League of Legends General - /lolg/

Artbook edition.

Old thread: Current patch notes: na.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-617-notes

Yorick rework: na.leagueoflegends.com/en/featured/yorick-champion-update

Current PBE changes: surrenderat20.net/p/current-pbe-balance-changes

Useful sites:

Other urls found in this thread:


riven a best. BEST

First for Poppy



what the fuck happened to my picture

first time ive ever seen this happen in the same thread

Bard landed two ults through the entire game.

Post yours and rate others.

>can't ever decide if I want warhammer or dirk first in lane
>one day decide to go fuck it and just buy four long swords instead
>push E
>enemy laner loses half their life
>mfw the monkey was in business

I really miss Graves poster!

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on NA 8 slots left

password is vidya

Can we remember to maybe not make a new thread 50 posts~ too early? atleast just shitpost like mad until post limit or something.


For everyone who doesn't know what it is its a bug.
When you and someone else with and image make a post at the same exact nanosecond this has a chance of happening where it switches up an image.

In theory this could happen to you and a CP poster.
Imagine explaining that to the party van.

Jinx game when?

replying in here as well

the thing is, you're really good at picks and skirmishes, and your teamfighting is not the same. if you build to power spikes and attempt to control the game early, cinderhulk and tiamat/hydra early will let a lot of your gank targets get away while badly hurting your clear

the thing is, it /can/ work, but there's no point to do so when there's champions in the game who that kind of build and playstyle does work on. it's trying to shove a square peg in a round hole

Cancer filled games with try hards who have to run scripts to stand any chance against the actual good players.

So fucking glad i left these shitty games.

miss fortune
sona (pentakill only)

sona (all but pentakill)


this list is complete, absolute, and canon.

ahhh this was supposed to be directed at they were pretty nice the one game i played beyond one guy telling everyone they were terrible

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on NA 9 slots left

password is vidya

Ok, who are these scripters then? i can't say i've felt like i've played against a scripter. And even if they were scripting they can't script away the suck.


Shyvana and Vi totes have a sub streak there somewhere.

They seem like Paper Tigers.

>Poppy as Dominant
>Not Tristana with the boom.

>trist always craving the rocket in your pocket
>anything but the most submissive yordle

also vi and shyv are 100% dominant, and this is canon

First for Squishy Spider Sexy-Sacs

>yfw her webbing is stored in her tits
>she immobilizes you with spurts from her nipples

>Always craving the rocket in your pocket

That doesn't mean she's going to lie down for it. More like she'll just grab the cannon and go to town on it her style.

Shyvana's sub for J4, though. I see through your lies.

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on NA 8 slots left

password is vidya


irelia nerfs fucking when

Poppy is not dominant. She doesn't even know her own strength.


I fucking hate fridays.
People go out and have fun leaving the general empty and void of any shit flinging.

Can one of you bronzies left start telling us why frozen mallet is essential on vayne?

You don't like people having fun, do you?

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on NA 6 slots left

password is vidya

How do I lane with poppy? Nice to play a non serious champ but I'm getting kicked around early.

>vayne squishy as shit
>frozen mallet has HP
>slow synergizes directly with her passive

Hydra is bad on Talon because it delays more mobility.

>More health is a bad thing
>Slowing people is a bad thing

It's really not too bad. It accentuates your already powerful kiting so certain teamcomps just have no way to deal with you, and you deal a lot of damage just buy staying alive regardless of how much ad you build. Obviously it wouldn't make much sense into zed or lb because they'll still 1shot you and can't really be kited, but vs stuff like garen and jax it can be a gamewinner

Garen hard counters Riven

fucking fridays

>my grindr hookup says he can't make it


Xth for Riot should at least have the humour to reference porcelain memes in the Vlad nerf notes.

>ex keeps trying to talk to me


you mean """"""""""""""""""""Humour""""""""""""""""""""?

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on NA 6 slots left

password is vidya

You see, I am not a common spider. A common spider feasts on its' prey the second it gets caught on its' web. But I am different.

When my prey gets caught on my web, I never even let it know of its' predicament. I feed it. I caress it. I perfect it. I sacrifice parts of my self for my prey. I sacrifice my own comrades for it. The more parts of myself I give it, the prettier it becomes. The more treachery I commit for nurturing it, the healthier it looks.

And when this process is complete... When my prey has reached perfection... This is when I strike. This is when I FEAST on it.

And trust me, there is no better taste out there. The more I feed it, the easier it becomes to devour. The more I sacrifice for it, the tastier it is. The more ignorant it is of its' hopelessness, the greater the warmth inside my heart.

do it

On the same level as thicc

This is by far the best worst spam pasta I've seen here.

Anyone know what might be causing a "An older version of League of Legends could not be uninstalled" error when I'm trying to install the client again?

I already sweeped my AppData and Registry.

>asking for big balance changes right before worlds

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on NA 5 slots left

password is vidya

I NEED a qt league grill to peg me

i actually NEED it

>extremely long range stun
>ult that can literally be used from two screens away
>guarenteed, free, controllable crits that can do over 1.5k late

Remind me, how exactly is Jhin balanced again?

it's a root

*A foul unwashed stench appears*

Nexus Siege is the shittiest game mode riot has ever invented. Who greenlit that garbage?

Same shit. You're just as bad as the people correcting others on Lulus silence.

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on NA 5 slots left

password is vidya

Hopefully you're still here, Olaf-sama

How do I lane against Mordekaiser as Olaf? He's the only guy I have trouble with. I feel like I can't all in him at any point in lane.

>draws a girl
>calls it a boy
>every time

>CC effect that prevents you from using items, abilities, interacting entirely with other champions, or moving
>different CC effect that only stops you from moving
>same thing


Is it just me, or does it seem like you have to build a ton of damage on tanks now if you want to actually carry a game? Maybe my elo is just low as shit, but feels like defensive items are useless if they don't offer some form of damage. Assassins seem to make better bruisers than real ones do now, because at least they can reach their target in time to actually do something meaningful.

In short, it seems like building more than one or two pure defensive items is completely pointless now. Damage just seems to way outscale defense, regardless of what champion you're playing.

>Someone asks me to use my ban on Malz
>I wanted to ban Yas but I'll be a team player
>Enemy team gets Yas
>Gets shit on early game
>Doesn't matter cause all he has to do is press R when someone is in the air and he wins the teamfight

I love this champion.

xth for brutalizer

Nobody has better taste than me

>Snares are stuns

Please don't tell me that's a guy.

They got some really neat stuff in this artbook

kled buffs when

he gets stomped in lane by so many champs

it'd be fine if

>didn't last forever
>was actually fun
>somewhat different from regular SR besides being mindless
>didn't exist

at least he has man shoulders and a normal build

It's cuter if it's a guy

guess my rank based on my superior champion pool

trick question, unranked.

reminder tbqh

Unless its a max range ashe ult the amount of time it takes you to react to either is the same.
So yeah, they are essentially the same thing.

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on NA 5 slots left

password is vidya

>pseudo intellectual faggot streaming league again
At least i will have something to laugh at

guukuu is my favorite champion

*violently farts and does things, likely shitting herself*

Im glad I stopped watching anime.

>Met a chill dude at the gym in the morning
>Agreed to come over and 'chill' over a couple of beers
>At Starbucks afterwards got caught staring at a pixie cut chick
>Hit it off
>Got some head
>Spent all day making money playing League of Legos
>Do this is basically every day
Come on anonymous step up.


>Braum chops wood with his fucking hand.


Post what you listen to whenever you play your favorite champ.



Is this accurate?

I have a six figure job

I respect your champs but they are so boring to lane against.

You have good taste in adcs.

You're alright. Solid choices.

Silver 4

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on NA 3 slots left

password is vidya

Its the little things that warm my heart



I have a girlfriend.

>the amount of time it takes you to react to either is the same

it's really not, and i can think of a bunch of abilities that get you out of jhin's root that wouldn't get you out of a stun

ekko's ult
Liss ult
ability to start channeling taric ult
vlad pool
disengage with gragas ult
ult self with kayle
etc etc etc

they're clearly not the same and if you're treating the root like a stun you're messing up pretty bad

the dota line being so low is just a variable overflow; everyone knows that games makes billions. Look at the prize pool.


I forgot getting laid is an impossibility for the average 4channer even in the ahe of the internet.


Yeah this shit is pretty neat and amusing.
I might actually go and buy it.
