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>Vayneposter Filter

Vayneposter thread, or non Vayne poster thread?

Let's just use this one.

Also take this as your threadly reminder that Vayne Solidor did nothing wrong.


I'm proud that you at least kept the filter in the OP though.

Oh wait I mean I can't see your post so pretend I didn't respond.

Is there a drama related purpose for being dead at the moment, despite new thread?

Why wouldn't I keep the filter? It keeps that one really autistic faggot and other like him that are too retarded to ever recognize the worth of the True Hero, and that fucking pedofag, from responding; it's done good.

who do you think I am

A shitposter.

great start senpai


Previous Thread???



Thank you

First for JMV is a fun game worthy of in game purchases

Oh shit, is it out? I just recently got home.

>FF1 Dawn of Souls
>feel like starting a new game after like 12 years
>realize I never did the post-game dungeons
Red Mage
White Mage
Thief or Monk?

We're all shitposters, vaynefag.

I'm just a shitposter who can see the strings.

White mage.
ONLY white mage.

ONLY ONE white mage.


>any version
what.. the fuck.. is wrong with you?

Are mogcakes worth it?

you forgot your kupo again

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

My inner Moogle says yes.

Only really super worth it if you have Exdeath or CoD.
The shield makes Best Tree even Better Tree in global than he is in JP.
Kefkafags lose once again and forever.

The mace makes CoD even better until we get a better mace in a few months.

Other than that the tickets and quartz are the only thing worth grinding this much on.

Nah, they're totally worthless.

>Not slapping the mace and shield on best girl

>Kefkafags lose once again and forever.
His new 6 star doesn't even touch Best Tree.
Why live?

>tfw the wiki removed her both from the top healer list and the top support list
that doesn't even make sense you fucks. how is tellah a better healer?

idk about all that, but it's certainly a fun time waster.

Which waifu are you talking about user?

Literally only because he has Raise, just like Terra.
That and they have 5* while she currently doesn't.
Soon though, soon my magical girl team will destroy everything.

God I hate Exdeathfags.

Raise does not a good healer make (arise does, raise doesn't).
Dualcast cura with healing potential greater than even curaja also does.

And they seriously need to split the Support tab into Buffer and Debuffer.

>Garnet a better healer than Lenna

Yeah, no.

Plus, if someone has both, there is absolutely no reason to use Garnet, since she doesn't have neither based Cheer nor Esuna and Dispel.

Garnet's Limit Break is also incomparably worse - Lenna's heals AND boost MAG.

you can keep your ugly clown thanks

>tfw have neither
I hope fb banner comes soon

We don't have hard boss fights and good support characters like Marie or Orlandu to be needing difference between buff and debuff like JP does. The best support characters right now have both worlds.

The only character that has both right now is Vaan, and even then only for mage teams.

It's just weird to see WoL and Lenna on the same list when ideally you want to run both.

Just saying, that's probably their logic.
I mean, come on, they have the flaming faggot as number one tank right now along with Leo.
Honestly, the main thing really holding Krile back from being top tier is her limited weapon pool.
Her only real options for MAG is the enhancer and this new mace, though she at least has staff access for healing boosts.

B-but Curaja and Raise!
Honestly, Lenna is even only barely above Krile in most cases. Her SB is nice, but better options exist and Cheer is expensive and a bit of a waste if your party isn't heavy physical or at least against an enemy that does a lot of physical damage.

Celes has Magic Break and Focus. She counts in the "both" category too.

>Cheer is a waste
Do you even play the game?

In a couple islands we get Equip Rod from the fat burd for 200 quartz.

If you love your waifu, and I mean really love your waifu, you will do it.

>tfw you'll never be able to make your waifu the best she can be in some cashgrab mobile game

yes when you have 500+ attack on every character cheer is superfluous

>barely above krile
>120 spr compared to 73
>overall more stats in literally every category by virtue of being a 5*
>curaja compared to 2xcura
>cheer compared to nothing

Nice joke

120 spr vs 73 is an immeasurably small gap. Healing math is barely based on stats in this game.

5* krile invalidates this

2cura > curaja

the last point is genuine

>I'm a whale and my top% opinion is law
Your level of disconnect is insane.

>120 spr vs 73 is an immeasurably small gap

No it's not, if anything it's more significant than it seems. The difference between 120 and 73 is more than the difference between 100 and 53. BE uses the square of stats for its formulas.

And we don't have 5* Krile, silly. 6* Lenna will completely dominate 5* Krile.

user, you do realize healing calculations aren't the same as damage calculations, right? Spirit doesn't make that much of a difference.

>with healing potential greater than even curaja

I didn't beat Elite Alexander, I just couldn't survive his Blast Punch onslaught

The worst part about this mistake was that I wasn't even mixing up BE and RK terms, but somehow thinking it was spirit burst and not limit burst

>Cheer is a waste
I wish people would read everything instead of nitpicking.
Cheer is really good and strong, yes, but not when 4 members of your party are mages and the enemy isn't heavy physical it's not nearly as useful. It shines with multiple physical attackers, which not everyone has good access to. It's the same with Focus.

That spr difference is meaningless and will decrease a fair bit once Krile gets 5*
Krile is due for 5* soon
No, not really. Two cura is still cheaper and there's still the option of using one cura and then something else if needed.
The only significant thing Lenna has over Krile and who knows what 5* is actually going to give her aside from -agas.

>6* Lenna will completely dominate 5* Krile.
6* Lenna isn't even a thing yet and could very well never be a thing when they could just make Aeris or Selphie or whoever else comes down the line a stupidly broken healer instead.

is it wrong if i build terra atk orientated? feels weird to give her a gun.

>6* Lenna isn't even a thing yet and could very well never be a thing when they could just make Aeris or Selphie or whoever else comes down the line a stupidly broken healer instead.

A 6* Lenna sprite has been datamined, it's coming

You want me to run the stats boyo?

>Lenna, 120 SPR 88 MAG Cura heals for an average of 562 hp
>Krile 73 SPR 81 MAG Cura heals for an average of 498 hp

And that's before you equip them with anything. The exponential fuckery means that the gap gets lower as each number gets bigger, so with the same equipment it's basically nonexistent.

At low SPR and MAG, Curaja slightly beats out 2xCura, but as you get higher stats this quickly changes around.

So an unequipped lenna beats an unequipped krile here, but if you equip them for SPR, krile can heal way more per turn at a cheaper cost.

are you kidding? Just auto it like every fucking thing else

All of Alexander's attacks are physical, so you should give Rosa Protectga instead of Shellga.

>at a cheaper cost

...of 1 MP. And since Lenna has more of an MP pool, it balances out in her favor

But my Lenna's Curajas heal for around 1300 and her Curas heal around 650, literally half that. I'm not seeing how Krile could heal more than Lenna with her lower stats, let alone "way" more.

How're those cakes coming, /ffg/?

Don't forget Lenna's free Cura ability. Just hitting 5-stars makes Lenna a better healer. Krile, like Shantytown, is a starter character in the end.

Don't have protectga sadly

>Really like the idea of a roadtrip bro bonding Final Fantasy game
>I actually liked Kingsglaive and it honestly sort of got me invested into the world
>Been waiting for this game for like a fucking decade at this point

It's so bad. I couldn't fucking handle how awful it felt to play in that demo. I don't know if I can handle an entire game of that shit. If there's a secret trick or certain weapon to use to make it less terrible, please tell me. also inb4 'git gud', it's not fucking hard, it just feels unresponsive and has heavy animation priority from what I played.

I know! I get the explanation of the road-trip angle, but the janky wannabe beat-em-up controls just killed it. The Plat demo destroyed my interest in the game, since I expected the lights and heavies to chain together (Why give them to me otherwise), but they just don't.

Did you at least farm the greater orbs for one in the orbfest?

I didn't get many greater orbs from orbfest, my luck on gigantuars was shit

I think part of it comes from the Armitage and the warp-knife abilities, but I still wish they had beat-em-up or KH controls, not this "Hold button to combo(poorly)" shit.

You realize Krile gets a really good regen already at 4* and it's only going to be stronger at 5*, right?

I wasted it all on Gigantuars,and I'm always short on Fine Flours. Speeding through all the islands and currently in the 3rd island.

>Doesn't even last between rounds.
>Better than free Curaga+ Faith.

Uh huh. Sure, kid.

No it really actually fucking doesn't.

Here's the calcs of a fully (non-whale) equipped Lenna up against a fully (non-whale) equipped Krile. And this is without materia.

>krile @ moon bracer, mystery veil, White robe, Rune Rod, barrier ring, shiva
>max of 251 SPR, 87 mag
>heals an average of 746 hp per cura, so 1492 hp per turn
>range is 1380hp - 1606hp

>lenna @ moon bracer, mystery veil, White robe, Rune Rod, barrier ring, shiva
>max of 307 SPR, 94 MAG
>heals an average of 1445 per turn
>range is 1336hp - 1554hp

AND it costs 1 less mp per turn to cast.

Your luck is shit then. Mathematically, krile is superior.

As we get better gear, this superiority only increases. That's just how the math works.

Lenna's LB is more useful when you explore and need to conserve MP

Weren't you just arguing that stats don't matter for healing?

>As we get better gear, this superiority only increases. That's just how the math works.

Not that guy, but if we go by future stuff, then Tilith is going to shit on every other healer in the game.

>heals an average of 50 more HP
>uses 1 less MP
Actually the difference is so meaningless that it kinda does balance out. Krile has MP issues.

>As we get better gear, this superiority only increases
Damn, I can't wait to see that difference increase to 60 points.

Once you get to Dirnado, the coast will get you monsters dropping 25x Flours at times. They are still, by far, the most scarce item, however.

They are? I've been having issues with eggs, flour has been very common for me.

Yes. And this is proving it.

Krile, despite lower stats, can heal for basically the same as Lenna, with much MUCH higher stats. Technically it's even superior by an inconsequential margin.

Exactly. They're both shit healers in the endgame.

Just don't try to argue that Krile is inferior. She's technically better than Lenna at healing. In practice, this means she's on-par with Lenna.

At healing, maybe. Lenna gets Cheer, however. She is vastly superior support as a result.

>Shantotto, Maria and Luna
So do I roll again or should I continue hoarding for Lightning?

>Doesn't even last between rounds.
I guess Cheer and Focus are shit too then!
>Better than free Curaga+ Faith.
I didn't say better, but people need to stop acting like Krile's is strictly worse just because it isn't a use once and get benefits skill.

Lenna's is better in short term situations and with heavy mage teams while Krile shines in boss fights.

>Krile has mp issues
I've never had real MP issues with Krile except on long explorations where I'm actively using her spells a bunch. On bosses I tend to have more issues with Lenna because of keeping Cheer up.

You won't get Lightning.

I agree.

But I was strictly responding to the people who think she sucks as a healer, which is mathematically false.

Why are you using spellblades when double cut is literally better when not hitting weakness?

>On bosses I tend to have more issues with Lenna because of keeping Cheer up
How long do your boss fights last, user? I haven't ever had to cast it more than once because of the big damage increase it gives me.

>5 Marias
What the hell are they even good for? I can keep Shantotto around and grind her up for her TM but Maria?

Now you can give Esuna to Krile to Dualcast!

313th eternal reminder that Terra is best girl

Hey, Esuna can be useful. And she's a passable healer when she gets her 5*.

5* maria is legit

You don't need nearly that many, but she just werks.

I don't have all of the top tier physical attackers and this has only really been an issue with meteorfucker.

Esuna is pretty damn useful.

>On bosses I tend to have more issues with Lenna because of keeping Cheer up.
I don't really have that trouble and I always keep Ethers.

But I already have Lenna and Fina

>krile shines in boss fights
>despite having significantly lower defensive stats

Krile is made out of paper compared to Lenna

Fina's a shit healer.

But Maria can heal forever with Mystery Waltz.

If nothing else, it makes maxing hard explorations a breeze.

The difference is miniscule. And Cheer means I would never, ever pick Krile over Lenna.

Consider the damage prevented (And thus, not requiring healing) by the 40% DEF boost as the clincher. Krile really has nothing to do Turn 1, while Lenna can Cheer.

Well she can barblizzara, element chain, deshell, anything really.

But yeah, I'll drop my krile way before I drop my Lenna.
I am on your side of the Krile vs Lenna debate, but only as far as it doesn't ignore the hard math.

>Krile really has nothing to do Turn 1, while Lenna can Cheer
Well she does have offensive spells to cast too.
I mean I'm all for Lenna myself and don't use Krile in my main party, but Krile is still really good and is way better than any other 4*. I'd pick Krile in my party over a good chunk of the 5* units in the game.