/owg/ - Overwatch General

Mei is Bae edition (Ice puns go itt)
Previous thread Competitive Season 2 is now live on PC and Xbox (PS4 players RIP). How are your placements going?

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that one is gross

Jamison Fawkes!

Reposting: Requesting greentext of roadhog, had something about huffing paint in it.

Cutest and best pairing

honestly best thread here

I am blessing this thread with the good grace of the lord

Do not post art that goes against the word of the lord

Actual new thread is here

>play Mei on attack in comp
>team bitches "hurrrr mei on attack!? NOOO"
>save all their asses and win the game

Mei is truly bae

Fuck off moron



I had a dream with Jesus in it the other day. You guys think I'm a prophet

yes leave that pic makes most of us vomit

I'll stick with this thread.

What are the best ways to use Mei effectively without pissing your teammates off?


Please go back to your hole, heathen.

The lord doesn't accept these urges.

>Do not post art that goes against the word of the lord

Is muh giantess fetish against the word of the lord? Asking for a friend.

widowmaker's lethal blueberry farts

Just two girls playing a game

Your lord a shit, my lord loves thicccccc and fucks thighspussy all day everyday

Thank you for the blessing user!

You could have at least fixed the PS4 thing since they're live now.

>Making a new thread before the image limit or the bump limit

>Making TWO new threads because you give a shit what the OP picture is

What the fuck is this autism?

PS4 cucks on perpetual suicide, more like Suicidewatch. What a horrendous faggot!

There aren't any. Even if you're the best Mei player in the world, your team will get pissy as fuck and blame you for every mistake they make because that's just the way most shitheads are.

Mei can be a huge asset on any map if you know what you're doing. You're caught in a choke point under heavy fire? Block off the fire with a wall so everyone can run through. Moving the payload and a Bastion is right in front of you? Block him off.

Dva ultimate coming at you? Block it off and save your team. Caught in Zarya's gravity? Put up a wall to save the team from fire. Etc etc. They'll still blame you every time they fuck up though.

And that buffed ultimate of hers is nothing to sneeze at.


>he's coming too?

The lord visited you because you have potiental

That is perfectly fine, my son.

I shall see it that you will be punished for this incursion. Please do not come back here, go join your friends in the other heathen thread

>have a hitscan on our team
>enemy has a pharah that in the sky for more than 5 seconds
I can already tell you're shit. Rape that stupid egyptian cunt until she switches


This is /co/ level cancer. Is /co/ seeping in here?

Anyone want to do some placements? Was just stuck in a 6-man premade with some level 20 Mercy who never rezzed anyone and refused to switch to Zen.

>tfw no qt Smugberry with her nice ass on my face letting out loud blueberry blasts

How FAST can tracer go?
Is she just fast, or FAST fast?

>yfw the majority of owg are just shitters who just fantasize about heroes


faster than lúcíó

I think it's because the last few threads haven't had any waifus in the OP so they were getting desperate. The threads have even been discussing the game instead of waifu-posting. It must be stifling for them.

cant out cuddle bear lady

>That is perfectly fine, my son.

You heard the man, fellas.

Time to think BIG

It's the minority during the hours that working folks are awake. It's when the NEETs and kiddies get out of school that things go downhill.

Heroes never survive

>still image
The homosexuality was one sin, but this is another

The house of prayer is open every sunday, I suggest you make an appointment

most who stay in the thread and post shipping shit are the shitters

I bet they don't even own the game


anyone else actually hate when they get potg? I just can't watch it and start awkward laughing


At least one Widowposter confirmed he doesn't even own the game and stays in the threads for the "culture".

Only with D.Va
Everytime I do it's an ult multi-kill and boring as hell

It's nice once in a while, but I start feeling really self-conscious if I get it more than twice with the same team.

sfm overwatch might be the most appalling thing I have ever seen

Are people still hype for this?

No, because it lets everyone else in the game know I'm better than them.

I want to boop her nose.

>Season 2 comp starts
>surely this will be an improvement over season 1 and there will be less bullshit
>win 1 match lose 5 in placement matches

Every loss, someone leaves while we're winning, which just causes other people to leave. How does this keep happening every time? someone explain this shit. Who leaves when your team is winning?

Mei can be a huge asset on any map sure. The thing is though there are larger assets that you could be playing and if you are good enough to make Mei viable and good you would be doing four times better as something else.

Since patch potgs have gotten way more boring

Yeah exactly, it's strange.

Anyone want to play or just beat our dicks to the cute girls? I'm up for either

>Get placed into low-mid gold.
>Proceed to lose 5 fucking matches in a row
>mfw in all of them I had to be the healer because these people literally refused to play anything other than a dps or a tank.
>Getting 14k+ healing every fucking game and Gold Medal on Objective time every single time too.
>"Oh my god our healer sucks so bad."
>"Why the fuck are you going solo into their whole team Hanzo?"
>"Shut up noob."
Make it stop.
Please make it stop.


Beat dick

Eh, Mei is better.

Welcome to Overwatch ranked where it's either.

1. People actually cooperating in voice chat
2. People bitching out someone else for playing Hanzo
3. People turning off voice chat, and playing like cucks.
4. Too many flankers.

>First placement match
>3 star prestige insta locks hanzo

Most other heroes aren't as fun as Mei. And isn't the point to have fun?

>discord an ulting genji
>headshot him and die
>team doesn't manage to kill him


If you masturbate, you'll go blind

Most people who play this game are absolute shitters and I can't imagine actually using voice chat with them. Too many 12 year olds, edgelords, and fuckers who take video games too seriously.

post your stats

I assure you that Mei's assets are quite large.

>spectate a d.va on my team
>it's shooting a 76 being pocket healed instead of shooting the fucking half HP mercy
people are fucking retards dude

I find the quality of matches I play improves dramatically when I ask everyone to sound off over their mic at the beginning.

Also I placed in mid plat. Most of my placement matches were really close games with no frustration, it's been nice.

>Voice chat
>Hear a little kid

I've made so many friends in Overwatch who want me to play with them in comp because I know match ups. But every time I play with them, they either tilt, brag about how good their 'x' is ; Which isn't even that good. , or decide it's a good idea to cowboy.

Why do people rely on smart people to carry them out of Ranked?

I like hearing information about where the team is forming up though. It helps me out with stopping a McCree or a Genji from thinking they're good.

Uh, guys? Can we talk about this?


>tfw enemy team builds a horrifying turtle comp with symmetra, torbjorn, bastion, and rein
>tfw to defeat them you have to taint yourself with skillrat

Place your bets

Junkrat is a respectable character for respectable gentlemen.

>I bet Winston would love to study your brain.

No. We can never talk about this. We need to just forget about this degeneracy forever.

Man hani is fucking disgusting
worst EXID by far

I want to fuck the bunny in Zootopia

>inb4 hurr youre the only constant

Junkrat is cute! CUTE!

He kind of looks like Ster

>d.va shooting from miles away

How long until we get a porno parody made by an actual studio? They could call it "Whorewatch".

I stopped giving a fuck a few weeks ago.





I'm getting my butthole boi reamed every fucking placement match. Just got placed 2110 after screaming my way losing all but 1 placement match averaging +20k damage and 4 golds.

Is every fucking high rank autist playing? why the fuck is my team doing so goddamn poorly?

>widowmaker instalock in comp

whatever could it mean

>now entering temple of anubis

Why does Soldier 76 use a futuristic pulse rifle if it becomes inaccurate after a few shots?

Why not just use a normal gun?

>trust me guys im awesome with her
>lol jk ill switch now

Reinhardt animated short when?

hey guys what are your comp ranks

and no dont give me shit about how your team did bad and you didnt