/fgog/ - Fate/Grand Order General

Previous: >[Prisma Event]

>[Camelot Gacha part 2 from 8.31 to 9.7]
Servants on rate-up
-5* Lancer Arturia
-4* Saber Gawain
-4* Archer Tristan

>[400 days anniversary from 9.1 to 9.7]
Log in four consecutive days to receive
-4M QP
-40k FP
-4 Golden Apples
-4 Tickets
Logging in anytime during this period will also give you 10 4* exp cards one time only.

>Ten new Bond CEs have been added
Nero Bride - Party Arts 15% up
Brynhildr- Party10% Buster and 10% NP gain
Mysterious Heroine X- Party 20% damage against Sabers
Beowulf- Party 20% damage against Dragons
Fionn- Party 10% Arts up 10% NP damage up
Saber Gilles- Party 20% Buster up 20% Debuff Resist down
Clown- Party 20% NP damage up
Fergus- Party 10% Buster up 10% NP damage up
Charles Sanson- Party 10% instant-kill chance, 10% NP gain
Caligula- Party 20% Buster up, 10% defense down

>News and Reminders
- Latest changes: fate-go.cirnopedia.info/news.php
-New vers - emulators, rooted androids, jailbroken iPhones, & androids with developer options on are prevented from launching game
- Upcoming Prisma Ilya event confirmed
-Mashu Kyrielight voice actress Risa Taneda on hiatus from voice acting to focus on medical treatment for an unspecified illness.


>Frequently Asked Questions

>Mega Pastebin

>Translations Pastebin

>Friendlist Spreadsheet


>Alternate servant/CE database

mediafire.com/download/960gn6g6w2p0l8q/FGO Material I.zip
mediafire.com/download/wj405jjjc9ly94e/FGO Material II.zip

Other urls found in this thread:


>FP gacha




King of Kings.

Who /jeanne/ here!

xth for best Saberface, best Saber, Rider, Lancer, best waifu and grailed servant. Clowns need not apply.


they're gonna need a bigger table



Bradamante when?

Best archer


Seemed like Lord Camelot was the centerpiece for the table, rather than the table in itself.

Fuck off RotTKfag

>Prisma collab and no Miyu
What the hell

Do you literally have one of these premade in case of every conceivable event?

Either way your dedication is admirable



that makes sense,yeah

Reminder to save all your quartz and tickets for the slightly less inevitable Madoka collab.

He's a cutie patootie.

While they are extremely high quality, making them does not take that long dear user

Ozzy lily is inevitable, he will complete the shota version of kings trio.

I just thought of this, but if Arash can fast travel by tying an arrow to a wooden beam and shooting the arrow while standing on the beam, does that mean Emiya could fly anywhere and in any direction simply by doing the same with a wooden beam and a Hrunting arrow?

The head is too big

Good, i'd rather have a second Illya than a single Miyu.

>secret welfare

Shirou is best boy once more.

I would assume so.

Yeah, what the fuck? She's a major character. It's weird that they wouldn't show her in the CM, because we all know CMs show absolutely everything that will be available in the event.
I can't wait to roll Nursery Rhyme at least!

Why is it 3rei instead of dr3i?

>brown shota
My one true weakness

Suki more like Sucuck lmao

Miyu is barely a trophy in 3drei and the collab is specifically with drei

I love my wife.

Maybe the japs think it sounds cooler


What do I have to do to make her fuck off

And I can't wait to roll Saber Diarmuid.

Yukarin servant when?


>I can't wait to roll Nursery Rhyme at least
She could have no rate up though.

shit voice and shit art

>not even in the CM
Why is this allowed?

Speaking of chinese shit, Chang Ge Xing update fucking when?


Why would they not be pronounced the same?

Excellent taste.


After Hocchan and Nana servants appear, if she hasn't killed herself for then at least.

How's your Suki bonding?

Xth for best Lancer

Her event was just announced, she is excited user.

welfare 4* Avenger

I'm willing to wait, a CE is the most I'll have hope for; let the prisma girls have their event and get kuro/illya for the lines they should have with Emiya family.


That shit needs to be removed

Accept the loving embrace of best girl.


Nobu a CUTE.

Her moans still makes me hard

Illya mentions Miyu and Kuro in the CM. She's likely going to show up, you're supposed to be helping Illya find her friends.

No as well as Sigurd's went.

That's best female lancer, not best Lancer, user

They don't even know Shirou's there yet

Epic memes!

It's weird that a guy like this is probably a Heroic Spirit.


Fuck, Cu is so cute.

Medb is that you?

Do you make these?

Why won't Gawain come? I've got his king waiting. I've got his king in a swimsuit. I've even got his king's younger useless form all trained up for all the strenuous bench warming she and Siegfried are tasked with.

I just want the sunniest knight to come, /fgog/.

And maybe Arturia with big stonking titties because I need an AoE Lancer and holy shit I do not want to train up Liz.

>there will never be doujins of Suki forcing herself on Jannu Alter


Lancelot without prep time = a bit above Arjuna tier

Lancelot with prep time = a bit below Ozymandias tier

So what is the sex like between the two of them you think?

I thought that was Iri the whole time just looking at the thumbnail ingame.


Why is Ilya's voice so fukin annoying in the Prisma collab CM?

No, just us.


It's an anime collab not a manga collab.

Vlad isn't getting out of that without at least three stake-dildos shoved so far up his ass that he can't even get them back out anymore.

Says you

See You have to trust on meme magic.

>1 is bigger than 2
Back to elementary school with you.

Fuck off.

when's 10mil downloads


When DW starts feeling generous.

now I really want to see the dialog if there will be any between kuro and Emiya.

5 minutes.

I don't get it

Brynhildr is touted as some ungodly strong monster in Prototype Fragments, yet in GO she's a total joke every time she's appeared

Girls can't love girls

>Arjuna stronger than someone who required 4 top tiers working together to barely beat him


It's true though.






I think it would be great to be Medb for some days. I could really learn something.

Arjuna can take out more than 27 demon pillars with one NP and has others, he's at the very least Ozzy tier with that alone