but he can't carry games above silver even if he has like 2k stacks.

You literally won't be able to land one, and I say one Q on your intended target during a teamfight unless your team is literally destroying them.

Immobile champions with such a low range can't carry in this game.

>lichbane that early on eve

the Higher mastery emote spam was cute though

>Riot gets away with it because we don't hold them accountable.

Riot has trained the playerbase to defend their shit decision making, design, or balance.

Replays, VoiP, and more than 6 bans were things requested for literally years and Riot, out of pure laziness, didn't put any of them into the game. But then they released large essays on why all of those things were bad, and then the playerbase themselves took it up as some holy cause whenever someone brought it up. Now that Riot is considering them, for example, suddenly those same idiots now are saying how great it is Riot is doing these things.

Like there is still zero justifiable reason for gameplay affecting unlocks to still require IP/RP. And there's barely any good reason runes still exist at all. And yet I absolutely guarantee I'll have retards argue with religious conviction that those are all "good ideas".

I did learn my lesson though. I used to fight flame with flame and I stopped. There is no logical reason for me to have expecting saying "no shit" and "you are bad twitch" to two hyper toxic baddies would trigger a perma ban, but they both reported me due to their salt.

Like I know I hold a good amount of responsibility for my actions but the environment effects it heavily as well. This is the only game I ever really got toxic in. I am a sensitive person and I also am not a big fan of muting a teammate, no matter how much of an asshole they are I still am afraid if I mute them I will miss something crucial to the game. Dealing with this defensive mentality and genuinely awful people for 5 years of playing consistently changes you. I have delt with shit in games you would not believe.

Maybe because Riot isn't exactly the same company it was 6 years ago.

But you act like you are the first person to think of this reasoning and are a little uptight about it frankly.

Honestly a VoiP is a garbage idea, there isn't enough benefit to the cost it will have on the average user.

Riot should be never promised or listened to the player base at all, it only breeds trouble.

>i din du nuffin
Post logs, I've seen this story too many times

I don't understand how people even get banned. I've never been banned or disciplined in any way and I've been playing since kogmaw was released. Just don't be mean in chat, that's literally all you have to do.

"Hey I've fed before, when people yelled at me did it make me play better?"
No, no it didn't.

That doesn't mean you need to be like "Its okay you'll do better next time! XDXD" Just don't say anything, nothing you say will help in any way.

Don't say "GG EZ" at the end of the game, you're being a faggot, don't be a faggot.

Don't shit on people for building retarded
Don't shit on people for playing retarded
Don't shit on people for feeding
Don't respond to people being shitters on the other team either

Just play the fucking game, talk about what to do as a team, and don't be a faggot.

If you get banned, you were 100% being a faggot, don't be a faggot.