inb4 his crowdfunding campaign to replace it with a GT350

>sick to my stomach

Long story short for

>I have never had to deal with an adverse situation in my whole life and as a result I have the emotional fortitude of a 3 year old.

Are you fuckig kidding me? He sold the non GT that was CROWDFUNDED and got a GT? Are you fucking idiots going to give him more money to fix his car and maybe buy a cobra?


>wrecked mustang
This pleases me

how a motor cycle do that damage and isn't totaled ?

Cars are made of cheap shit plastic man, if that was a car from the 70s it would barley have a scratch

and there would be no survivor

im sad the faggot squid didnt die

Only if he crashed that plane.

That's a big assumption

>people actually watch this guy
>just learned people PAID HIM to get a car

Holy shit, just cuck my generation up, senpai.



double wat. How the hell did this fag get people to give him money to buy anything?

Cyclist would be ded for sure

Crumple zones crumple too damn easily. Good for pedestrians, but also good for deer.

who the fuck cares if you're okay after a few hundred pound motorcycle and rider just hit your side.
rider must have had some sick gear to do that damage and only a leg gash.

for real i stopped to be a witness for a minor fender bender and the woman who caused the accident was freaking out and crying, and didn't stop until police showed up. at first I thought she broke her wrist or something.

who the fuck even watches him ? his face and voice combo are very off putting. like that kid who was really into yu gi oh (way after it was popular) inviting you to his house to have dinner with his weird family

>hey guys subaruwrxfan here i'm dead, but here's my gofundme page for resurrecting me

Crumple zones are for the people inside of the car you colossal retard

>I'm sick to my stomach
think he's about to say something about the rider
>about my generic car they made 5 million of
Try having a car you put 500 hours of work into the body on an irreplaceable car totaled, then you can worry about your car more than the other driver

Is that why all new cars are required to have the hood a certain distance above the engine and empty spaces between the front bumper and crash bar? Pedestrian safety standards have been around for EU cars for a while and the last few years for US manufacturers.

This picture breaks my heart. You know there is at least 2 owners crying out of frame

For you