/mbg/ - Mount & Blade General



Last blog:


PASTEBIN: pastebin.com/uMbrCTdV

M&B Wiki: mountandblade.wikia.com/wiki/Mount_and_Blade_Wiki

NOOB GUIDE: imgur.com/a/FMAqV


user's mods and upstab guide:
>/mbg/ Steamgroup

Module Recommendations:

>user's ACOCK minimod
full version:

>"I made a mod recently or updated it. Wat do ?"
Link to the OP in your post so that it might be easier to find for the one making the next OP (also for regular people).

Other urls found in this thread:


The new VC patch is out.

>Patch: brytenwaldastudios.com/DownloadsVC/VC_RE_2.025Patch.7z

>source link: brytenwaldastudios.com/DownloadsVC/VikingConquestSourcev2025.7z

way 2 go op u did good


Gamescom Siege video :

Interview with Armagan : youtube.com/watch?v=cqYTjnnhf_c

There you go.

women are inferior to men if you disagree you are a butthurt redditor

>he doesn't know

Get with the times kid. Nowadays Reddit is more red-pilled and alt-right than even Veeky Forums.

Reddit makes Veeky Forums look like the Soviet Union.

>tfw the politically correct way to express this is to say that men and women have their own strengths and weaknesses
>women don't actually have any relative strengths over women

Don't they have higher pain tolerance, or is that a meme?

>no videos
>premature ejaculation: the thread

don't create new threads if you're too dumb for it

Its alright for this time. I forgive him.
Though indeed the rules specify another thread is not to me made if the other one with the same subject hasn't hit image limit
And yes this rule is observed in most of the threads I go on Veeky Forums

What was name of that dynasty warrior with knights game?
I want to crush some english paysans.

they are better at giving birth desu

Oh, great, another useless mouth to feed.

5 seconds in Google.

> Not wanting more children to carry your family name and legacy
Would call you a pleb, but even plebs had big families.

>not performing such great acts of depravity that your legacy is a permanent black mark on the history of your empire
lmao pleb, your kids kids kids won't even know who you were

>acts of depravity that your legacy is a permanent black mark on the history of your empire

That's dishonourable.

Who gives a shit? They'll kneel just as well.

>not having children as well

smells reel plen around heer

Please tell me it's possible to bone Isolla in Dickplomacy.


>Don't they have higher pain tolerance
Probably a meme, but hard to tell given how prone women are to histrionics about anything they don't like.

I forgot how native soundtracks could be comfy

I'm posting Cao Cao in honour of the poster who was posting in honour of the original Cao Cao poster until we get a good Romance of the three kingdoms mod.

>posting whole soundrack

What a dishounour

Bravo, faggot.

>I'm posting Cao Cao in honour of the poster who was posting in honour of the original Cao Cao poster and in insult of this poster until we get a good Romance of the three kingdoms mod.

>You will never have a pure steppe waifu

Why even live?

>>posting whole soundrack
With how much we have to talk about these days 1 song ain't gonna be enough my knigga


>dickplomacy has the sex
>but Floris is better at literally everything else
Fuck. Where's a merge mod

>>but Floris is better at literally everything else
No, it isn't you fucking pleb.

Not him but Floris with native troops is pretty enjoyable.
Remain the horrid animations though
>inb4 you can fix that with a patch
Yeah but it fucks up PBOD pike walls so no


Yeah, it is. The only thing that's shit about Floris is the expanded troops trees, and that's disable-able. It's got better weapons and armor, it's got foraging as a skill, it's got a much better starting interface, it allows you to have fun on ships, some towns don't look like shit anymore, and a million other things too.

Sounds like fantasy music instead of Mount & Blade music.

Hello /mbg/,
I started to develop new mod for warband.
What do you think?

mount & blade is a fantasy game you nonce

Is this bait?

No it isn't, it is a game about the sunken continent, Calradia.


How do i get prophesy of pendor to run

it fucking crashes instantly after the character creation.

You install phantasy and play that instead

don't play either of these because they are garbage

get perisno instead


don't play either of these because they are garbage




Did anyone try to run in 32bit to see what'd happen? Is it just a RAM issue or something?

is there any way to increase the amount of troops I can bring in my ship in Floris? 50 sounds too little.

>starting interface
wow it's fucking nothing

>tfw I can't play with a normal amount of agility anymore
500 agi is comfycore

>ignoring half of the points

So ACOCK seems to add a bunch of stuff to the base mod, but does anyone have screenshots of the new units? I've been hanging in Westeros and only saw a few new bandits and the troop trees slightly changed up a bit.

Should I play the mod with or without the minimod first? This is my first playthrough.

>not playing with 500 str instead and oneshotting everything with kicks

>not playing with 10000+ str and turning m&b into a turk dynasty warriors

what things from floris should be added? I'm open to suggestions, I haven't played that mod. Keep in mind that dickplomacy was made in about a month so it's not really very heavy on features

Why some modders can't choice font that isn't shit (look upper font)?


TLD might be the mod with the worst font of all mods desu

I know why it is.
But reading wall of text with that font is pain in ass

Forraging. That's literally it. Troops variety is also really nice but for that you're better off just creating some new troops with their own trees because the splitting and progression in floris is the most retarded shit I have ever seen in any mod.

Hey dickanon, could you add an option in-game to disable companion's complaints on the next version?

Hopefully it isn't that hard to mod.

Not to mention how fucking thick and saturated it is. Look at the vanilla font. It blends perfectly with the background, the thickness and colour are perfectly balanced. The the other two look like shitty 10 second jobs in microsoft paint thrown on top of a screenshot.


Isn't foraging basically just stealing food from people? You can already do that at villages

Bandit Leaders were pretty fun too.

Foraging is based on iirc nearby settlements and recent battles that happened around you the moment feeding time is applied. Increasing the skill level would also increase its radius.

I'm not sure that an automatic foraging system would make much sense or add much to the game. Food would normally be stockpiled in centralized locations, people wouldn't just give it up unless you pay for supplies or force them to hand it over, which is already represented by the current interactions with villages (force to give supplies). Foraging historically isn't really any different from brigandage tb.h

That shit was absolutely retarded too.
>average faction lord riding around with an army the size of ~120-160
>bands of bandits sized +800 troops slaughtering absolutely everything that passes by
>never split up, always travelling in a massive blob of rape
>crippling all trade
>new leader with a massive following randomly pops up somewhere the same hour you manage to wipe one out
>de facto rulers of Caldaria
absolutely ridiculous.

I agree that the numbers were retarded, I just like the idea of destroying hundreds of bandits in some chaotic battle. They should've tuned them down by at least half.

diplomacy vs vanilla?


Just add Manhunter Leaders to balance it all out.

Also, consider that if Dark Knights and Black Khergits become hostile to everyone, their high levels and extreme hostility mean they will take out considerable chunks of bandit blobs.

Even turning them down by half wouldn't make a difference because if I recall correctly, the battle simulator doesn't pay much attention (if any at all) to quality of troops and just resolves battles by numbers, and the only time an army of 400 bandits could be beaten would be if they happen to be caught en-route by a marshall and his followers during a war, and the followers all piled up on them, otherwise you just have single nobles and carravans being constantly caught and raped.

yes to diplomacy or yes to vanilla?

Here's an idea (that is highly dependent on people being good at Python coding). Give Bandit Lords a script that splits his army into smaller armies after it has reached a critical mass.

>Banditking Leif Vikingslav's warband has split due to a conflict over loot!

>I will reward you as no mortal king can
>No mortal king can
>Mortal king can

The lord's army being too big is not the biggest issue, it's the fact that he has around 8 other stacks right next to him with ~80 troops each, who never stray too far away.

Just fix the problem by having the bandit leader sized around 100 and have maybe 4 10 - 15 sized stacks following him around in order to catch and hold down victims so the leader can catch up. Make the leader have stronger bandit units under his command so that it would be balanced for troop-count focused auto resolve and player engagements.

Oh yes. That works too.

I was thinking about the rare endgame scenarios, where Bandit lords end up vacuuming all the lords that have just won phyrric victories, leading to Bandit lords having armies composed entirely out of t7 troops from all factions (that are still alive).


>he thinks bandit lords were the issue with floris

is it wrong to play dickplomacy with adult content turned off?

>tfw the Sturgians actually are ebin vikings and not gay ass protoslavs

>is it wrong to eat my icecream by melting it down and drinking it?


>he doesn't DRINK his ice cream

t. pleb

Nigga drinking ice cream is the best. I bet you use a spoon too, right faggot?

does this mean it's the best to play dickplomacy without adult content?

No, the best is when it melts just a little but not too watery and not too solid.

Is it time yet?

Hey, weekend is here and so are Anzu posters, shitting up the thread again.

For loli?

Not yet brother, we strike when the time is right.

is this shit?

yes, just play SW Battlefront II

I like it, IS it out for warband now?


A lot of stuff is just nice QOL stuff that isn't that important, but if I had to pick a few things that would be must-transfers, they would be foraging and the new equipment. I miss the crow hammer from floris so fucking much.

where did you find my pic

As long as the equipment fits. Too often assets added in look like they were ripped straight from another game.