>Net Worth
Net Worth Survey
$12.50/hr, part time
$4k in robinmeme
>>Net Worth
Helthcare Tech
$20,000 ($45,000 one year ago)
~$1,000 leftover from when I invested in college. Pulling it out to help pay off loans
- $ 20,000
130k (with mortgage)
Chemical Engineer
0 debts, student loans paid off and renting
401(k), Roth and Traditional IRAs, mostly in index funds
About 300k if wife's assets are included
Veeky Forums
8" dick
investment management
mortgage: $350,000
house: $525,000, retirement/savings/etc: $320,000
Owner Op flatbed
>Sallary (salary*)
$210K GROSS last year took $45K salary
Debts? I have none unless you count my credit card, which I pay in full every month.
My house (paid $135K for it and have put about $20K in renovations don't know current value)
2009 Freightliner Columbia with a Detroit pre emissions 12.7l
2015 Dodge Ram 2500 Cummins
2016 Lowe Bay 22 boat.
$14K in personal accounts
$57K in Vanguard account
$90K in business account
>Net Worth
Don't know I'm dumb
>Business analytics
>$98k/year, with 5 years experience in position
>$100k or so, including mortgage and student loans
>$500k or so, including house, 401k, brokerage, etc
>Um, 500k-100k=400k
>Counts boat and pickup
Those aren't assets. The Freightliner does, though.
Sales consultant at cell shop
19.4k student loan
>Net Worth
>aerospace stress engineer
>$40/hr (~$80k)
>~$40k in cash and investments, 2 bitcoin, a nice PC and some figs of my waifu and miku
>see above
Vehicles are depreciating assets, but still assets.
>my CPA who is very sexy btw
Energetic material processor
2k on care credit
Just my car. I rent an apartment
Pretty much 0.
Net worth: -$10,600
58k (plus about 6k/yr in school reimbursement, 2 years left)
165k + 8k - (Mortgage / Student Loans)
~174k (home and car)
~185k (home, car, savings, 401k)
$5k ish
>Net Worth
$5k ish
You do realize that your home is an asset right? And the mortgage is the liability/debt?
$48k base, maybe $60k with overtime
$2900 car
$25k savings
$2000 other
>Net Worth
Age: 36
Job: Goldman Sachs Finance in NYC
Salary: 115k/year + 10-15% bonus
Debt: ~96k student debt, 11k car
Assets: ~10k equity in house, ~15k piano, 20k in 401K, 8k in bank as of today (a bit inflated, it was just payday)
Net Worth: Negative 54k
For all you know my savings & 401k could have 100k in it. But yea you right I calculated net worth completely wrong hahahahaha, forgive me I am high
No, it's not. Your home is a liability if it has any sort of loan against it (be it primary mortgage or HELOC) and should be treated as such. Treating houses like assets while money is still owed against theme is the kind of mindset that caused that crazy housing clusterfuck a few years ago.
> Age: 23
> Job: med student
> Salary: N/A
> Debt: $200,000
> Assets: $3200
> Net Worth: -$196,800
But its worth it cuz everyone already treats me like I have piles of cash, right guise?
importing/consulting/business man of 6 years
I take home 23K on the nose per month after paying my primary employees(my mothers) and dealing with business logistics
Z E R O forever.
three properties for various purposes, only live in one, some gold and silver, firearms(mostly collecting, very rarely shoot guns at all other than my CCW once every couple of months just to stay sharp), rare guitars like a 1963 Gibson 335, three Fender Stratocasters from the 1950s, some old Martin acoustics... just shit I want that i won't lose money on, ever. I want to enjoy myself. I'll have more than enough for retirement and I know what I buy will never lose money, only increase in value.
>Net Worth
it's probably around $1.5M at this point.
No, you are absolutely wrong. The house is an asset that you can sell, the mortgage is a liability with which you purchased the asset.
Learn elementary accounting: Assets = Liabilities + Equity. When you buy a house your assets increase by the value of the house, your liabilities increase by the amount of the mortgage and your equity increases by the amount of your down payment. QED.
Post your guitars or cool story bro.
Is it wrong to count 401ks as net worth as there's an almost certainty tax will be paid on it? I understand selling other assets has fees and taxes, but is it genuine to call pretax savings net worth?
Then you would be operating at with negative net working capital bud. The liability of the mortgage will always be more than the value of the house (inc. property) as the mortgage is the net asset value of the house at the time of purchase with the addition of interest (which may or may not be adjusted throughout the term of the loan). For the majority of Americans, the home is more of a liability than an asset. I'm not saying this line of thinking is the absolute only way to think about your home, but I'm firm believer in the this being the smartest way to operate.
You seem like a lad that just finished some basic accounting courses at your local community college and now think you're any bit intelligent in the fields of finance and accounting.
>Protip: you aren't.
Financial Analyst
No Debt
Investments(35K~)Physical Assets(70K~)
>Law Clerk
Project mgr
107k in low cost area
30k left on student debt, 32k on rental property, 106k on primary res, and a 20k loan
80k rental prop (more if you trust zillow), 180k pri res, ~60k 401k/ira, 30k cash, 25k brokerage/robo advisor
Simple math looks to be ~187k in the black
(Need more rentals/passive income for the early retirement win)
>The liability of the mortgage will always be more than the value of the house (inc. property)
This is just wrong. Asset value of the house may or may not rise and be greatly in excess of the liability, even with interest factored and cost of sale factored in.
Given that the debt will have interest, it is at purchase going to be a larger liability in time, but the fact that a liability has future cash flows does not change the fact that the house is a offsetting asset.
I get that you think homes should not be considered part of net worth, but they aren't nearly as rapidly depreciating an asset as things like vehicles. The fact that income properties, REITs, commercial property investments, etc even exist is even more proof that real estate has asset value and should not be completely dismissed as an asset.
It depends on the value of the asset. At the end of the day if your loan is 150k and you can sell the asset for 180k then you are net positive. If you're talking about taking out another loan on that equity thats a whole other conversation.
no that would not be net
>> Debt: $200,000
Holy fucking shit I suck at life, every time I look through a thread like this I'm reminded of that fact. All these people making 6 figures and having thousands in savings in their teens and early 20s. I have to go to reddit's r/assistance now or read some newspaper articles on how poor the average american is to feel better about myself. What the actual fuck.
>Your home is a liability
Stop being a fucking retard. The home is an asset; the mortgage is a liability.
This is accounting, not politics. Fuck off back to if you want to rant, Pajeet.
retail merchandising/client representation
16 an hour + mileage and drive-time
my nana's old 2002 Kia spectra, and a laptop full of dank meme's
>>Net Worth
401k is included in net assets faggot
youre thinking of liquid assets u fuckin fuckdumb
>All these people making 6 figures and having thousands in savings in their teens and early 20s.
Friendly reminder that Veeky Forums should be named /roleplaying/.
There's not more than three well-off people that have ever posted in the history of the board. The rest lie about their salary, net worth, and investment performance with the practiced ease that they lie about losing their virginity to their imaginary Canadian girlfriend.
Would I make more money as a Software engineer or Accountant/Financial Analyst.
Longterm goal: Own Business.
Jump into something. I started importing products at 15 years old with $200. You can do it. Find random niche products. Start small and crunch the numbers. As long as you make a profit, it's worth it over working for someone else. Growth is all that matters. If you have no debt, and a growing business, you're doing amazingly. Trust me. You want money? Be like me. I do major work maybe 10 hours per week. Put the work in. Use your brain, and I mean really use it, and you'll never work as hard as other people do for the same dollar.
Why would so many of them they lie though? I see a couple of students here and other professionals which make what you would consider the average but then there's a fair bit of people who just make more than decent money. It makes me feel really bad, like I'm wasting my time in college.
I mean I started off with regular jobs like wal-mart. eventually I got a factory job, and worked hard at it. They recognized how much I did for the company, so they moved me into a cushy position making explosive materials.
I basically just set up and tear down the machines and let them do the work. So its stress free.
I only make $16.20 an hour, but I've always been a modest person anyways.
Its sort of funny y'know. I always end up in roles where I either lead or am trusted to have no oversight whatsoever. However I just can't see myself running my own business.
I know you didn't ask for my life story, and I'm not exactly swimming in money. But I don't feel like I'm really behind anyone. As long as I have food, and a roof over my head, and my loving wife, I don't really care about money that much myself.
>Why would so many of them they lie though?
Never played liars poker? Is a massive circle-jerk of one-upmanship. Someone claims to make $80K, so the next NEET claims $100K, and then Pajeet says $120K (which is probably accurate, but in Rupies). And it spirals and spirals.
Asking why people lie on Veeky Forums is like asking why OP is a faggot. It's because they're faggots.
Project Coordinator
No debt
24K worth of stock
Hey dumb fuck, the taxes you need to pay on your 401k are a liability. Assets - liabilities = net worth
Data Analyst
52k (hired this week)
no debnts
I just can't understand how upping someone via lying on Veeky Forums would give anyone any gratification, especially since that lie won't ever translate to real life. Like I could claim that I make $150k or whatever but I'll still be dirt poor IRL. What would be the point? You can't even have a sincere discussion then because all you are doing is pretending. I guess my mistake is trying have a serious convo on Veeky Forums out of all places.
Technical Architect
>>Net Worth
No clue, I have a wife and two teenagers its fucking expensive as hell where I live and I'm about to throw down 1000ETH on the SDTV ICO in a few hours tho
Don't take this personally, but I've always wanted to ask this someone older, what are you doing on Veeky Forums?
>Pharmacy student
>My car, $11,000
>What would be the point?
To rustle your jimmies, dumbass. You, with every post you've made in this thread, are feeding their tiny attention-whoring egos.
Stop doing that.
machine manufacturing tech
fug i dunno like 33k 15.50 a hr full time
owe 3k on my CRV and 1500 left for my rent term(Its a debt just in a disguised form)
700 401k 3k in college savings 900 in Credit union about 2k in firearms and ammo
like 5k
Jr. Electronics Engineer
None, live with parents
Get out now, it's not worth it. How the fuck did you get that far in debt?
t. new pharmacy grad
I am a stinky NEET who cam whores for wage cucks. Give me money and ill spread my boi pucci for your enjoyment.
Total assets = bout tree fiddy. Will also cam whore for RS gold. I am not fussy
>Age 26
>Job Small business owner
>Salary 21k
>Debnts 146k
>Assets 500k
>Networth 354k
Software Release Engineer
$81,000 + profit sharing (like $500, company sucks)
$122,400 in mortgage
$140,000 condo
>>Net Worth
Approximately $40,000 between savings, salary, and condo.
Replacement car (6k), student loans (24k), and condo purchase feels (4k) ate into any gains for a while, especially since I made less than 45k from 23-25. Finally going to have 5 digits of spending cash next year.
You will be mourned.
Old folks have been shitposting in IRC since the internet first because popular. It only makes sense they'd find Veeky Forums eventually, just like you'll still shitpost well into your 40s. You may stop for years at a time, but it always comes back.
>NEET (left previous waiter job, still have enough leftover to survive untill the end of the year)
>0 parents paid for tuitions
>55k worth of cryptocurrencies
55k in cryptocurrencies
Damn thats some huge exposure. I'd be selling that and buying cheap real estate, desu
>Net Worth
>360k debt
>welcome to the australian housing market
iktf but there are cheap areas in aus that you could buy for ~70 - 150k which isnt even the deposit price for a cucked regular house. Catch is you need to earn money some of way like online since the jobs in those areas suck but tradies have work anywhere desu
Logistics Operator/ own a rental property(fourplex)
gross-68k/year net-48k/year
176k- mortgage
15.5k- car
215k- rental property
14k- car
2k- 401k
>Net Worth
I would lose at least 30% on taxes as soon as I convert them to fiat. Plus why would I sell when any one of them have a chance to make me a millionaire? Even there's a slightest chance, the odd is still better than winning lottery and I have more control over cutting losses.
>paying taxes
Hearty chuckle.avi
That's the point, bud. Motivation
>student and investment guru
>$800 a month from goverment grand + what i make from investing
>debts; mortgages
>assets: Apartment + stocks
>net worth~180k euros
Sugar baby
60000 (pretty good in a second world country)
50000 i think. Does this include the shitload of clothes?
new york really is a meme. you probably work 80 hours a week to be that poor
Senior Analyst
The secret is:
>no gf
>no car
>no pets
>dont drink
>only saved 160k
>earns 80k/year
>no gf
>no pets
>no car
>no drink
Do you burn the money you earn?
>21- 22 in 4 days
>Own online store, partial stake in weight loss supplement company and run small investment start up company
>210k base - 660 if conditions met
>200 bucks, one usused account 7 bucks overdrawn
>2015 maserati ghibli
1985 bmw m635
deposit on cayman gt4
200k in bank
400 in investmentswith outside companies
500k internal investment
>1-2 mil( personal)
( partner 2-4 mil)
Dominos lel
>Net Worth
Or... Have great gf who earns too and cuts your living expenses by 50% while also fulfilling your needs.
Stay poor with your shitty life
28 years
Financial Analyst
€ 40,000
€ 850,000 in real estate, cash, BTC, ETH
€ 300,000
€ 550,000
Thanks dad
>small business owner
>$220,000 gross, $12,000 net
>$140k in debts
>$1.4 million in assets today. It changes daily.
>over a million
Investment advisor
4k borrowed to invest
Car + 24.5k in investment account
student/IT tech
$ 8k tfsa, 2k rrsp
>selling bitcoins ever
enjoy being poor
The only people in their early 20's with 6 figures are trust fund babbies (the ones not roleplaying that is)
Student pilot.
Climbing extremely rapidly.
Being burnt to make avgas.
>Net Worth
So you are an FA?
>machinery technician
>~20K in debt, student loan/car/revolving CC spending
>~66k in assets, mostly 401k, IRA, I'm including my car which some people frown upon but that's only ~15k
>$46k net worth
Only had this job 2 years but I feel like I could be boosting my net worth more than I am. I'd like to retire early.
Code monkey
Got lucky on the stock market.
No job, full time student
about 2.5k in stocks
about 4k
Data Center Technician
$68,000 a year. $114,000 with OT and bonuses.
$195,446.89 mortgage.
$342,074.86 in property and investments.
>Net Worth
I've been spending a lot the last couple months hence the credit card. Pay in full every month regardless though. Mostly I'm buying guns and gun food because we're in for a wild ride.
Was thinking of stopping contributing to my roth IRA and just upping my 401k contribution. Would save me a bit more on taxes, I'm in the 25% bracket and live in NY so I think pre-tax is probably better honestly.
Nothing since moving back to school, but I do invest and trade stocks
$15,000 from the summer, but this whole stock thing has made $31,000 in the last 2 weeks.
$5500 student loans
My computer and thats about it
>Net worth
So your computer is worth $76k?
Gotta love mint.
what do you do?
No, my stocks are worth about $77K, my student debt is $5.5K, and my computer is worth several hundred. I guess I could say all in net worth is about $74K with my savings account as well.
Pretty much what the other guy said.i have been shit posting since the 80s and thru EFNet when it was young on IRC. Now my wife essentially trolls ppl IRL and apparently, I've been told I am a Baptist version of Kyle Broflosky's dad from South Park. I haven't seen the episode but apparently he's a mad troll.
Lol Sonny boy, I've been trolling since you were a glimmer in yer daddy's eye. Heh, I'm only 38, i remember when that seemed ancient...
>Own online store, partial stake in weight loss supplement company and run small investment start up company
What's more important here the quality of the product or the marketing? That's a very difficult niche to get into.
>No, my stocks are worth about $77K, my student debt is $5.5K, and my computer is worth several hundred. I guess I could say all in net worth is about $74K with my savings account as well.
Damn what stocks?