/wtg/ - War Thunder General

M163 Edition

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first for botes will be shit

2nd for bots will be shit

Might as well add more cold war era jets.




>still no armored cars

When will naval CBT start?

When are we getting an anti-cheat?

people are saying that in 1 month (early October)

help, how do you use the IS-3, the armor seems pretty meme-y but the gun is fucking trash, it was already bad in the IS-2 1944 but now it's unbearable.

The M163 will actually have to be used for anti-aircraft purposes only.

The 20x102mm isn't going to do shit to end game armour.

That said, you could give the opposing end mad RP when he tanks you 3,000 rounds a minute.

>IS-2, IS-3
>thinking that they're bad

Learn to play shitter.

I'm 100% sure Gaijin is going to add supersonic planes to the game, it's the only logical explanation to why the new SPAAG are being added

>3,000 rounds a minute.
There is literally no way gaijin will actually make it 3k RPM
They'll tone the ACTUAL RoF down to like 1-1.5k and just make it sound like 3k

I fucking wish the IS-3 had that gun depression

You use HE.

friendly reminder to leave maps you dont like
friendly reminder to leave matches when you are bottom tier
friendly reminder to J if sprayed by MGs

Nah, they've promised SPAA that's more capable of easily killing jets (particularly top BR ones) for ages now. It's just to keep groundbabbies happy and to stop anything being a free kill.

prototypes tovarish ))) guns are unreliable, documents show ))))

flight of the doras

another fact to support this theory is that the IT-1 was recently uptiered to 8.3 which makes me believe that a new tier is going to be created

why is it so difficult to get RP in tanks

because Gaijin is retarded and they have never adjusted tank RP gain

Lightning at full flaps just for Hurricane kun, cute.

When tanks were first released the respawn mechanics made it typical to get 5-10 kills in an RB match if you weren't shit, and even more if you were good. Thus, they made the RP payout significantly less than for planes because it was so common to get so many more kills.
Then they changed the respawn mechanics so that many on a team won't get to respawn at all, and half the ones that do are going to spawn in planes. This significantly reduced the kills you could expect per match, but RP was not changed to compensate.


>p2w bush loser

you deserve nothing



>helping win anything

+2 SL!

I was told arcade was better for grinding tanks



arcade unfortunately
>same trickle of RP
>takes the same amount of time or less to finish a match
>more shitters to shit on

this desu
a single mistake at the beginning doesn't force you out of the match for good

I just wish it was actually fun.

tank rb doesn't have an RP multiplier like plane rb?

>play bong tanks
>HAVE to aim for ammo racks or literally get no kills
>shoot ammo rack, see it visibly cook off
>guy is still alive
what the fuck is this bullshit

Had it as well today. Remember to buy premium

already have a goodgoy(TM) account
on top of broken as all hell ammo racks, I only get 1400rp in RB when losing, 1600 when winning
what the fuck man
4 kills a match should net more, right??

Don't even bother, 12 kills no deaths nets me just over 2100RP. You're better off playing light tanks and focusing on capping points or playing a heavy and shrugging off hits.

as im playing brits, my lineup is
Churchill MkIII
Cromwell V
Cromwell I
Shitty Brit 20mm AA truck
best tactics if getting kills doesn't even matter anymore?

Is that the Mk I AA or Mk II? The Mk II is a little fucker. If you ever feel like being a douche just spin around enemy tanks and plink AT rounds into it at point blank while they struggle to hit you. Churchill to slug off rounds, Achilles to club.

>86 ▶
it never did

AC mk II. I've never really had much luck with the Churchill becasue whenever I have to cross somewhere open, my track gets hit, then my turret gets hit then I get carved up. Achilles is nice, but the
>solid shot
fucks me over alot

why is the pershing still 6.3?
why is the jackson still 6.3?
why does the pershing still have only 1 spawn in SB?

friendly reminder that russian bias is constant and sharp

why is the IS-3 still 7.3?

where else should it be in your opinion?


>play 5.0
>fight 6.0
>play 6.3
>fight 7.3

i'll be back next patch to play a few matches and do the same

not even gonna do the comparison for you but please check what 6.0 would end up fighting it then 90% of the time because slavs have downtier preference

boat cbt fucking when omg

burgers in the new SPAA

yeah, i need a good laugh

god damn

>play clappers
>constant uptiering
>no fun

>play slav(e)s
>90% top tier, 10% leave match and play ki100 during downtime


Helmet and pockrt is on suicide watch

desu I always thought female "rocket attack" was better than male "incoming"


>trying to sleep at night

>get some fuckin' aich ee!
gets me every time

I don't know what is happening anymore

guys my propeller is black how much time do i have left befo

why do freedom cals in war thunder sound like fucking helicopter rotors instead of this?

really makes you think

what tank is this?

we could've gotten this ;_;
but instead we got the shitty fucking sparking pieces of shit
fuck you gaijin

all that matters is that a 122mm shells dissapeared on the panther 2 sidearmour because subhuman devs are busy adding floating shit

>round absorbed by track
>literally nothing new
>still buttblasted

+10 SL!

Good start. Good start.

Literally no one feels sorry for you IT-nigger

>Buying the Nazibolt
>Not buying the much more superior Romanian 109G

+2 SL!

>has all the bais on his side
>still manages to do bad and cry

get good

+365293876503286459327654912765r981270635917365493876450936450237654 rubles (about 2 canadian cent)

>Not hitting the turret cheeks

German Bias is constant and sharp


>aiming where there is major modules to damage
>getting hit
>being bad
>not being good

>aiming where there is major modules to damage
isn't that a good place to aim?

reminder that """""""""""""""""""""""ships""""""""""""""""""""""" will be as bad

reminder to report every post by yak

what is the best under tier 3 light tank
and why is it the M5A1

>Fuel Tank, Ammo, Fuel Tank, Engine all burnt out


oops ((

will be fixed after SHIPS ))))))))))))))))))


you're just shooting loader crew

Finally done with this bullshit. At least I didn't get one of the shitty ones.

this is ok



If a Sturer Emil hits you and youre still alive something is wrong.

>tank destroyer with high pen and a large shell hit you in the second weakest spot of your frontal armor and killed you
Is the "bias" that he's better than you?

this is /wtg/. you shouldnt be asking

>Literally and somehow aimed shooting through a patch of woods, while across the fucking map

>Wasn't aiming from inside the woods, but was completely outside, further back

>"There's no bias, you're just bad!!"

>tfw he blindly shot in and around the red icon that pops over your head when spotted

You guys can go FUCK YOURSELVES, you shills

Do you think "bias" just means "situation that made me upset"?

>tfw he blindly shot in and around the red icon that pops over your head when spotted
This is the conclusion you arrive at when somebody snipes you perfectly through heavy concealment? Pretty naive desu.

>when someone uses stealth rounds because they think it makes them look cool but they just end up ramming their plane into the ground because they're a shitter

Gaijin should delete this.

comeback of a great meme

dang that tail gunner has a nice arsenal to work with

>russian tank with autoloader passed to developers review

remember kids, no autoloaders except for slavs

