/owg/ - Overwatch General

Welcome To The Aporkalypse Edition

Previous Thread: Competitive Season 2 is now live on PC and Xbox (PS4 players RIP). How are your placements going?

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hana song

Cutest and best pairing

take out the discord





What is "Baby", Alex.

Diamond and higher can't play with people doing their placements.

So if youre hitting those ranks during placements you'll still get slammed with shitters.



R8 my placement stats.


To anyone that wants the source just google overwatch GB on geekhack and its literally the first result. It wont let me post the link since it thinks its spam

>(PS4 players RIP)
PS4 got the update hours ago

>spam "gg ez" filter messages
>People think I'm actually going on about bedtime and my mom
>"Guys just mute the kid"

I guess no-one in QP pays attention to the patch notes. chumps

Friendly reminder that Roadhog's hook needs to be fixed.

Why is so she perfect?
>tfw no qt Smugberry sitting on my face and speaking to me in French

>Decide to try solo placements since friends aren't on
>Get in a game with a lot of other high ranked players
>Oh shit for once I might have a competent team
>They literally never stop talking on the mic so actual callouts can be made
>I'm playing Mercy and getting dove hard no matter how far back I stand
>Our DPS are pushing up and flanking where no one can help them
>Get blamed the entire game for playing a bad Mercy when I'm getting jumped by 3 people and none of them will turn to help
>Heckled constantly by a DPS player who keeps pushing up on his own and getting picked

In season 1 I never had any game even as close to as bad as the ones I've had so far in S2 placements. It was nice to always get put in games with pros and top level players, nice calm voice chat with callouts and tactical discussion.

You know, as bad as BF1 is it might be a better choice to play if this is a sign of the OW community going downhill.

how'd i do senpai? also did i fuck myself by playing support even though i won 4/5 games on healer?


Angry reminder that Roadhog's hook is perfect now


Jamison Fawkes!

Why doesn't Junker Hana hang out with them more?

here's a stats page screenshot

>that voice
>that blue skin

If Bastion is the most easily countered hero in the game, wouldn't that mean he'd need the most skill to play as effectively as other heroes?
Only true gamers play Bastion.

Jamison Fawkes!


>When the enemy team has a Bastion with a camping Mercy.

>he'd need the most skill to play as effectively as other heroes

This is true, even then you cant actually do that because he's too shit

>Only true gamers play Bastion.

Good gamers dont bet on sick horses

I wanna fuck Tracey's boipussi!



I want to cuddle and hold hands with Fareeha!!!

What does she sing?

>dat ass
>that qt face
>those voicelines when she kills
Best girl.

someone on pixiv, idk

>go 7-3 in placement games
>only get 2650 rating

Shit, I was at least expecting to hit Diamond


>Comp Hanamura deffense
>up against this Diamond leaguer's team
>We fend them off pt1 throughout the whole game
>not even die once
>Gold elim, obj elim and DPS as S76
>On attack now
>cap pt1 through a couple of hard fought pushes
>only receive 26
>TWENTY SIX fucken points



how can she be best girl without any rockets?


Tracey would make the cutest femboy desu


Come on I'm not paying you for your acting ability, let's get moving!

Well, i won 4 and 1 draw, all D.Va, ended up almost exactly the same.


Random blue post about the dev team

>Playing Lucio
>Genji ults
>Ult to save my team
>Ult hits the ground
>Genji dashes into me
>Ult doesn't go off
>My team dies
>Lose the game


What a fucking long-winded way to answer an easy question

But there's more!

>being slain by Blizzard servers shitting themselves

This pain will make me stronger maybe.


QTmaker please.

She needs to, they're a good influence. Especially roadhog

Me on the left


I am dreading my placements.



>play comp
>rape team but they manage to trigger OT with tracer
>OT gets stuck
>kill the enemy in their spawn for 5 mins
>they gather ults and take point back
>suddenly OT clock starts ticking again
>we lose
i'm out peace

What's the "average" ranking so far this season?


Instead of winning, you should have tried getting gold medals on eliminations and damage. And not just that, but prolonging the games so that you can get 100 elims and 50k damage.

Did I do good /owg/?

There were literally 2 top 500's in every game, if not more

>HURR if youre less than diamond you're shit :DDDD

So what's going on with PS4?


Update's live. I'm playing it right now.

Uh maybe?

Ana amari


What do you do when your team refuses to push and the enemy team is just counter picking you because they can kill the rest of your team with literally any class?

Why is Blizzard trying to make Tracer Sonic?

>Top 500 meaning anything this early

Forgot the Image.

>black hole 5 people to win anubis last in a game winning play
>potg is a 1 man mercy res

Literally 2500 by definition

Has this been done yet?

>genji tries to deflect tesla cannon
Are Genji mains the most retarded players in this game?

Is she sucking her soul?


Why is Tracer so short?

>genji tries deflecting ice beam
>rages in chat about mei being the "gayest champ"

These are actually pretty cool answers that give the normies a more in-depth look at how a big VG company works.

They probably do it out of habit just like D. Vas who try to defense matrix through Zarya's beam.

Bitch in voice chat in Portuguese. No wait, that's what the people I'm playing with do.



>90% of my deaths now are lucky mei and hanzo headshots

Isnt Widow like 5"9 and Tracer 5"4 or something like that

Sounds about right. I sometimes try to shield myself from Hanzo ults as Reinhardt, and yes, I know it doesn't work.

She's 5'4", Widowmaker is 5'9"

You ever just have those games where everything works for you? Where you are just a force to be respected and feared? Not even 4gold lmao

>Widowmaker is 5'9"
That's almost death by snu snu tier

Speed Slag never drank her ovaltine like smugberry did

>genji tries to reflect rip tire explosion

When did they tried to say otherwise?