/edg/scg/ - Star Citizen and Elite Dangerous General #36

Previous thread: Welcome to the merged generals of Elite: Dangerous and Star Citizen.
>Elite: Dangerous information:

Gamescom info:
>Star Citizen information:

Gamescom info:

>2.5 LIVE btw
Referral code randomize:
>Other games:

If it doesn't have a general, post it here; just don't get upset about sharing. If it DOES have a general, please go. We don't need your baggage.
Above is a pastebin of games you can play while waiting for SC and E:D to become playable.

Other urls found in this thread:


tell me why opentrack isn't working with ED, right now

First for what could have been.

kill the furfags, dads and rplers

space outlaws unite

Is that an "official" Elite novel?

I was having trouble OT detecting games a while ago once I upgraded to the new version.

I 'fixed' it by totally reinstalling Windows. So perhaps try to cleanse OT from your system and fresh install it?

What is your home system /scg/edg/ and why is it Magnus?


>Dat Cinematic Feeling

Sixth for when the fuck is the 10 for replacement coming. When will Sean Tracey bless us with his presence

it works with dcs and battle of stalingrad though

all these moving parts are triggering me

When will we get the first weirdo Register to Snipe them all out of the game?

I want to live on Sherman Outpost.
Just sitting in my cockpit on the landing pad, listening to the rain pattering on the canopy.

They're not in the game anyway. And never will be. Fucking Paul.

Who is Paul

Yeah Sherman looks comfy af

That's the planet that was a military frontier once, but now is trying to be a normal civic planet, despite all the buildings people living in being repurposed giant military bunker looking things.

>In Sandro's original design plan we had a much larger range of ships with much more defined roles and play styles, hence why I have some Krait concept art, but that didn't fit with the direction management wanted to take the game.

cant wait for the kill list

hmm, don't know then, tried rolling back to a previous version?

Gotta go with Crusader.

One of the 2 guys they hired of TNGS, the other being based Elwin Bachiller. Sadly he's fucking incompetent. He shat out the Redeemer and he was the one responsible for ruining the Vanguard beyond repair during the transition from concept to ingame.

As pretty as Crusader is, I don't think it will ever live down being the most vanilla of all vanilla homes, due to how babby PU was formed

Dem bespin feels tho

what happened to having a consistent OP image to go with the pasta each thread?

Housing when?

There are so many Filler buildings that could be used for housing gta5 style

Ya, I agree, Crusader will probably be vanilla as fuck. But Earth will always be the most vanilla, simply because it's Earth.

Goss looks comfy

>Housing = Hangars

You can choose where you want your Hangar to be.

True, needs more comfy interior for my Taste tho

Goss is a super exclusive place to live, with a paradise planet with property laws that make it very hard for anyone not from there to live there.

Earth will be pretty cool and sci fi I think, also I can't see it actually making it into the game for a while. Terra will be the other most vanilla of the vanilla, alongside Crusader and ArcCorp.


Where do you think the hangars we have now will be? Selfland could be pretty much anywhere, possibly ArcCorp? Revel and York seems to be Terra, the pirate one Nyx, Aeroview could be any second tier system like Magnus, Centauri, Croshaw

whats so special about the systems which require a permit?

You need a permit.

Not much. A couple have discount ships.

Ive got tons of permits but i never go.

Kellog looks also nice

What do you guys think she smells like?


>What do you guys think she smells like?
Like poor taste.

period blood and sweat like any other woman

>is that too complex to understand? if the cargo didn't come out there would be zero point to even having a shootable hatch, and zero point to piracy if there was no way to get cargo out of a ship by force
Even after killing the crew and engines, the cargo would still be inside the ship. Shooting the ship's hull itself to make a big enough hole would probably destroy the cargo.

>inb4 limpets
These do make sense, the limpet drills a hole into the ship and extracts a cargo container. If space legs ever become a thing for ED, I could see shooting out the cockpit and then boarding the ship to release the cargo.

As for heat causing a cargo hatch to malfunction and cargo leaking out, I'd have made it so heat itself can destroy cargo. Hard to destroy 200 tons of platinum but 200 tons of liquid hydrogen canisters will burst if it gets too hot.

How will SC deal with piracy? Disable the ship, board it and hand-haul the crates to your ship?

A few have equipment/ships at a discount or a rare commodity. One has an engineer.


Sirius (engineer), Alioth (20% off asps) and Sol (it's sol) are probably the important ones.

If I go into the PU now, what are the chances of me being able to walk through someone's Starfarer?

Would anyone be willing to let me tag along in any multicrew ship? I don't have the time to get really into SC, but I want to check out what my money is building.

Ask in Chat, if you are Patient, chances are good. Better during free flight weekends tho

best I could do is get you into a connie

What does powerplay and pledging allegiance to one of these clowns do?

Unique weapon at level 3. Lots of pay at level 5. Some double your bounty income, chinese guy doubles your explore income.

Opens you t a whole new world of grinding such as:
>Moving widgets from one station to another with a timegate on how many you get at a time
>More combat zones and other things disguised as even more combat zones
>Twice the amount of interdictions by enemy factions!
>Behing shittalked by the station traffic controller for being an enemy faction
>shitty unique equipment that isn't better than the regular equipment
>Bonuses that stack on other bonuses that have since been nerfed because of "shenanigans" and the cries of the forumdad.


>Degraded Signal Threat 3
>Wait, aren't these supposed to be threat 0?
>empty area with 1 canister "Alien Relics"
>8 vultures pop in "I can't believe that worked" at 300 meters away
I turn to run by they've already shot out my powerplant, didn't last 3 seconds.

>double your bounty income
That might actually be useful

>Behing shittalked by the station traffic controller for being an enemy faction
What if that's my fetish?

More interdictions sounds like shit though.

You didn't add us to the pastebin.

Kill yourselves

Traffic controllers in the empire seem to dislike my "Core Dynamics" ship. Also noticed that they the "victor romeo" callsign letters they give correspond to letters found in CMDR names.

How long does CIG intend to keep ship gifting open?

I want to set up an alt at some point to fly one of my ships.

The callsign is your ship make and then the first three letters of your handle IIRC.

That said it really just makes me wish for a game that has proper ATC.

Also need to find a station with that southern girl again. Only get the brit lately.

Nothing confirmed, but probably as soon as they stop doing character resets, so maybe Beta.


Isn't that the prison system?

There is nothing to add.

Your cancer is not welcome here.

hell is the place you are looking for

Damn that fits way too well with NMS.


Yeah, it has a prison planet

You know there is a reason real estate around prisons is always cheaper right?

Nobody has time for that.

i think the hull series will be quite iconic, i mean ofc i got a big hard-on for space trucks but still it does feel more relying on functionality instead of just looking like a milenium falcon clone.


that our maybe its this cowboy bepop thing that makes it for me.

So I have to wonder, does it make sense to push the armour of a DBS to around 800-1000 via reinforcements?

I got virtually no use for the internals except for an interdictor.

Hull series looks neat. Question is how useful they'll really be to players.

What's the new Sothis/Ceos?

What happened to the old Sothis/Ceos?


Ceos got UA bombed and Sothis doesn't have any decent paying missions any more.

The new Sothis/Ceos is Sothis/Ceos.

But I made 300million in the past 3 days doing Sothis/Ceos missions.

Hmm let me go have a look, might have gone on at a bad time yesterday.

Oh shit, the Galactic Tour thing actually has a sale attached to it.

Hope the M50 pulls through Although I wouldn't mind upping my 315 to an R just to have both racers

I might sound like a dad but doing shit like Sothis I think would completely ruin my enjoyment that I STILL derive from ED

For me the game is a major source of cozyness and it still didnt run out after 200 hours

I only have a clipper because Braben decided to give me lods of fucking emone because I bothered to take 40 tons of cargo to morai exactly twice

As a consequence I dont enjoy the clipper even half as much as I did the AspX even though I know I should

The M50 will win because more people like it but from what I was reading the 350r has a higher top speed.

Nah having billions is awesome. You really feel superior to the plebs.

Given that nothing is final who knows. Issue with the 350R is that it has all the excess space that's unusable compared to the other 300s.

If they were gonna remove the cargo space entirely they could've just made the cockpit sleaker alltogether instead of just adding another engine to the 300 frame.

I don't really mind either, but I just want to up this Argo to an M50.

Well if we were to compare them to real things today the M50 would be an F1 car, zero creature comforts and build solely for speed. Whereas the 350r would be a hypercar, something built for speed but also having creature comforts such as AC or seats that can be moved.

>made controversial thread on /v/ about space sims
>got 200+ posts
Today's accomplishment has been completed


I want to fuck that lion.

Voted 350r simply because it can still actually function as an interceptor.

Has CIG dropped the 'the m50 is intended to replace the avenger, really!' lore shit yet?

I'm surprised they didn't add the khartu-Al to the poll. I think it currently has the fastest times in the two harder tracks

>decide to listen to ED soundtrack
>frameshit suite movement 1, 2 and 6

Sounds about right.

Hope either will be available during the annual sale anyhow so I can still decide.

Should've added the Archimedes.

Yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

If you don't enjoy it, that's fine, As long as you aren't actively shitting on FDev to shut down the trading runs for the people that do enjoy it, there isn't a problem.

You do you, Live and let Live etc.

Well one will be available in a week, who knows about the other one though.


It'll probably be useless like all the other freighters.

Not flyable yet...

Well, if it's got better capacity or range than the Cutter it'll still see use.

Let me guess, it's Scam Shitizen and VISION memes?



There was also this one autist who kept meming that the game was shit because the blue HUD was too close to that of the sky when racing.

/v/ is so boringly predictable.

Did they ever fix the nose turret on the vangaurd from looking fucking retarded and weak just dangling like that?

a bes


Could replace exploration 'Condas if it's impossibly light when empty, but I think they've learned from that.