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8/29 - 9/4: Descended Challenge!
8/29 - 9/11: Orange Contract Dragon Arrives!
9/5 - 9/18: Rurouni Kenshin Collab Arrives

>PAX West Event
[Duration]: 9/2 (Fri) - 9/11 (Sun)

9/2 - 9/11: 1 Daily TAMADRA Dungeon (10 total)

9/2 - 9/11: Experience of a Lifetime

9/2 - 9/11 - Thoth & Sopdet Descended!-Awoken Skills Invalid/5x4 Board
9/2 - 9/11 - All five Carnival Dungeons

9/5 - 9/11: Aqua Challenge!
9/2 - 9/11: Zeus (+297) Descended!

All Four Noble Ones Available in the MP Shop

Fusion Bonuses
4x chance for Skill Ups will be available during the event!

1.5x Coin & Drop Rates for Select Dungeons.

10x +Eggs in Descended Dungeons

TAMADRA Invades in Castle of Satan

Legendary Dungeon Bonus
Select Technical Dungeons Latent Tamadra invades and 20x +egg rates

Spirit Jewels Active in Descended Dungeons

Normal Dungeons EXP Bonus
Normal Dungeons will also receive a special 2x EXP bonus at various timings.

Previous Thread:

Meimei is very hage

I heard miru discussions were banned here?


You forgot the Myr PSA

radra is cuter than myr tbqh


Bride Karin WHEN?

xth for miru

>Raclucks on suicide watch

Every thread until Typhon Ana.


>always miss her dungeon
>have a Typhon that needs disciplined

I need to pay attention to the moonrunes more often.

Fuck off Brandon

Is there no confirmation for beating Geist with Rouge? I better get my rewards.

Is miruposting banned in here or not? I want to follow the rules, but the OP didn't mention anything.


Why are you listening to the fasleflagger?

Delete this trash, she is pig trash and nobody likes her.

Ever post of Myr is a post for Hitler.

>tfw I used the Snow Globe on Tsubaki before I knew about the challenge.

Captcha: Dead end sign



For the purposes of this thread, all discussion of Myr is banned.

This dumb meme that she's better than Ra Dragon needs to die off already.

>connecting Skuld with bad taste

Ruel a qt.

Skuld a qt.

>Veeky Forums filename
Fuck off, falseflagger.

But user, you're the falseflagger.

Skuld is for cute and fluffy, not mean and bullying.

>hustles back to pixiv to grab a new skuld picture because he got called out

Bastet falseflagger found a new target to annoy people with.

Anyone up for button farming light carnival?

Real chat tho, Ruel is the worst angel, right? I know most will agree.

lol shitcat players still exist? I thought they finally necked themselves when they got cucked by Ace.

So if I want to farm dogs for Sengoku skill up, it's best to run the lowest difficulty?

>it's another "le cuck" episode
I know you're the one falseflagging skuld, retard.

lowest difficulty of arena, yeah

thanks it worked

always here to help

>Le skucks dindu nuttin

don't push the blame to me faggot

>Rolled three times today
>Three Verdandi
Is this a sign?

That's good MP.

Yes, you should sell her for MP and get Radra.

Jokes on you, I have Myr

Please stop talking about her. We all know that Radra is still king and there's nothing he can't clear.

>sopdet spawn
>radra clears the floor with ease
>myr gets btfo every time with her new 7.7x
um myrcucks explain this??

any lead can clear anything if you give them 17 stones

What are you talking about??

He makes a good point. Sopdet is Miru's biggest obstacle in a1.

Mech Athena took a Radra player about that many stones to clear
Heart cross and tank leads can 0-stone it without a huge effort

You can still beat her by using unmultiplied rows or a bare minimum match

I want Ruel to grip me with her big meaty claws

Pure rows is almost no damage tier and you won't kill her in time, I've tried it. A bare minimum match can work depending on your team. It seems like most of my subs on beach miru hit just barely over Sopdet's threshold.

I want to lick Ruel's abs.

Enhanced orbs play a large role in whether or not you can do it with a 2-combo. Before the buff I think you could get away with one in a typical hypermaxed team, but now I don't know for sure.

>even Izanagi is rated higher than Ra Dragon

Man, how sad do you have to be to get blown out by Izanagi?

Don't worry, we'll get a qt witch halloween Karin

Oh fuck right up to her sternum

To put in prespective, that is the only Ra Dragon clear on Youtube at all for MAthena. 17 stones to clear, most of them on MAthena.

Artemis was able to 0-stone the dungeon with flying colors. And stalled out MAthena's 99 turn damage shield.

Ra Dragon just can't handle MAthena.

It took a while the first time in JP

3 combos with a cross, off color match and light match with 0 enhanced orbs can still do it. Any enhanced light orbs will fuck you over on Sopdet no matter what.

Have you looked on nicovideo? It might just be that all the RaDra clears are there.

Before you could get one, now it has to be zero. Even back then I didn't like using a single enhanced orb since one skyfall combo = dead.
Either way I haven't died to Sopdet in ages.

has all knight reincarnations changed from lits to masks?

From what I can tell on Youtube, no one posts Ra Dragon videos anymore.

I honestly don't know why.

Are there any cheese teams for the Geist challenge?


cleared myth liberty geist with ease using Bmyr.

I take it that they won't give you notification about clearing it red snow globe until after the event?


Why is this Liberty Geist so incredibly unfun? Fuck this pointless dungeon and the absorbs.

Didn't you read the notice? Myr is banned from this thread.

Leave us Ra Dragon overlords alone.

>NAcucks bitched about Zeus 297 last thread
>NAcucks bitch about Liberty Geist this thread
wow um

What other monsters appeared in the PAD anime besides RSonia?

anyone got bin editors im retard


sent ;)

nvm found it

Who is this guy?


You serious? The first episode or two had almost a dozen monsters. Icefaggot (Lance?) had 5 for his team and the Devidra. There were at least 2 different slimes that I can recall offhand and the cat was a 'monster' too, I believe. Not to mention the big one that wrecked the town and Tamadra.

I think there were a fuck-ton of monsters once they hit the island.

google it

Wait someone watched it?



I do

Does it get better after episode 2?

Not really, but I just keep watching for best girl in hope that they might buff her some day.

So Sumire can't do Geist at all because floor 5 has absorb?

What is the requirement for being able to use your friend again?

So its about some fag kid?

Should've been politics and war like Game of Thrones with the dragons, demons, and pantheon gods. That nigga Ganesha would be hoarding gold.

Your friend has to connect to the game, such as fusing, changing a team, entering a dungeon, starting the game, etc.

What happens after five turn water absorb ends?

And XP

No, Sumire gets to ignore the water absorb entirely. Other water leaders have to stall it out unless they bring a shield/dark null.

I don't think another effect comes.
So you'd have to shield every turn and wait it out?

I don't think I'd have enough actives.


>not having enough actives to stall 5 turns
>on a team with ridiculous rcv due to heart enhance and tons heart makers
Please user, you don't even need dupes for that.

Most teams just use gravity. Otherwise any skill that would let you survive the 1% hit.

If you have root access, you can also just delete data026.bin in the game's Documents folder to refresh your friend list. You won't get extra pal points by doing this though, and I don't think it works if they haven't logged in over a day either.


What's wrong with her arm/hand?

It's only three and he'll make enough water orbs to kill himself.

Fuck off.

Now that's just rude.

What did you guys use to clear that liberty geist snow globe challenge? The only thing I have that might be able to clear it is Sumire but I only have one of her and not enough heart generators to last. I tried it with Sarasvati to just overdamage everything but it's so utterly reliant on skyfalls due to that retarded dongbot.

Resolve makes me want to rip my veins open and drown my phone in blood. This fucking blue elephant is raping every orifice I have and then some.
I have to just pray that I won't get a skyfall when I try to ease him over that fucking threshold, or else whoops I'm dead.

Wish I had a meme cross team