/shmupg/ - Shmup Genera

Let the long weekend of shmups begin!

This general is for discussing all shmups/stgs (shoot 'em ups/shooting type games).

Previous thread: Need something to play? Check this out: mega.nz/#!mlwG3ZCJ!NMdWxNY4pjqc1vFGwzyPIbtGor0GHObcfENNMgOQW1s

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Mecha Ritz Steel Rondo



Shmups Skill Test



Blue Revolver



DoDonPachi Daifukkatsu

>Don't forget to vote!

Other links
STG stream aggregator: stgrillz.appspot.com/

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Early bird gets the bomb.

Somebody set us up the bomb

We are now rushing into Zone /shmupg/.
Be on your guard.

I'm getting closer to the 1cc now. Too bad that I can't record while streaming.

Thanks for watching.


>Brad Mehldau
I'll look him up later.

>DoDonPachi Daifukkatsu

Well, it's still not out yet.

>Katsuhiro Harada: Since when did everyone become so knowledgeable about input lag? If everyone is so sensitive to this, of course you know exactly how many frames of input lag there were in past titles? I have a feeling many people are just prone to being swayed by popular catchwords.

you spelled Dodonpachi Resurrection wrong homie


based harada eviscerating the memers


bananafaggot btfo

input lag did 9/11

Why are copies of Truxton so expensive now? I looked it up since I got it for cheap only a few years ago and now its upwards of a 100 bucks CiB.

le retro gaming memers

Because of Lord Carnage.

Going to sleep.
Catch them stars while I'm gone.

sell it for gains, shit boring game anyway desu.

Should I go for this? Would you recommend a different Dustwasher/Shaft Cover?

what games in steam don't have the credit limit aside ccwi, kamui and cave games? I don't like to start over and over

Doesn't KAMUI have a credit limit?

kamui doesn't, reflex and alltynex do have it

eschatos and jss don't eventually, but they require you play the game for a good while before it's allowed. it's the one thing i didn't like about those.

Darius Burst's arcade mode has no credit limit, and the non-arcade modes save your progress in big chunks. Go shoot some fish!

I'm pretty sure Jamestown doesn't have a credit limit but it's been a long stretch since I last played it

do we have an irc channel or not?

kys faggot

this game is fun, fuck weebs

Anything here I shouldn't pick up?

Forgot pic


Looks good to me, but might wanna make sure the Raiden Vl port is up to par.

>Raiden Vl
Are you from the future


Meglilo and Satazius!

What's wrong with Wolflame?

Nothing, I just forgot about Wolflame.

Meglilo, Wolflame and Satazius!

Oh, and I really want a steam port of Zangeki Warp.

I actually wouldn't be surprised if we saw it in a month or two

Does this general have a wiki or beginner's pastebin or something? Nothing in the OP.

Feel free to ask any questions you've got, heaven knows we could use a little conversation

>Jamestown doesn't have a credit limit
Credit limit is 2.

I didn't really have a question, to be honest I was just hoping to find some links to Touhou games.

This is pretty good, just make sure Raiden IV actually runs.

Was pretty sure

Anyways Jamestown is definitely doable, keep giga winging those bullets

moriyashrine.weebly.com has download links for all of them.

>Touhou games.

>Touhou image
Trace amounts of comedy detected in this sector, captain


Thanks user.

>The first game isn't even a shmup, it's a weird breakout clone

Huh, learn something new every day.

First game is a Breakout clone, second game is a crappy shmup with only five stages and odd gimmick bosses, third game is a Twinkle Star Sprites clone.

Only at Touhou 4 did the series finally settle into the style it stuck with.

>implying breakout isn't an anti-shmup

>still playing xevious and scramble clones

I've spent the night reading spooky stories instead of shmupping, yikes.

I'm gonna practice Zangeki Warp when I wake up!

>shitting on 5-stage shmups
But why?

all shmups should be 15-30 minutes long.

I just came here to thank all of you. I got Crimzon Clover, REVOLVER360 and mushi from the sale. I already have 7 hours in Crimzon Clover, 2 in mushi and 2 in 360.

I wanted to ask about what is the best method to train so I can 1cc the game and then try to get the best score possible. I can't fucking pass stage 2 in CC without getting a game over on the boss, Mushi is a fucking nightmare in stage 3 and Crimzon Clover is great but my eyes hurt by the time I reach stage 2 boss.

start with novice modes

I already do that, I can already reach stage 5 in Crimzon Clover without getting a game over. Then I start to choke and die miserably. Still, boost mode is so fucking fun.

I just don't get the slowdown in Mushi 1.5 in stage 3

I more meant "only five stages" as in "every other traditional Touhou shmup game has six stages". The "crappy shmup" part comes from the generally unpolished feeling I get from playing Touhou 2, compared to Touhou 4 and 5. The hitboxes are wonky, there's no focus fire, stuff like that.

Mushi stage 3 is a difficulty spike and it doesn't really get any easier from there. I don't have much advice besides utilize the practice mode and learn the stages well. You can use the [Fire] button on the stage select to toggle between starting a stage at the beginning, at the midboss, or at the stage boss, so use that too once you get a good grip on earlier sections of the stages to practice later sections more conveniently.

use practice mode, like 80% of the time you spend on game should be in practice mode. choose one game and focus on it. if you are tired, don't push yorself, 1 hour a day is more than enough as long as you don't miss practice. if you are getting worse and can't do what you could, try latter levels or take a break from the game. remember, practice should be fun.

>tfw want ccwi mushi and titan quest but poorfag
is the mushi steam port bad? or is that just gonna be deathsmiles and probably dfk that's gonna be doodoo

It's playable.

>I just don't get the slowdown in Mushi 1.5 in stage 3
1.5 has more slowdown then all the other modes. Mushi has good practice mode where you can focus on one stage, check it out.

>tfw hyped for DFK even though nobody else is

just play it. if you don't like it stop playing it.
also, holy fucking shit you are one pathetic motherfucker if you can't afford 6.50$. just fucking kill yourself already.

>is the mushi steam port bad?
it's fine

there isn't even anything to be hyped about. it looks like it's been delayed but degica has been very quiet about it.

All of my hype has been allotted for the Dangun Feveron PS4 port

All of it

anyone play gunstar heros? i'm having a hard time getting into it.

play contra or metal slug instead, that's where the shmup spirit is
everyone calls gunstar heroes run 'n gun, but i think it can barely be called that, you can take a fuckton of hits and bosses can take fuckton of hits too, furthermore hitting them is really hard unless you use gay auto-aim gun. compare it to contra where you do in one hit but bosses are relatively fragile and easy to hit.

>die in one hit


I'm going to bed.

Sleep tight user

Heaven is here inside my soul


worst kraut

Thanks for the tips, with the exception of the space invaders games for the DS, these three games are my first introduction to this genre.

I am doing my best to practice against stage 2 boss in Crimzon Clover

Ironically these three are also the best titles in the whole series.

>Cotton in OP

I really wish Success would remake Panorama Cotton in 60 FPS for vita. It'd be the best thing.

Have there been any good rail shooters at all in recent years?

The stop n fight a boss after every 30 seconds subgenre of run and guns is overrated as fuck

I guess I can imagine a way you could possibly think that about 1 and 3, but how can 2 be better than any of the other shmup games?

Is there even anything like this aside from Alien Soldier?

>DFK Black Label finally gets ported to Steam
>...with no fucking sign of Ketsuipachi mode
>meanwhile ESP Ra.De., Dangun Feveron, DDP DOJ, ESPGaluda, Ketsui, and Ibara are still fucking nowhere

Looks like hard times ahead for CAVE if they keep making shitty marketing decisions like this.

Hard Corps, Shattered Soldier, Gunstar Heroes. Hell even Contra 3 feels more like one of these types of games rather than a normal run and gun with how many midbosses and shit it throws at you.

>relatively fragile
*with the exception of Contra: Shattered Soldier

Gimmicky and imperfect as it is, it's just fun as hell. Of course, of the three by far the Twinkle Star Sprites clone is my favorite, but that could also be because TSS is one of the best games ever.

Do people like Shattered Soldier? I thought that game was boring as hell. Just sold my copy the other day.

when i say contra i mean contra, super contra, operation c, the 16-bit games and contra 4.

Gotcha. Yeah, I can get behind that.

Maybe the freaks who like grey boss rush games with a lot of trial and error. Doubt even Hard Corps fags like it because of how slow and drab it is.

I like Hard Corps and Alien Soldier and could not get into SS.

It felt like I was doing the exact same thing every time.

I want to get behind that

Even the music is much worse, nothing in SS can touch GTR Attack


My nigga.

I once made a crop of Casper's ass in that picture and gave it the filename "Assper". Wound up getting lost with the rest of my stuff last year though. Sad. I used it as a Skype avatar for a while.


I am excited. Don't have an xbox so it's the first time I'll get to play one of the newer DDPs

#shmupg on rizon. it's hella dead, but maybe you can bring it to life!


are good non-japanese shmups exist?