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AGDG Logo: pastebin.com/iafqz627

>Previous Demo Days

>Previous Jams


GameMaker: yoyogames.com/gamemaker
Godot: godotengine.org/
Haxe: haxeflixel.com/
LÖVE: love2d.org/
UE4: unrealengine.com/what-is-unreal-engine-4
Unity: unity3d.com/

> Models/art/textures/sprites

> Free audio

Other urls found in this thread:


Lewd Jam

>Next Game Jam (Lewd -- Blueboard rules still apply)

>Lewd Jam Collabs

Demo Day in 5 days!
Who here ready? I'm not

I think I'm going to upload my game regardless of its state

That jam has nothing to do with adgd

I need lewd game ideas.

I'll pay you back in shitty pixel art lewds

It's zoomed out twice as much as it was before, do you think this is good or too far out now?

Thank you!!

if you're a programmer looking for an artist, post some of your code and let's talk

>Exposing my code in public to a stranger.

W-what kind of programmer do you think I am?~


yes, what art do you do? do you have a degree or are you working on one? how long have you been doing art? what sort of commitment do you expect? what sort of commitment can you guarantee? do you expect to be paid?

a low rent one with no standards, now open up, slut~

You play as a lewd storekeeper. The store can either be lewd merchandise or it's normal merchandise and you just happen to be a lewd girl, whichever you prefer.
Spend the day selling things and restocking. At the end of the day you take a lewd bath after all that hard work.

So I personally like 5 the most for the ears, and it got three votes so that's good enough for me. For now we'll be going with those. Now here are some eye styles.

>haven't work on my game for over a month
>still get a new tumblr follower almost every day

i dont want to let them down but i still have almost no motivation


>engine dev

That's the problem user. Motivation is not reliable, it only comes in small bursts and you have no control over it. You have to force yourself to dev. Open up that game and add something, even if it's small and non-important. Adding small things might set off motivation to make some bigger progress, but even if it doesn't you're still making progress. Don't be afraid that this will burn you out or something, because it wont, if you ever need time away from the game you can still do that, so there's no risk of burn out.

Exercise and healthier eating can also help motivation, if you don't already do those.


Is goglam still becoming literally insane narcissism shitposter, or was that confirmed someone else?

I was planning on trolling agdg by recording some obscure snes platformer and pass it as mine, but then I got lazy.

maybe someone can do it for me.

This is good advice. I have very much found motivation to be a "snowball effect". You start off with non, and the more you stick with it, the more motivation you get. Sometimes your snowball hits a tree (like running into a bug that takes you a week to fix) which demotivates you, but you just gotta start another snowball. Sounds like cheesy reddit-tier advice, but it's the truth - at least for me.

i remember that meem


that's not true


Definitely looks better, but you might be restricted in what you can fit in due to the tile size. A smaller size would give you a little more flexibility in design.

Are you gonna to reply to yourself posting a GM screenshot and then say "No thanks gl with GM m8" to yourself once again right?

you know that might actually work if it was a hubless tread

Can you get those on the asset store?

I'm guessing that's a meme around here, but no, if I'm going to get involved in a project I like to know how it's being made

Good one engie. Say, where's your game?


>I don't know what friction is

Not all "engies" are rotatedev you schizoid freak.


If one of the wheels were flat while the other was on the triangle point, and vise versa it would be easier to ride



>implemented both Windows API for windows and SFML as a fallback
>using SFML is fucking garbage

what is this crap

>implemented both Windows API for windows and SFML as a fallback
Sounds really dumb.
Just use glfw if you need a cross-platform window.

The reason for my own windowing system is to avoid bloated APIs like SFML and GLFW

remember to start doing cardio and lifthing.

The planet having a really dark shadow but everything else is really bright looks off. Otherwise it's looking good.


ummmmm lol???

GLFW isn't bloated, though. It's got some strange design decisions, but definitely no cruft.

It's the least bloated.
You'll end up with something slightly more lightweight and probably much more buggy than glfw since it's been tested over a long time.

>SFML is fucking garbage
SFML is great shut your whore mouth

>you should use isKeyPressed instead of Events ;}

every time I see SFML I read it as Source Film Maker Language

It is, absolutely nothing in there mentions AGDG. I don't know why it still goes in the OP.

I have this bullet script to detect collisions in GM:S, but it hangs the application when firing bullets to the left. Any ideas?

///Bullet collision

>not doing SDL
You fucked up.

Any good blueprint tutorials? I'm retarded.

Also animation for vidya.

>engie still crying about lewd jam not being agdg
You don't even have a game...

SDL is better

If the application doesn't crash and instead hangs then the error is a loop.

don't look at their official website or youtube

get in discord

Well no shit, I asked what was wrong with the code, not why it hangs instead of crashes.

Has the cuckjam creator even made one?

i'm not sure what your point is

doesn't mean that SFML still isn't great


You need to use a function that checks if a key is pressed every tick rather than relying on the window's event system to handle key pressed.

Sorry, I assumed you were a native English speaker.
The lines of code in your while loop are wrong.

buddy, input handling will never be your bottleneck


I don't see code correctly indexed.

>this salt factory that keeps removing the lewd jam from the OP

My code is working roughly.
How does one lubricate their code?

Gee, thanks captain obvious! I would have never guessed that my loop was the culprit!

I asked what was wrong with it, not why. You fucking moron.

I want to give the player a new weapon every 10,000 points. My score variable goes up by different amounts, so it's possible that it will, for example, go from 9,000 to 11,000 and skip 10,000, which means I can't check if score % 10,000 == 0. What should I do instead?
I know I can make a "hiddenScore" variable and increase it just like score, and check if it's greater than or equal to 10,000, then reset it to 0. Is there a better way?

I found the best way is to "group" related variables. For example, if you have an "X" and "Y" variable that tell the coordinates of something - instead use a Vector2 type (or create one yourself from a structure). Even if it's only used once and seems like a waste of time now - if you come back and read it later it will be much more obvious as to what's going on.

I would say it's probably just people copy pasting the previous thread but that implies that it's impossible for a single person to camp out in agdg all day just so they can make the new threads. It's not only possible, it's likely.

score / 10000 == 0
depending on your language, you might have to truncate

First check if the score is over 10,000. If it is, give the player the weapon. Then subtract the total score from 10,000 (so in this case, 11,000 - 10,000 = 1,000) and make that your new score total.

void increaseScore(int delta) {
int prevScore = score;
score += delta;
if (floor(score/10000) != floor(prevScore/10000)) {

>x += lengthdir_x(1, sign(hspd));
>y += lengthdir_y(1, sign(vspd));
I'm pretty sure you just want:
>x += sign(hspd);
>y += sign(vspd);
lengthdir is trigonometry.

All of it. The whole loop. Everything between { and } is entered incorrectly.

If you know where the error is, problem solve your own damn code. No one owes you an answer, the documentation is there for a reason.


I have "With Automatic Weights" on

He's using the functions incorrectly, but what I imagine he's trying to do is have the bullet move 1 pixel at a time to avoid possible over shooting.

I started doing cardio about a week ago, worked my way up to 60 mins daily burning about 450 calories. Programming is harder, answers don't just pop out inherently anymore, but I also stopped coffee and started supplementing my calories with candy, so its unknowable which factor is harming my dev

>With Automatic Weights
Depending on the issue that might be what's causing it if you didn't actually check to see where it assigned the weights and to what.

i know what you're referring to. i maintain that it will never be a bottleneck. what is your issue again? you don't like having two different options?

how the fuck do you art tilesets ;_;

I can see why since the jam is pretty much something completely separate from agdg.

Wait, no you don't. You want to get the direction from your hspd and vspd, and move along that.
>d = point_direction(0, 0, hspd, vspd);
>x += lengthdir_x(1, d);
>y += lengthdir_y(1, d);

Yeah, I figured that, but that specific code I gave will only work for 8-directional shooting. Not sure how the fuck it's working for him at all.

OP, if it's only shooting left and right, you can just use "x += sign(hspd)".

One day even phones will be too powerful for optimization to matter.
What then?
Will all programmers just make spaghetti code?

>when it's not even a bottleneck problem
Are you new?

Where do I check to see where it assigned the weights and to what?

Spaghetti code has far worse effects than just performance. It makes code impossible to maintain, it makes it buggy.

did you link it properly? read the manual

I don't have a game

Programmers will make spaghetti code regardless.

let me guess, oop?

>Will all programmers just make spaghetti code?

This is pretty much already the case though. Even people who think they aren't making spaghetti code, probably are. It's not an easy thing to get right when your program or vidya becomes very large.

Am I making game right?

He's on the right track. I think it's just that the arguments are wrong. lengthdir functions need an angle, not a speed. With that sign(), his bullet is always going to be going right.

What he needs to do is.
var angle = point_direction(bullet, target);
x += lengthdir_x(1, angle);
y + = lengthdir_y(1, angle);

It was made here, like 4 days after space jam ended. It's loosely connected

That's the code I just wrote.

you apparently have issue with the fact that sfml offers two different ways of handling keyboard input
i cannot for the life of me understand why you might have this issue, so i thought that you might be worried about the performance hit sfml might take by making these two options available, but that would be silly be any such "hit" would be neglibible
so what is your problem? are you just shitposting?