/gsg/ - Grand Strategy General

We don't have an official steam or discord group. If anyone posts in the thread about any "official" or not steam or discord groups, promising MP or not, be sure it's a shitposter group known for organizing raids and shitposting in the thread. They are known for false-flagging.
Report and ignore it.

How fares your empire, /gsg/?

This day in history, September 2nd:
1649 – The Italian city of Castro is completely destroyed by the forces of Pope Innocent X, ending the Wars of Castro.
1666 – The Great Fire of London breaks out and burns for three days, destroying 10,000 buildings including St Paul's Cathedral.
1870 – Franco-Prussian War: Battle of Sedan: Prussian forces take Napoleon III of France and 100,000 of his soldiers prisoner.
1935 – The 1935 Labor Day hurricane hits the Florida Keys, killing 423.

EU4 Rights of Man DLC announced

EU4 DD18/08

>Random Country Picker

# Archive (mods only)

#Where to get these games

# Mods

>>[HoI4] - More Music Mod

>>[HoI4]Après Moi, Le Déluge

>>[CK2] - user Music Mod

>>[EU4] - Expensive Warfare Mod 1.0

>>[CK2] - After The End

>>[V2] - Historical Project Mod - 29/07/2016

>>[V2] - Napoleon's Legacy v0.3.1.7

>>[V2] Alternative Flag Pack V8

>>[V2] Many Houses Divided - v

Old Thread

Other urls found in this thread:


Reminder to report and ignore shitposting.

White and based

Reminder: Paradox games are casual pieces of shit.


Fourth for Syndicalism.

CK2 proper patch when



Reminder that La Plata is the whitest and most based city in all of Argentina

>no markets
>no pops
t. risk pro


>ero manga

>not using the proper op

I wish historical GS games were this detailed instead of being rock-paper-scissors shit.


What a railroaded piece of shit??

What if I want to become COMMUNIST with Japan huh?? It's a completely plausible scenario so I shouldn't be railroaded into being fascist (ugh...) Also there's a lot of horrible micro there like wtf my soldiers should be able to do shit on their own why would I like to play the game anyway??

I really have no idea what to do in Africa. And these borders I drew are pretty shit, so, please, give me some ideas, lads.

I had missed it, thanks.

Just get Morocco and Somalia+Ethiopia

Wolof to mossi and ashanti, a single unified colony

Also Western Sahara

Don't let your dreams be dream

Just take Morocco and fill it with Spaniards. Anymore and it'll stay brown.

>there are people on this thread RIGHT NOW, who are using reddit

What abou this? A bit better?

Much better

>pls dont raid my safe space guise!

thoughts on this leaked image of the next paradox game


t. arumba

4cheddit raiders BTFO by based Meneth yet again!

its what they should have been from the start

fuck casuals

t. Memeth

t. miskalc

anime desu senpaitachi

So, was meneth part of /gsg/?? How was that like? Does someone have a screenshot?

fuck off


Any idea when CK2+/HIP will be updated for 2.6.1?

iirc he posted here for a while but he was too reddit for the place and he left

No shit Sherlock

Hi newfag

fuck off


t. not even him

Jesus fuck the shitpostiong thread did not even last a few minutes.

Meneth literally lurks here just to delete /gsg/ posts. How sad is that?


according to the paradox forum they dont know yet
some legal bullshit in the new agreement is preventing swmh from updating

someone pls post horses marrying zoroastrians in ck2

What happened?

Did Johan try to jew the modders?

Yes xDxD

>some legal bullshit in the new agreement is preventing swmh from updating
Really? I pirated CK2 so I can't read the forum, but I did skim read the new EULA. Is it because it uses copy-righted material or they don't want Paracocks to take it from them?

no clue

Meneth here, AMA me anything.

why do you hate liquor and bureaucrats

>they don't want Paracocks to take it from them
think it was this
paradox could create a spinoff using their mod
the modders honestly didnt give many details about the issue though

Are you Meneth???????? post broofs xd

That's a shame. I remember hearing they were going to a Mod clause in the new EULA and everyone I talked to came to the conclusion that it would stifle development.

I need to post these pics to justify taking up the space with them.

How many negroid bulls have tugged on your faggy long hair as they pumped their AIDS ridden seed into your disgusting bunghole, you pathetic example of a Norwegian?

I became Emperor and then started waging war against my own subjects to tidy up their borders.

Then I look over and see what England did.

Maybe if you didn't blob into Albania this wouldn't have happened you cunt.


There you go.

After how paracocks acted with the whole steammods debacle I'm not surprised. Don't know who it was but one of the people working at paracucks seriously said "We don't have an issue with modders being donated to or being paid for their mods, as long as we get our cut"

Hello Meneth my old friend, how would you like to conduct our raid on /gsg/ today?

That was Johan being a good businessman. Fuck off.



is that the turks I see in spain?


Come on, /gsg/ This is supposed to be an AMA. Ask questions!


Stop pretending to be me, dumb ledditor.

"Gay shit"

What was the deleted post?

This post is obviously fake since it wouldn't make any sense to shit on reddit being a redditor myself.



I'm waiting for questions.

That doesn't answer me question, laddo.

How do I become as based as you, Based Meneth?

Nabbed a bit of Vietnam for some infamy. I'm hoping that the French events won't spaz out or something like that, and get the rest of Vietnam.

It was the exact same post you inbred fuck

I'm waiting for ACTUAL questions, not troll ones.

You're so based, Based Meneth.

not nice me laddy fãm

Why do you suppor the Homosexual Pedophilia Mod module?

You know what? Fuck you all. Fuck /gsg/ Fuck Paradox. Fuck Johan and fuck HPM. I quit. I will NEVER use a fucking computer again.

You're not going to get any response. This is an underage shitposting thread at the moment.

Based adultposter BTFOing dumb school kiddies


Nice samefagging, retard. Have your stupid (You) and fuck off now to memeddit

Check the events files, you might actually get the events to take the rest of Vietnam now that you own that state.

Right now I am browsing r/paradoxplaza and there's nothing you can do to stop me

That's exactly the state the French always go for first, so you probably dun goof'd it in case you actually wanted French presence in Indochina

Replace one of your cavalry with an engineer.
You'll only get the combat bonuses of 1 cav unit even with 2 so you might as well get an eng so you can siege faster

>at the moment.

fuck off

If it's anything like last night, they'll be gone in 12 hours or so. Temporarily.

>non uniform army sizes
fucking disgusting

>Get new hard drive to release shitty old one
>Archive gutted
>8 Part download crap
>No CK2 for me

Whelp. Just fuck my shit up senpai.

If it's anything like the last year they'll be frequent bouts of genuine raids inbetween domestically raised shitposting.

I miss when /gsg/ was great again.


who the fuck is arumba and why is keep getting mentioned? Googled him and saw he's a youtuber that does gsg and that's it.

Just grab it from Skidrow or cs.rin.ru. This shouldn't be hard.